Neighbor wanted a new computer after realizing their old Mac that they recieved as a gift - was just too old for anything they wanted to do.
They had me price computers for them, and I obviously was pushing Apple HARD on them - the iMacs especially since they have a low budget (and anything beyond that is seriously overkill for them).
They ended up getting an HP!!!
I was up there setting up the wretched thing... god - can they possibly make worse computers???!!!
And what's up with all the fregging trash of "filler" software - the fregging desktop had 3 rolls of icons on it! ALL of them went straight to the trash! I was so tempted to uninstall EVERYTHING but the core OS (well, I would but I don't think they'd understand Linux!
And every possible online service you can think of - pre-installed AND the CDs in the box!
WinXP Home, Celeron CPU, 256 MBs RAM, On-Board Video with NO AGP slot - 64 MBs of SHARED Video Memory!!! ARGH!!!! SOMEONE WAKE ME FROM THIS NIGHTMARE!!!
They got it cuz it was cheap, $500 with rebate ($800 before rebate I think) with printer.
Oh, and I pretty much have to teach them to use WinXP - when WinXP is not newbie friendly AT ALL I quickly figured out! (not to mention I don't even have it on any of my PCs)
And finally - why do you get to select a "Language" when it's setting up when it does NOT change the computer's Langurage (like on OSX!)???!!!
*Wonder if I can convince them to return that POS and spend some more money for the flat-panel iMac*