Herve's Bar & Grill

I should get more RAM, but I would rather have a new computer! But the best I'm hoping for is a copy of panther when it is released... Our computer does everything we need it to - so why should my parents spend a bunch of money to get a new one? Because it would be tight! But I see the logic.
Thankfully, I made a high risk investment about four years back (of $100, my parents put in maybe fifty-thousand?) and it looks like it's coming close to fruition. It wouldn't be a surprise if that netted me one grand, or even more. I can't wait. If I get a job and save up a few hundred, I might be able to buy myself a laptop...
And stealing street signs... tsk tsk darkshadow - how'd you grab em? I've grabbed those sawhorses with blinkers on them that sit on the road around construction, but the signs around here are very high up, as well as bolted (?I think...)
As a souvenir I might grab the street signs of my block before I go off to college, I've wanted to do it for awhile now. But I can't figure out how I will.
Time for School!
Yeah, they're up high, but not that high. And yep, they're bolted, but I've always had tools. :D

It takes a while though, so I always had to keep one eye out for the cops. All part of the fun. ;)

I was thinking about ordering a custom stop sign that said "SNOP" and putting it up on our corner (we have a stop sign on the corner yard), and see how many people noticed. If not an entire sign, then I was thinking about making a patch with an N on it and covering the T with it.
Only if they caught you arden...
It would be funny, but you sure would feel bad when someone thought the sign was bogus and ran it, and then crashed into someone else, and adding insult to injury someone's car flipped and did a job to your house...
But I do want thow street signs... Hmmm...
Well then put it someplace where a sign shouldn't be...maybe an uncontrolled intersection? I don't know...maybe if I can get enough money I'll do it. :)

Finally! Tomorrow I go to the "big spot" to get some photos for my sponsorship folio!!! FINALLY!

Oh and: "The Count of Monté Créisco" (how the crap do you spell it?!) is the coolest movie. Late now: 12:45, and I'm off to bed to ponder on what I missed out on homecoming this year. :/ Night.
lol it was originally a cell for my cell project, then i put in a second circle, then a nose, then a thingy!
<-- Watch your words from now on, you may risk getting a sword run through your chest :p

Coffee at cafés in Paris was much better than the crap they serve here. One French coffee, please. Who's our bartender at the time?