*walks into the bar with a big grin*
Hey guys. First day of school today. Went OK, I'm a Junior so I get all the ladies without trying.

I'm reading a really interesting book about making people like you. It's very interesting, but even more interesting is the fact I already knew everything it has to say.
*lifts hand and orders a Berry Beer and some crackers*
I'm really excited for tomorrow. I hope I can make a lot more friends then I have in the past couple of years in highschool. Also other good news is that I have a very close friend in all of my classes. So I don't have to be nervous or anything.

Right now I'm listening to Switchfoot playing "Meant to Live" and the time is now 10:03. I've promised myself I'd hit the sack before 10:30. I have to get up at 6:00 to get ready for school. It kind of stinks. But the bonus time really pays off...I've got plenty of time to shower, dress, eat, browse the net for a minute, brush my teeth, and try and do something with what little hair I have.
Still on the topic of school: I don't understand girls. They tell there friends they hate me, and then they come over and talk really nice with me and say crazily nice things. I just don't get it. I read that if they keep eye contact or something like that then they like you. Anybody have any input on this?
*picks up a napkin and wipes off face, hands the emtpy glass and cracker wrapers back to the tender*
Maybe this year I'll get lucky and actually go on a REAL date.

Who knows! Just gimme any tips you do. I'll be by later to pick up on this.
For now...goodnight gentle men. And of-course gentle ladies.
*walks out, waving to everybody*