Herve's Bar & Grill

Exactly my point Gia! Exactly! :)
Is it really so hard for people to think that way?
I mean, think of how much better off the world would be!
When the september 11th thing happened, I was working with some Afghans (and many Africans and East Europeans). I felt very sad knowing their old hometown had been bombarded later (in Afghanistan, not NYC) and that their parents and relatives were still living there and they could not hear nothing from them for weeks, months .. no phone, no electricity, no water even. Untill that I thought the Columbian passport was the worst one, that nobody wanted to steal one and that you could pretty much get in trouble anywhere just showing that ... :( does anything matter? When will the humans be one? When does it not matter what skin color has your neighbor, how he calls his god and what is his home language? I don't want to be ashamed of all the humanity. .. bad day. Arden, bring us to drink, I offer a round. I want a glass of dark red wine .. you sogni?
Whoa...I wasn't making any racial comments, Sogni. Like I said, I grew up 2 1/2 hours from Mexico. The place I grew up is 85% hispanic. I have many hispanic friends, to whom I still call even though I moved up here to Delaware.

I used to go to Mexico all the time too. I know how hard working they are. I'm also not begrudging them coming here to work for money then going back. I'd probably do it too.

Err...and BTW, I am working for a Mexican. He doesn't own the company I work for, but he's the plant manager. A pretty cool guy all around. Though he doesn't mix with us workers much. :D

I was cracking a joke about the nonexistent help. That was it. I only went and explained it a little more because not everyone was going to know what "INS" meant. And when I say that I used to yell it out, yes, I did, but that was when I was around 10 or 11...I didn't really understand why it was a bad thing when I was that old, I just thought it was funny. Like I said, my mom usually hit me upside the head when I did. (And I'm not kidding, she used to literally hit me upside the head :p)

Don't be so quick to judge people.
I am not a racist man in any way shape or form. Please do not get the wrong impression of me. I believe that every human being is equally important and valuable. I am not better then anyone else, if anything I am lower then them.

Speaking of Afghans, just found out that my dad is getting sent to Afghanistan for the army reserves.
Ok, here we go:

This Friday me and my "crew" are getting together to throw down some good skating at the Orem, UT skatepark. We'll be there from 7:00 am till around 9:00 pm. Getting pictures, footage, and stealing sodas from little kids like we always do.

We're all mainly going because of me. I'm trying to get sponsored by two companies right now (Blankdecks and Geertsen) if I get sponsored it could really mean a lot to me. I wouldn't have to worry about ways to come up with money to buy new clothes or skateboards. Plus I'll have something to show with my life.

But I'm scared. Not that I won't get sponsored. But I'm scared of what people will think. I guess I don't care that much, but what people think about you and your life is what everybody is thinking about. :D Anyway, most people today consider skateboarding to be a ring of drugs, sex, and violence. When in reality it's a sport. It's a very amazing sport that I wish everybody would welcome into their lives. It's like soccer or baseball, or even football. It's got it's teams, it's big events, heck: it's even got it's own "stadiums".

But people still usually think of it as something extremely bad. And I just think of it purely as a fun sport that I can do.

Comments on this? And anybody wanna wish me luck on the sponsorships? :D
luck! Being sponsored to do something you really love to do would be so bomb... The only thing is you would alwaays have to wear the same brand of clothes (is it like that with a skateboarding sponsorship?).
And skateboarders really don't have that bad a rep around at my school, some of my good friends happen to be. It seems like they can make even the worst classes fun, and most of them aren't *bad* kids.
well, I guess it depends on your definition of bad, and these guys aren't too representative of "skater," but who cares.
God, this post is ugly :mad:
Sogni, I'm cutting back on your cappuchinos for a while.

Remember, there is only one race: the human race. That being said, we have an afghan at home. Sometimes I cover it up over myself when I watch TV.

Trip: Good luck and Godspeed to you, my friend. I wish you the best. Are you going to wear your custom shirt?
Hey, have great luck, Trip! Sounds cool. I haven't ever seen skaters as bad, but then again, I mostly hung out with 'em when I was in high school. Err, though I didn't 'board, I bladed. ;)

And don't go around worrying about what other people think of you or what you do...you start doing that, then you'll start doing things you wouldn't normally do just because you think that's what is expected of you. It tends to kill your creativity and uniqueness when you go too far with that.

So be like me, and say "To hell with the rest of you, I'm doing what I want!" ;)

(err, to a certain extent, of course. I'm not endorsing you to go out and become an anarchist or anything. :p)
Hey thanks for all the replies (and well wishes)! If I do get sponsored I'm going to always wear one companies clothing and then ride the other companies board. I have no problem with that though seeing as how I already do it. :)

I'll keep you all updated.
Go skater go!
You should definetly get apple to sponsor you, and always be decked out in whatever is hip and fashionable plus apple hardware.
Apple would buy you whatever clothes were popular, and then give you it's hardware to associate the apple product and being in style together.
That would rock!
Can you wear an iPod when you skate? Or is it way too bumpy? You probably wouldn't be able to fall... so you would either have to be a really lame skater or just incredibly good...
I use to listen to music while skating. But then one day I smashed the mp3 player into nothing. It sucked really bad. I was pulling pieces out of my pocket for weeks.

Ack! I just broke my truck (the thing the wheels are on) into two pieces! Hopefully I can get that replaced by Friday!!!
Why would Apple sponsor a skater (except, maybe, Tony Hawk)? I'd go for the sponsors who make apparel, skateboards, shoes, etc... stuff that skaters would be interested in. If there were more skaters making home movies of themselves with iMovie, then maybe Apple, but I don't think Apple is the right sponsor for Trip. It's like Colgate sponsoring The Fast and the Furious... wrong audience.

If you did get Apple as a sponsor, though, that would rock!
Hey ya never know! Infact I have a friend who's being sponsored by Hogi-Yogi to skateboard wearing shirts with their name. Wierd. :confused:
G, with all the problems you've described yourself as having... well, try it and see if it's you or not. :)
Nah, that won't be a problem. anywayz. 9/11 .. Well well. 2 years ago I was ill, tired as a dell, sleeping over my laptop .. writing all nights (thesis) and in the afternoon 2 friends sms'ed me to my phone about what happened. It was my net turn, I shouted something to the other guys .. later Till, the german guy, went to see BBC in kitchen, and Yiannis started to joke about the Tetragon .. it felt weird. I guess I had been living on tea for a few weeks and thatshy it all felt so much more weird. (sob). Now I feel I could go back to UK (not to live long but still).

What is more sad to think today is 9/11/1973. Augusto Pinochet got the power in Chile. 17 years of dicatture, public decapitation, torture, concentration camps and desaparecidos. Chileans lived 17 years with fear of someone knocking at midnight at their door. Luckily that is over. That is even more saddening.

Arden, I found a great japanese cooking book today at border's. Maybe you should try to do the green tea japanese ice cream, also a soy version of it .. doesn't sound a very 9/11 deli but something new for today ..
Originally posted by Giaguara
What is more sad to think today is 9/11/1973. Augusto Pinochet got the power in Chile. 17 years of dicatture, public decapitation, torture, concentration camps and desaparecidos. Chileans lived 17 years with fear of someone knocking at midnight at their door. Luckily that is over. That is even more saddening. [/i]

Sounds like Sadam... Yet people defend him. :confused:
Err...who's defending Saddam?

Hmm, green tea ice cream. I didn't even know such a thing existed. I wonder how it tastes? Practice a bit, arden, then serve me up some. ;)
Wait, I'll post the green tea ice cream recipe here asap I can! It's somewhere in all those new books .. ;)