Herve's Bar & Grill

Your foot doesn't look too out of the ordinary there.

Today was the longest day of the year for Jews all over the world: Yom Kippur. Imagine a day (starting the previous evening, as with all Jewish holidays) where you can't eat or drink anything after lighting the candles (which you do after dinner, of course) and where you can't do work, watch TV, or do much of anything except sleep, read and attend services. I'm just glad it's over.

Yom Kippur is the Day of Atonement, a week after the Jewish new year. This is when we confess our sins and repent for those we have wronged, which is why we fast.
yes, but as i recall, the breaking of the fast is usually quite a feast. since i basically fast from one meal a day to the next (except for my coffee) i can't really sympathize with you too much. i used to have a jewish girlfriend and did the fasting one year (ok, i drank a little water at work). i even went to services. it's not that big of a deal to go without food for 24 hours. at least in america, it's a choice, not a condition like some other countries.
We had bread, cheese, jam, cookies and hering at the synogogue to break the fast, which we usually have. Not exactly a feast of any sort... fortunately, we had tasty leftovers at home.

I often skip lunch, or eat lightly, or something, but it's a combination of not being able to eat or drink anything, including water, plus knowing that you're fasting, that makes one hungry. I'm sure you're used to having only one meal a day, Ed (which is hopefully breakfast, most important meal of the day), but I typically eat at least breakfast and dinner or I get hungry (and even then, I sometimes get hungry depending on what I have).
no, i eat dinner. coffee would be breakfast. sometimes i don't eat til 8 or 8:30 at nite. i'll admit i usually have a small snack around 4 or 5 if i expect to eat that late. otherwise dinner is around 7. i just learned a long time ago to not eat any more than what my body uses. unless i'm doing alot of physical activity, i don't need that much. and personally, i find one large meal to be more satisfying than lots of nibbling thruout the day. breakfast is highly over rated in my book. eating is best done when you have nothing to do afterwards. digestion slows you down and lowers your attention level. if you've eaten properly the night before, you still have all the benefits of that food without all the problems of digestion.

i wouldn't reccomend this to anyone who is still growing though. growing bodies need more food. and they need it more regularly. but once you've hit your height level, the only other direction you've got to grow is out. :D
Well, I've stopped growing up and I seem to be incapable of growing out, so I don't think it matters how much I eat.
well i for sure dont want to grow anymore...

i've been once 3 weeks on just water and herbal teas and juices. It wasn't unpleasant. I normally have coffee (americano or espresso, rarely cappuccino) for breakfst (only coffee with sugar), then many times skip the lunch or have only fruit... and have the dinneraround 8-10 pm. now that my shifts don't allow me that (untill nextweek) i have the coffee around10 or 11, lunch (beans and rice..) around 1 - 1,30, then eat a mini dinner once athome, like 11,30 pm. i'm not the fan of big breakfasts, if i have one, i feel sleepy all day, and eat a lot ..well. since i eliminated wheat what would i have for breakfst anyway?they dont sell the real corn tortillas in uk, so here nada but fruit anyway. when i-ll have a busy day and no time for a minilunch, i go for tortillas in the morning ...

the uk climate is not for me. i've had something that is partially an allergic cough andpartly a cold cough since i came here, and it's not getting any better for sure. breathing's been painful for a few days, and yesterday i started to cough blood. i think it's a good thing i'm not going to be longer here, and i really hope that this thing goes away. i wish i could anesthtize the lungs or make them just be without making me feel them every time i breath .. if this isn't gone asap i'm out of uk i promise i go to doctor. argh. tired.

i need coffee. with anythign that makesme not feel my lungs.,.
"Life's a joke, you're life is a hoax
But I will stay
If it will make you happy
There is no hope, at least not for today."

New lyrics from a song my band is working on. Life kind of sucks right now.
Heh, if you want a hand writing (lyrics or melodies), drop me a line. I'm wonderful with lyrics. I rewrote most of West Side Story for my synogogue's Purim shpiel, though we didn't use it (and probably won't) because it's more oriented to solos, whereas we prefer chorus songs. (Just the nature of the musical.) I might do 42nd Street for next year's shpiel, though I'll have to start on it, like, now.

BTW, I know this makes no difference when you sing it, but you're = you are while your = belonging to you, which I'm sure you're (::ha::) fully aware of.

Hey Trip, do you know a girl named Sara Jane? She was on The Tonight Show several times because of Jaywalking, and she's a blond highschooler from Provo.
hey, i found some of my favorite chocolate! organic maya .. with a bit of citrus and spices ... the only chocolate that is under 70 % and that i love! have a bite of it guys .. i hope igotenough chocolate for all ;)
Originally posted by arden
you're = you are while your = belonging to you, which I'm sure you're (::ha::) fully aware of. ...do you know a girl named Sara Jane?

For the first part: I know this. :) But whenever I'm in a hurry or really tired I seem to make that mistake a whole lot. In reality I probably define the difference between the two better than the majority of kids at my school.

And yes, I've met Sara. I think... :D
Well good news (for me anyway) is my foot is almost completely healed! (it will be 90% healed next month!) and the swelling is really going down now! :D
Hey I just got off the phone with a friend who goes to a nearby high school. He said they had a breakdance contest at lunch and there was a grand prize of $300! The winner got interviewed at the end and I guess he was asked "what are you going to do with all the money?" and he replied "I'm going to get an iPod!"

[EDIT: The prize was only $100, sorry. I have no clue where he got the other money. :D]
Breakdancing rules, I do a little bit, I'd upload some vids but I'd be too embarassed. :D

I wish I had money for an iPod. Then again I'd take a cinema display and a G5 over an iPod anyday. :D :D :D
Yeah I have that same problem
I want an iPod,
but I NEED a PowerBook!
If I get ~500$ - it's going towards the PB, not the iPod! :(
Sogni, breakdancing is very popular in the hip-hop crowds. Besides, stuff comes back, like bell bottoms.

And Trip, take it easy on the board this time. :cool: