Herve's Bar & Grill

Well well .. bar seems quiet. Happy hour starts now .. :D

I can't drink alcohol now either.. was a week in a hospital. Now still in antibiotics ... so cranberry juice for me, or green tea ..

Apart from hospital, a very interesting, stress- and eventful and memorable week or 10 days or so. Cleared out the mental stuff of the previous relationship (so now we are set to separate roads and no more emotional knots tieing us) .. and can't wait untill 'the new one' is back here.. an annoying 6 hours time zone difference (again) for the next 10 days .. *sigh* .. :)
man, i had a crazy night saturday. made a trip to Atlanta to meet up with a friend, went out that night to some clubs and bars there in Buckhead. Went to this club called Mako. They also have one in Orlando (which i went to last month, haha). Crazy club, lots of drunken debauchery and scantily clad female bartenders. I havent drank like that since I was in college, paid the price for it yesterday, and had to drive home last night, ugh...

lets just say that it wasnt a pretty morning yesterday...
Heh .. Sounds like it was fun though, delsoljb.. :)
Meanwhile, still stuck to green tea and cranberry juice .. at least I'll quit smelling like antibiotics some time this week .. better than nothing :D
no, i just didnt bring the digital that night. i knew it was going to get crazy, didnt want to risk bringing it, so my friend already had a disposable, we just used that one. i love photography and like both film and digital cameras. there is something about the mechanical 'click' and motion of a film camera, and the process of developing your own film and pictures that is truly rewarding.
Just another beer please! <looks around> No one here? :(
Not even Arkyan or Giaguara? Damn, always when I walk in everybody seems to be gone.
arkayn said:
Thursday I will be going to the Neuroligist to see what is going on.
What is the matter with your shoulder: neuritis, plexuslesion, rootcompression?
Oh bartender: put some genever next to my glass of beer. I feel the need to give a bang to my head :D
Hey nervus .. no worries, I *am* here. Working (too much), doing a lot of stuff around .. just watched Cinema Paradiso on a DVD ... now maybe time for a glass, then soonish falling asleep...
The neuroligist is for the seizure that I had, I have one more appointment with my orthopedic surgeon to check that my shoulder is fine.

I need a Mountain Dewsince I cannot drink beer while taking Dilantin.
Well, considering the Dilantin, a "Spa blue" for Arkayn. Gia have a drink on me, too. What will it be?
Bartender! Just another beer for me.
Hm, the evening drink .. gluchwein since its cold out and enough xmassy ... or a limoncello type drink of licorice .. that i developed .. heh. interesting one. take a small bottle of vodka, and add some licorice root pieces there. let it soak a few days .. or a few weeks. tastes sweet without any added sugar, licoricey and yummy.

but since again at work .. green tea for me. some real chinese one, e.g. huangshan type, and no bagged tea .. the real stuff :D
I just had a few beers IRL so i'll just have a snack .. this is a " ... & Grill" right? So hand over the chicken wings! ... *hic!* ... I'll have to try the licorice wodka thing, but it also works very well with rum and fruit.
Yop .. chicken wings and hot sauce .. or more xmassy stuff .. like salmon? :D
getting here excited about the 2,5 days holiday ..
Ewww, I don't care much for salmon (or really, fish in general). Bad deal with them when I was younger, have never liked 'em since.

Think I'll make some spaghetti. That's a nice christmas food, right? :D