Herve's Bar & Grill

1337, eh? I did something for that, can't remember off the top of my head. All I can remember is nobody really commented on it. But whatever. :)
sucks johnny - by the way, is lord of the rings anticipation rising? it sure seems to be, I don't know. I just get the feeling that you guys are getting a little bit excited.
I live at home still, so my roommates are all related to me.

No, I don't see how this is relevant either.
I moved out when I was 17. Quit bein a lazy bum, arden. :D ;)

(Really, I moved out 'cause I couldn't stand my step dad. Freakin' moron...he wasn't a bad guy, just way too goofy for me. :p)

Johnny, just make sure you keep that cold for another day or so, then you can give it back to 'em. ;)
Yes, quite the lazy bum. That's me, alright. Uh huh, yessireee bob. *Charges Darkshadow double for his drink*
I just sprained my ankle for the first time in my life. Let me just say: HOLY SH*T I CAN'T BELIEVE THE PAIN! Now that I've gotten that out: I'm afraid I may have fractured my ankle, but if I did my Mom will kill me. We don't have any money to pay for it, and my insurance won't cover it.

Really though, the most painful thing I have ever experienced. I almost cried when it happened! I'm keeping it elevated, and I just had ice on it for 2 hours. Anybody care to share an experience they had? What helped? What if I DID fracture my ankle?!
Damn Trip - I feel your pain ( no, really.

Altho it's not as major as mine - it's better get that checked ASAP so if there IS damage, it can be repaired / healed properly the first time. All my troubles is because it DIDNT heal properly the first time - I had other injuries to my leg that my ankle went unchecked until the damage turned permanent.

It permanently took me out of Football (in College)! :(
Weird, browser crashed on me yet my reply got posted... heh :p

How did you sprain it Trip?

Since you are keeping it elevated and iced,
Try wrapping it - not sure what it's called, people wrap sprained ankles with it all the time - boxers also use it to wrap their hands.

I should know, I've used tons of the stuff (for both boxing and ankle). :p

Hope that helps and here's hopping it's nothing serious!
Trip, so sorry to hear that. My uneducated guess is that it's a sprain, not a break. Breaking usually numbs itself quickly; sprains tend to hurt more.
Well, I just got back from spending the night at my good friend Spencer Hales house. He helped me get it wrap and he treated me right. Big shout out to him! Yesterday the swelling was litterally the size of my fist, today I can see a small difference, and now I can kinda stumble around on it.

It all happened when I was trying to ollie out of a bowl to a 5 foot gap. I landed it first try, but my second try was destruction.
Wow, that's some tough luck there, bud... definitely get it looked at by a professional so you don't end up like Sogni, amputated and in a wheelchair for life. ;)

Drinks on the house for the next couple weeks for you, Trip.
Hey! I'm not amputated! lol

Actually I'd probably be better off if it was... I've seen people who can play basketball and football with a prostetic better than I can! :p
I second the tape bit, and agree with hazmat that when you break something (at least for me) the shock set's in real quickly and you can't feel the injury - but you do go all psycho. I've rolled my ankle all the time and sprained it pretty badly before - get an ankle brace to keep it in good position or use athletic tape and wrap it to about four inches above your ankle and down around your heel. Make sure the tape/brace is tight, you want to keep your ankle from twisting too much.
Thanks for the drinks arden. ;)
I've got a concern now, is it suppost to be that I specifically feel the pain on the right side of my foot, yet the swelling is on the left side? I just noticed this morning that the swelling has now increased! Is this a bad sign?