Herve's Bar & Grill

White Russians have Kahlua, so some caffeine at least! I try an avoid them as a breakfast option and rely on my trust Gaggia machine and some good San Agustin Coffee.

The brain chip is interesting, though I'm stunned that Captain Cyborg (on El Reg here and everywhere else ) wasn't involved, he must me so mad at being left out. I find the idea of recording dreams a bit scary though, i'm fairly sure there is a bunch of stuff in my dreams that i don't want look too closely at- i imagine they'd be pretty Lynchian.
ora said:
White Russians have Kahlua, so some caffeine at least! I try an avoid them as a breakfast option and rely on my trust Gaggia machine and some good San Agustin Coffee.

The more I bartend, the less I like mixers. Nowadays, I go for straight liquor, on the rocks, or straight up. Although, lately Ive been serving Mojito's and they are mighty tasty during the summer months by the pool!
One of my best friends is Mojito obsessed, he goes off to find certain kinds of mint which he says (and I have to agree having tasted it) work better than others. Recently he's even been adding a touch of cachaça (main ingredient of my other fave cocktail, the might Caiperinha) which is also very pleasant.

Am stuck in revision hell at the moment, but will be be indulging in cocktails in the sun (including, as i am a Brit, the odd glass of Pimms!) very soon!

Keep up the good work barman! :)
ora said:
One of my best friends is Mojito obsessed, he goes off to find certain kinds of mint which he says (and I have to agree having tasted it) work better than others. Recently he's even been adding a touch of cachaça (main ingredient of my other fave cocktail, the might Caiperinha) which is also very pleasant.

I had not heard of Caipirinha, but i looked it up, looks very tasty. What does cachaça taste like? I wonder if it's available in the states, you know how the govt is about importing things...

Still looking for absinthe though...;)
Cachaça tastes mild .. like a strong liquor of course, but it has a mild taste. A bit sweet but not like the spiced vodkas kind of - it has the hint of the raw sugar cane juice in it.. which tastes like ranbow if plain sugar flavor tastes like white or gray :)

They do sell it also in USA .. try in big mexican stores. Those who can sell liquors. Also if there are any Brazilians in your city, they probably know where to find it. I know one place where they sell cachaça in IL .. :)
cool, ill have to take a look, though i dont think my little town will have anything like that. i make trips down to south florida every now and then, they may have some down there.

any word on the absinthe? just kidding, heheh, maybe...
Yep, like Gia says, cachaça is a sugar cane spirit with a mildly sweet taste. Its pretty dull on its own but comes alive in a Caipirinha.
I like my Caipirinhas to be pretty sour, that way they kinda clean your palette, so i use a whole line and a scant teaspoon of cane sugar. To do it properly you need a Caipirinha pestle (which i have), a thin wooden pestle for crushing the lime and sugar together in the glass. Then you add the cachaça and ice and stir.

My favourite brand of cachça is Germana. Its aged in oak barrels and comes in a groovy bottle that is wrapped up in what i assume are sugar cane leaves.
Absinthe is freely available all over the place here in the UK. I've had it plenty of times and its ok, but not really anything special, it just gets you drunk exceptionally quickly.

My first absinthe experience was quite fun though. I was about 15 and a friend had just come back from portugal with a load of 68% absinthe, and was making a cocktail called a kalashnikov:

Place 2 shots good vodka in a small glass, place a slice of lemon with a small hole punched through it over the glass. Put 1 teaspoon sugar on the lemon slice. Pour 2 shot of absinthe on the top, so it runs through the lemon and sugar into the glass. Then lift up the lemon slice, light it, down the drink and cram the still flaming lemon slice in your mouth straight after.

The fun bit is that about 2 seconds after you sit down you realize your are already totally drunk- which i have to say was really fun when i was 15, maybe less so now.
You think that was Real Life I was doing? LOL, I've been spending plenty of time in front of the computer, it just hasn't been here. Here's why: I got on this forum at 11 pm on 4/25. Right now it is almost 4:30 am on 4/26, and I'm not through going through all the threads in the New Threads listing. But such is the nature of the forum, and I don't have school for 11.5 hours so it's all good.

Hazmat: Nice sound. Singer's voice strained a little, but such is live performance. Reminds me of a local band (whose drummer I know from Guitar Center) who got on the radio doing Journey's "Separate Ways."

Del Sol: Feel free to take over as bartender, a role previously delegated to me. I'm not old enough to drink, anyway... I think I'll stay as head chef and let you mix the drinks.

Anyway, I'm glad I've found the time to return here... you people are great. :)
Thanks. When I have more time I'll have to tell you guys about my attempt to buy a G4 on eBay.
Aww...I saw a new brand of cachaça in a local liquor store today. I forgot the name of the brand .. it had a sea food thing on the label .. :-/ ...
I felt like taking a pic of the dinner but I wanted my privacy :)
Guys had a nice beer and a smoke before dinner this afternoon and i'll tell ya.
It tastes great!


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Cigar, remember that part of the thread has to be smoke-free :D .. so you can smoke on every other page, does that sound fine? ;)

I think I'll need to find water which has some electrolytes etc in it. for the past few days my stomach hurts after drinking water - I don't like it. And I keep waking up 2, 3, 4 etc AM because it feels like every single track of my intestines are in fire ... I can't gatorade much longer. I just @#$% want to drink water, this plain sucks ... :(
Gia, 'every other page' changes depending on how many posts you view per page ;)

Anyway, tonight I audition for the DYAO (Denver Young Artist's Orchestra)! I'll be trying out on the flute, I go there straight from Choir. I'm excited and a little nervous, because I've heard the flautists who are already in there, and they're far better than I think I am. Everyone else I've talked to says that I'll be a knock-out, but I'm not sure...
One of the current players won the second level of a competition I played in. I won level 1, but she's 18 and I'm 14 :(. My only consolation is I have a new flute that makes me sound like a different player, compared the [very nice in its own right] flute I played back then. And what really sucks is they'll 'tell me by the 31st of May'. Long time to wait.

I'll let you all know as soon as I do :D
Thanks. I've done so many competitions that I don't usually have a problem with stage fright. Hopefully it won't start now, but then again, I'm usually competing against people approximately my own age :D.
A Unique Human Being

Every time I wake up, I've got about 35 minutes to to get up from bed, dress and wash myself, get a slice of bread or two and finally brush my teeth before heading to school. Every time he wakes up, he's got about the same time to do about the same things, but I think he's adding a few minutes in between to spend some time thinking, - thinking consciously.

In our world though, it is usually better to skip those few minutes and focus on the down-to-earth matters, those you don't even need a human brain to process. Else, you may become a victim of psychologists' branding irons, and have several diagnoses burned deeply in your skin. And then, if you're lucky, be declared healthy and free of any chronical illnesses that you might have had, just when you're about to reach mature age. Having "just a bit abnormal" slapped in your face doesn't exactly help to remove the scars, either.

If he woke up where his parents had meant him to wake up, he would've woken up in Columbia. And I couldn't tell how many minutes he would be going to have in the morning or not. But I think none of them would've been wasted.
It certainly does have effects, growing up surrounded by big men, and barely being able to move or think. Aside from protecting people from his thoughts, there were no consequences that could be in anyone's interest. And no positive ones at all. "Even if the majority has an option, that doesn't mean it's true", he once said to me. "An individual could be more right than the whole society", I added, and we both agreed to each other's statements.

In other words and as a side note, he isn't comfortable with the school system.

He's about as old as me, thinks many of the same thoughts as me and acts completely differently from me. He's a good friend, and I'm one of his quite few. Every human being is unique, but I believe some are more unique than others. It just seems to make sense to me, illogical as it sounds.