Herve's Bar & Grill

Arden said:
In Louisiana, the legal drinking age is 18. Everywhere else, 21. No, nothing screwed up about it at all. :rolleyes:

I've had enough beer to know that it's not to my taste. I'd rather have wine, or something harder.

Nope, Louisiana changed it to 21 quite a few years ago. I forget exactly which year, but it was quite some time ago.


LSA R.S. 93:11 makes it illegal to sell alcoholic beverages to anyone under the age of twenty-one years.

LSA R.S. 93:12 makes it illegal for anyone under the age of 21 to purchase or have public possession of an alcoholic beverage.

LSA R.S. 93:13 makes it illegal for anyone to buy alcoholic beverages for anyone under the age of 21 years except for a parent, guardian or spouse of the person under 21.
I thought they changed it back to 18 more recently than that — perhaps I'm mistaken. Not that it makes it much harder for kids to get alcohol, though...

BTW, DS, you need to update the icon for Pref Setter on your website.
arkayn said:
The hardest part of telling kids not to drink & drive is getting it through their thick skulls.

So much of the ol' "Do as I say, not as I do" syndrome knocking about, eh what?

Still, let's not fall out over this issue! If I'd known it was going to spark off such a debate, with our friends on the other side of the pond feeling the need to go on the defensive, I would never have asked the question!
A subtle shift in the topic: do you have a smoking age in the US or elsewhere? In the Netherlands (and (most?) other EU countries) you cannot purchase tobacco under 16.
16 in the UK too, but it's obviously not working. Go past any school in Britain and you will see 10-year-olds outside the school grounds puffing away!
18 here in the US. And places are legally obligated to card anyone and everyone that looks like they're younger than 27. Not that every store clerk does, but they'll get in trouble if the police decide to check.

They're trying to crack down on smoking in general here. Pain in the butt - I'm a smoker. :P

Err, and I haven't updated the site yet, Arden. Coming soon.
yeah, Louisiana changed to 21 back in 96. im pretty sure cause thats when i turned 18 and had been planning a trip to new orleans with some friends for some partying, then they go and change it to 21!!!
16 in the UK too, but it's obviously not working. Go past any school in Britain and you will see 10-year-olds outside the school grounds puffing away!
Must be that ol' "do as i say not as I do thing."

But maybe it's a good thing - exposing them to drugs (nicotine) and alcohol when they are young and have a more innocent, less jaded mind to see the inherent dangers.
its all about how you raise your kids (as a society). when i lived in japan (80's) there were Beer vending machines on the streets, unattended. But kids didnt go near them.
delsoljb32 said:
its all about how you raise your kids (as a society). when i lived in japan (80's) there were Beer vending machines on the streets, unattended. But kids didnt go near them.
Truer words may never have been spoken. You can pass all the laws you want, but they won't help too much if you don't change people's behavior, starting with a "clean slate" of sorts.
Hmm. I have strong opinions here, but as it touches on issues of raising children, I wouldn't want to go into too much detail for fear of offending said offspring. If Xlator feels the need to add to this discussion, he is free to do so. :D

I like to think that he has grown up to be a well-balanced individual, whose opinions are not necessarily the same as mine, but he is, of course, free to espouse the principles HE finds important.

Eller hur, Bajsagust!
Balanced? Moi? You are mistaken, monsieur. :confused:


Go into as much detail as you like, wouldn't offend me an inch. Could be interesting...
Gia: My point, of course, is that so many of life's problems could be solved if everybody raised their children better. If everybody instilled good values into their children, they could eliminate crime, corruption in government and education, greediness in the corporate workplace... the list goes on. I know we can't change everybody, but there are a few people we can directly affect.
Arden, my point is .. adults are not responsable. Just behave like you would want an adult to behave, no matter what your age is ... I was annoying as a kid, I could not tolerate being treated as a kid. Now still responsable for my own actions and the consequences (not blaming the otehrs), but ... finally having fun as people normally do when they are kids. For once I enjoy playing (I never enjoyed it when I was a kid). Fortunately I am not the only of my kind, err.. I mean Dorn and I are unique..

Welcome back Arden, by the way ... A lot of things have changed in the life meanwhile. How are you? I have changed the continent, the job, and the man ... (at least compared to the time your posts made me scroll 4 pages of new posts / day ...) The first round is on the Bar
Heheheh, y'all aren't totally unique, Gia. ;)

And Arden, if you really want to change things, kids learn more by example than anything else...
My room started leaking in three places (not counting the window) cuz of rain, and water got into my PS2. I decided to open it up and dry it. But when I was putting it back together - the clip where the controller ribbon goes broke off. Damnit! Now what? :(

I don't even know if it'll turn on as I don't know if the water fried it anyway. :/