Herve's Bar & Grill

Time for lots of beer, of course I will not be able to drink much for the next week since I will not be here at the canyon!!
Hey, I just got a new 12" PowerBook 1.33! I got it with the SuperDrive, 80-gig 5400 rpm drive, and just put 1 gig of RAM in to make it 1.25 gigs. Apple's on drugs for what they charge for RAM. I got 1 gig for less than they charge for 512 megs. Anyway, this machine is awesome. And I got a DVI to ADC adapter so when home I can use it with my 17" Studio Display. Once I have all my files over to it from my Power Mac G4 867, I'll sell the Power Mac.

Only thing that annoys me about the PowerBook is that there is one dead pixel that's blueish. I've read about it and that's apparently acceptable. Sucks.
hmm, whats it (the 12" powerbook) like?

Im about to be go off to uni, and I wanna take a computer with me. At the mo, Im kinda stuck between getting a 15" powerbook, or a 12" powerbook, with a 2nd screen.

On the one hand, the 15" has cool little lighty uppy keys and lots of screen resolutions and stuff, and on the other, I get lots of screen real estate (im wanting to do web design, and using a single 15" screen @ 1024*768 on my 15" iMac is ok, but I dont particularly wanna get much smaller than that - my dual monitor 1200*2000 17"&16" pc is far easier to use, cos you can see more), and the machine is more portable.

Does anyone have any advice on this? Itd be my first computer buy for me (the iMac an PC are family machines, along with all the other ones in my sig + i use my dads 14" work ibook a bit) and IAH, im kinda stumped. I guess part of the problem is that I dont know what my usage is gonna be like - ive never been to uni before....

I think this new 12" PB is fantastic. Very fast and very portable. But you're giving up screen real estate. It's all personal preference. If it's your main machine and you won't be taking it around a lot, maybe you should get the 15". I say go to an Apple Store if there's one near you, or some retailer who sells Macs, and play with both and see which makes you happier given your situation.
has anyone noticed that there is a rise in anger in the forums lately? i think a lot of it has come up since the WWDC, whereas i thought it would alleviate some of those anxieties! Strange... they need drinks...i hear my call...



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arkayn said:
Time to start drinking beer I think!!

WAY ahead of you, my friend! My bar at the corner just finally got in Corsendonk Pale Ale that I've been asking for for ages. Mmmmm....