Herve's Bar & Grill

It sounds 'illogical' :)

I don't think I totally screwed the audition last night. But the guy who was auditioning me (Adam Flatt, if you want to know) was about as cold as it is possible to be. Quite unnerving.
Hmmm, still haven't heard anything. Two and a half more weeks... Which means I should hear about the piano camp at the same time. I'll be set up to be really happy, or really disappointed. :D

I think if I don't get in, I might read the whole B&G just for the heck of it, I'll certainly have more free time!

Oh, and 2,222 posts :D ;)
I went to see Monster tonight. Interesting .. terrible, well made, argh. I've got no clue how Charlize Theron looks normally .. going to google it now.

Interesting, scamming ebay scammers ;)
Giaguara said:
I went to see Monster tonight. Interesting .. terrible, well made, argh. I've got no clue how Charlize Theron looks normally .. going to google it now.

Interesting, scamming ebay scammers ;)

I must say, that is quite intersting, whats more, that link is pointing the server of my alma matter, good ole UWF, where i got my piece of crap diploma that hasnt yielded any results since i earned it.

Whew, I'm tired of that rant, been doing it for too long...

I wonder if the originator of the 'scammer-scam' was in my town?? any clues??

hell, i could have saved him some trouble and bought the PB myself!! but then the story wouldnt have entertained so many souls, oh well...
Giaguara said:
sorry I don't know where this happend, delsoljb .. :(

i want to get a nifty new laptop, how much could i get for the systems i have now? any takers? i promise not to use an escrow account, hahah
Check out Everymac.com or apple-history.com
They have currently selling prices, however they are usually a little high.
Hey guys - I don't really want to start my own form for this but I recently got an incredible deal on hosting, and want to acquire a domain name.
What's your favorite registrar?
godaddy.com .. is at least one of the registers. that i'll probably use for the next time i need to register anything.

hm, a curiosity .. how many irish members do we have in macosx.com?
I used dotster - I got a five dollar off deal so it was as cheap as godaddy and they have a much better control panel system. They look good.
Some people say that I look irish - but it's just because my hair is red. I'm a Viking - so at one point I probably raided and pillaged some of your ancestors (if you are Irish).
I just used Yahoo for my web site.

Now that I have registered here, I will have to aquaint you with my beer drinking on these forums!!
hi Arkayn .. have some beer .. or Paddy's .. :p

Nope mr k, I'm not Irish. Just wondering ... you can't imagine where is the place where I've seen the highest percentage of people having an iPod (say iPods / person or / 100 persons, which ever) .. somewhere in Ireland!!