Herve's Bar & Grill

Hey, that was my 3K post!!! Free champagne for this page!! Arden... garbanzo snacks! green tea ice! frozen sangria! Anything that can cheer us up today ... :D
Originally posted by Darkshadow
Err...who's defending Saddam?

All them people who are / have been against the war... and some others...
(at least in my book)

I'd been wanting for ANYONE to kick Sadam's rear for ages (for as long as I've known about him and what he does, especially after reading 1984 back in College).

I didn't care who or how. Just so happens that we did! And it did NOT matter to me if he had Nukes or not! Mission Accomplished (well, I still want his head on a steak but good enough for now). :p
Originally posted by Giaguara
Hey, that was my 3K post!!! Free champagne for this page!!

Damn Gia!
I've been here longer - I remember when you matched and passed me on posts! And I'm just nearing my 1234's post! heh :)
Originally posted by Sogni
All them people who are / have been against the war... and some others...
(at least in my book)

I'd been wanting for ANYONE to kick Sadam's rear for ages (for as long as I've known about him and what he does, especially after reading 1984 back in College).

I didn't care who or how. Just so happens that we did! And it did NOT matter to me if he had Nukes or not! Mission Accomplished (well, I still want his head on a steak but good enough for now). :p

You can be sure that Iraq was better to live in before USA bombed Baghdad, than it is right now. Sure, Saddam is a power-hungry oppressing dictator, and so is Bush. I'm sure the US government breaks with more human rights than Saddam ever did.

Tell me exactly how democratic Iraq is right now. Innocent people are being killed every week by US troops in raids. How much do you hear about that in American mass media?

I don't think you quite got the point - USA supported the military coup, 11. September 1973. They were directly responsible for the murders of thousands of people in Chile.

Makes a whole lot of sense, doesn't it?
I guess I don't understand what happened in 1973, especially since I wasn't born yet and is so far in the past (to me - excuse my ignorance)...

I don't know how different Iraq is today than when Sadam was (still is?) in power - Sadam and his people killing innocent for fun, vs US Killing innocent trying to find Sadam and his men? I guess it comes down to which is the lesser evil...

Yes it really upsets me that innocent are being killed - nomater who's doing the killing. But at least the US is trying to stop it, vs Sadam's encouragement! :mad:
The US is killing virtually no innocent people compared to the number of innocent people killed by Saddam every week. US troops do not fire on anyone unless they are undoubtfully threatened. The only time innocent people are truely killed is when a bomb misses its target, or there are innocent people inside of a target (those people were usually placed there by Saddam to discourage us from bombing it anyway).

I don't understand how you can consider Bush a dictator. Could you please explain your thinking? Don't get me wrong, I not a big fan of Bush or of our government, but at the current time it is one of, if not, the best government in the world.

While it is true that the US supported some radicals, this was purely to get a government in place that was better then what the country had in most cases; but once the party that we supported rose to power they because power hungry and corrupt.

Please don't all of the world's problems on the USA, and make sure you know the whole story before coming to a conclusion.
Let's save the political talk for other threads and celebrate G's 3000th birthday—er, post, and commemorate all the 9/11's of history. Not in my bar, please...

For now, enjoy some sundaes. The red, white, and blue one (3rd from the last) is on the house; the others will "cost."
Neighbor wanted a new computer after realizing their old Mac that they recieved as a gift - was just too old for anything they wanted to do.

They had me price computers for them, and I obviously was pushing Apple HARD on them - the iMacs especially since they have a low budget (and anything beyond that is seriously overkill for them).

They ended up getting an HP!!!
I was up there setting up the wretched thing... god - can they possibly make worse computers???!!!

And what's up with all the fregging trash of "filler" software - the fregging desktop had 3 rolls of icons on it! ALL of them went straight to the trash! I was so tempted to uninstall EVERYTHING but the core OS (well, I would but I don't think they'd understand Linux! :D).

And every possible online service you can think of - pre-installed AND the CDs in the box! :confused:

WinXP Home, Celeron CPU, 256 MBs RAM, On-Board Video with NO AGP slot - 64 MBs of SHARED Video Memory!!! ARGH!!!! SOMEONE WAKE ME FROM THIS NIGHTMARE!!! :p

They got it cuz it was cheap, $500 with rebate ($800 before rebate I think) with printer.

Oh, and I pretty much have to teach them to use WinXP - when WinXP is not newbie friendly AT ALL I quickly figured out! (not to mention I don't even have it on any of my PCs)

And finally - why do you get to select a "Language" when it's setting up when it does NOT change the computer's Langurage (like on OSX!)???!!!

*Wonder if I can convince them to return that POS and spend some more money for the flat-panel iMac* :(
Good luck with that. Maybe try to find them a second-hand Mac, hopefully from someone you know, because that's more reliable than eBay et all.

The first drink is on the house, Sogni.
Hmm...favoritism going on here. I never get drinks on the house.

Maybe I should stop teasing the bartender so much. :p

(Sorry arden, you just make it so easy to do sometimes, I just can't resist. :D)

If someone asked me to set up a PC with Windows anything on it, I'd ask them if they'd like it thrown out the window or smashed with a baseball bat. ::angel:: ;)
i need cofeine free drinks... i worked the whole week on the 2004 budget... i need some rest.
The breakfast special for the next breakfast hour (local time, as in your local time) will be home-cooked blintzes from Trader Joe's, $1.25 per blintz. They will be served from 4 a.m. to 11 a.m. (again, your time), and a tall glass of orange juice is only $1.50 more.


  • blintzes.jpg
    46 KB · Views: 6
Not only is that waaay overpriced, those don't even look like food. :confused:

Hmm, Dr Pepper or orange juice are actually my drinks of choice. Err, non-alcoholic drinks of choice, I mean. ;)
You've obviously never had blintzes before. They look funny because I put them on plastic wrap to avoid greasing up the scanner. They're really quite tasty, especially if you put strawberry-flavored toppings on them.
Uh, but it's an old one! LOL

I got the Mac that the HP I was cursing about last night replaced.

(click the picture to see a bigger version)

It's a Performa 550.
I used it for like 5 minutes yesterday, I just got it today but haven't set it up yet.

Any tips for this machine?

Can I squeeze any more juice out of it? Any upgrades? What's the most recent version of Mac OS I can install? (I'm guessing OS X is out of the question since it's not even a PowerPC) What about Linux? I'm guessing it uses a SCSI hard drive? I'd want to get a bigger one (why? not sure).

Hmmm... a file server? No wait! an MP3/4 server!!! :D