Herve's Bar & Grill

My old iMac died, and tell the truth, I kinda wish my current old iMac would die. I could get a 1GHZ G4 iMac ! Superdrive! Oh, stupid reliable as rock macintoshes!
It's going to be a while before I get any good pictures for sponsorship I've decided. I also decided to drop my current "crew" and move onto a newer one. Why? Because the people I skate with right now don't support me, and they make me feel like crap. So I suck more and more when they bring me down.

I broke my kingpin (AGAIN!) today, so we didn't get any pictures, except for this and three others. The picture you see here is me trying to 5-0 a little ledge, but my truck popped off and is flying towards the ground. ;)


  • break.jpg
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Nice, um, lens flare...

Mr. K: You could always try to break it, like use it while wet, install weird stuff on it, etc.

very cool picture arden. very cool.

as for dead hardware, let me say HALLELUJAH!!! my external 80 gb drive has just arisen from the dead! or maybe it was just a coma. all i know is that it i has been unmountable for about 2 months now and suddenly i plugged it in and disk utility repaired it and it works now! the only thing i did was repair the permissions on my boot drive today. it's like a miracle!! stand up and shout "praise the computer Gods" with me!!

seriously, it's working again. i didn't bother posting a thread or asking for help on this because i seem to be the only one around here that tries to fix such things anyway. everybody else just says reformat when DW doesn't work.

so just remember folks, always get your permissions straight. :)
Hmm, I would have tried repairing the permissions earlier.

And I don't ever say reformat, BTW. ;)

That's just the easy way out. :D
It's sure easy to say that after the fact...
Any know computer voodoo? I'm sure if you got a iMac doll, and say wrote my current ip address on it, and worked your magic this might die! But please, just ruin the monitor or something - I don't want the HD to go bad because I don't have it backed up at all.
hay all... *pulls up a seat*
I'm not legal to drink yet... so... get me a coke or root bear or sprite... whatever... umm... ok sprite.
Wait... bar... umm...
*goes to the kiddy corner*
:D :( :mad: ;) :p
actually, i had reparied the premissions back when it first had the problem and it didn't solve the issue at that time. i have no explanation for this except that many times in my mac using lifetime i have experienced things that seemingly fix themselves over a period of time. maybe it was running the washing machine that shook the drive back into alignment or something. i don't know, i don't care, i'm just happy with my miracle. :D

Hmm, there's one I'll have to keep a note on. If hard drive fails, place next to washing machine. :D

Actually, I have one like that...even stranger, really. My clock kept getting set back to Dec 1979 whenever I shutdown or reboot. I'm figuring that my nvram battery is dying, but since I hardly ever shutdown or reboot, it wasn't a very big deal. It was that way for a good 3 or 4 months.

Ok, so I moved about two weeks ago. I unplugged my computer and all about 3 or 4 days before the move. When I plugged it back in, lo and behold, the date was set right, and any time I reboot or shutdown, it stays set right.

Go try to figure that one out. :D

"Do what you can to make the computer feel welcome in your home. This includes talking to it, naming it, and even offering words of encouragement."

Aha! The real reason why Macs suffer fewer problems than PCs! Mac users do these sorts of things all the time, and their computers apparently benefit from it. Effective immediately, I will rename all my computers, from their current, clinical monikers--Old HP, Media Center, etc.--to something warmer.

When I got my Mac, I had a peecee. He was jealous. Even before I got the mac, he was jealous. He could feel when I had cheated him touching or dreaming of a Mac, and he got very upset. He got also upset when I changed his name from LaKalsa to something else, so I had to rename him back. It did not feel right to have both, thus the peecee got an other, better home.

Maybe Macs are less problems as they feel more loved than the peecees.
Ed, I've had the same issue come up with our old external SCSI 8.4 GB La Cie drive. After so much time, it seems to die, whereby it simply stops spinning up as it's supposed to. Well, after a few months of taking it offline and doing nothing with it, I can plug it back in (to the wall, as in power) and it will spin up like it didn't before. I think we should replace it, but then I think I should replace my iMac with a G5 (my sister can have the iMac to replace her LC).