Herve's Bar & Grill

Don't want to seem rude Ed by not answering you back.

-I'm not a rude smoker. Is that possible?
-Cider Beer is alcoholic, just barely. Nice change when you start getting that beer-hairy-tongue thing going.
-Sasparillo! Will always have a Zappa connection with me. My dwarfs ARE done!
-Rego Park/Queens. It's somewhat of a point of contention with certain Queens community residents. They like to differentiate themselves from other communities for various reasons. I think mainly for Identity and to keep there property values high. In actuality, it's all part of the Queens borough which is part of New York City, which is part of New York State. There's also divisions of communities. Ex. I live in Bayside Hills, in Bayside, In the Borough of Queens, In NYC, in NY State.
-Hey now, was the psych 100 a knock? Or did I misinterpret that?
-I'll respect your nuff.

I did not order coffee :eek:
take it back :p (and what bad coffee it is :p)

Hmmm... we havent seen jadey, racer X, and the Admin in here yet....have we ?!
and as a hushed darkeness falls upon the room. the ghost of Frank Zappa makes his appearance and performs in Phils honor. Too bad Phil never showed up to his party:rolleyes:

I don't know much about dancin'
That's why I got this song
One of my legs is shorter than the other
'N both my feet's too long
'Course now right along with 'em
I got no natural rhythm
But I go dancin' every night
Hopin' one day I might get it right
I'm a dancin' fool
(Dancin' fool)
I'm a
Dancin' fool
I'm a
Dancin' fool
(Dancin' fool)
I'm a
Dancin' fool
I hear that beat; I jump outa my seat
But I can't compete, 'cause I'm a
Dancin' fool
(Dancin' fool)
I'm a
Dancin' fool

The disco folks all dressed up
Like they's fit to kill
I walk on in 'n see 'em there
Gonna give them all a thrill
When they see me comin'
They all steps aside
They has a fit while I commit
My social suicide, I'm a
Dancin' fool
(Dancin' fool)
I'm a
Dancin' fool
I'm a
Dancin' fool
(Dancin' fool)
I'm a
Dancin' fool
The beat goes on
And I'm so wrong
The beat goes on
And I'm so wrong
The beat goes on
And I'm so wrong
The beat goes on 'n I'm so wrong
The beat goes on 'n I'm so wrong
The beat goes on 'n I'm so wrong
The beat goes on 'n I'm so wrong
I may be totally wrong, but I'm a
Dancin' fool,
I may be totally wrong, but I'm a
Dancin' fool
Yowsa, yowsa, yowsa

I got it all together now
With my very own disco clothes, hey!
My shirt's half open, t'show you my chain
'N the spoon for up my nose
I am really somethin'
That's what you'd probably say
So smoke your little smoke
Drink your little drink
While I dance the night away, I'm a
Dancin' fool, I'm a
Dancin' fool, I'm a
Dancin' fool, I'm a
Dancin' fool, HE'S A

I may be totally wrong but I'm a
I may be totally wrong but I'm a
I may be totally wrong but I'm a
I may be totally wrong but I'm a

Hey darlin' . . . can I buy ya a coupla drinks?
Lookin' for Mister Goodbar? Here he is . . .
Wait a minute . . . I've got it . . . you're an Italian!
Yer Jewish?
Oh, love your nails . . .
You must be a Libra . . .
Your place or mine?

Heh heh heh ye-yes!

glad i didn't go get a dancin' girl or something.:p
Don't be hard on him Ed I think he's rewiting an ass grinding essay.

Snippet of his thread last night written at 5:22 EST

"Well heres whats on my mind....

I'm here at the lab I work in thinking about how boring it is, and why i even waste my time here, meanwhile, i cannot get in touch with any of my resources that i need for revising an essay, and with my english teacher, who always loves to clarify the essay topic after you have written it, this revision becomes comes more like a rewrite. Throw on top of this that i have to go to this awards show tonight. Ordinarily i would be very happy that i had won an award, since i have been trying to get one of the top 20 unweigted averages in my class for some time, to no avail. Now, this show is only a giant obstruction to everything else i have to do. Now i have the option of either rewritng the essay tonight until 1 in the morning, or i can write it tomorrow night, on my birthday, when i should be out eating dinner. How fitting. Did i mention that it has been for some time now that I have proclaimed essay writing the worst thing that you can possibly assign me? How ironic"
he he

actually i am hoping he had some real world fun for his bday. it can be feb 5 here in the cyberbar for as long as we want it to be. i am just ribbing him. if you ever read the 'congrats' threads you will know that Phil is someone i consider a real online friend. i constantly say things to him in other threads that other people must really wonder about.:p

so the bar's kinda empty except for the band, Zappa's ghost and us. I would swear i have been in this bar in real life before.:rolleyes:

i think it is possible to not be a rude smoker. Before i started smoking i was one of the most adament nonsmokers you would ever want to meet. during that time i had a roommate who smoked, but who was very considerate and his smoking never bothered me. at least not any longer than for us to switch seats or whatever. i try to be the same way. of course some nonsomkers can be so rude about their 'rights' that i stop caring about them. 'ask, don't tell' goes a long way with me.

rego park deal - 'only in new york' is all i gotta say. :rolleyes: :p

you must have misinterpretted the zietgeist, cause i was basically just saying that even though it is a $10 word, i got it for about $1.50:D
Funny discussion.
It bothers the heck out of me if people smoke in front of me and they dont ask for permission (that is when we are out, and not at their home).

Sometimes people are considerate enought to ask me "would it bother you if I had a smoke?" even when I am AT their house visiting (in closed spaces).

I think that is nice :) There are some other people that just smoke that are oblivious to the fact that others might not be comfortable with smoke around them. My eyes get really irritated from smoke in enclosed spaces :p .

Admiral, to help prevent smoke getting in your eyes, I've managed to have 3 Mediterranean women sit around you with feather fans gently pushing the noxious air away. I can't do anything about the big hairy truckers smelly arm pits though. Seems he has a tendency to fart as well. You'll have to pick your poison.

Well let's hope he did have some real world fun. Maybe he'll tell us today.

I caught on rather quickly about you and Phil but thought the ribbing would probably depress him knowing what he might be faced against on his birthday. Seems he checked in about 10:30ish. Thought he might check in again.

BTW- the car thread. Nice bit of American history between you and Phil. I'd love to see more of that.

I was interested to see what you, and who ever might still be here, thought about the smoking matter. I feel the same way as you and can see why one would want to tune out some of the more zealous anti-smokers. It's probably more intense in Cali (the zealous anti-smokers), judging by how far the state wanted to go with banning smoking in particular public places.

Tip of the day:
Workaround for high state taxes for cigarettes - www.esmokes.com

Reading too much into words: Cool, thanks for the clarification. If there are any more sales on words, let me know please. I get tired of shopping at the five and dime.

Ed I see you here through out the day usually. You have a day gig?
you mean the ones you want to say "excuse me, would you please stop coughing while i'm trying to smoke a cigarette" to because they are busy doing little fake coughs to try and be 'subtle':rolleyes:

yes there are plenty of zealots in CA but not as many as you might imagine. The ban on smoking and higher taxes initiative was so close that it was decided by absentee ballots. and i already order my cigs from Ron's Smoke Shop in NY!!( on an indian reservation)I smoke "Smokin Joes" which are 100% natural and made by the Tuscarora indians in Lewiston, NY. I think they are $10.50 a carton plus about .50 a carton for shipping with the bulk we order. You can check them out at www.ronssmokeshop.com . Everybody i let try one likes them.

At the moment my only gig is finishing up some loose ends for school and getting ready to work on my dissertation and figure out about internships. so i can take breaks regularly and stop in here. some days i do get a little too distracted here. But that is why i prefer these slow conversations to the chat room. There it really takes some dedicated time to converse.

Admiral - if we were in your car or home, i would ask permission. maybe other times as well if i like the person and don't yet know how they feel about it. In my home i would open windows and doors to increase ventilation. in my car i would try to restrain, but there is no way i can drive for more than 30 mins. without wanting a cig. most of the time. so windows would just have to be rolled down. I think 90% of people are cool about smoking as long as you make accomadations for them not to have to inhale it.
and besides kklink has got you women to protect you so you should be grateful that we smoke about now:D

I just got in from doing a little yard work. I was trimming and sliced my extension cord in half. Talk about needing to focus more.:rolleyes:

ok, anybody want steak or lobster?:p
Fillet mignon please :D
Well done, and lots of spices (cajun spices mmm!)

As for teh smoking --- the underground has gone dry at this point in time, the mothers have tightened the doors to their houses and the girls cant come and find me :eek: dang you moms! :p

Off to class -- laterz

Oh yes, that's about as 'subtle' as they get. The ones that bunch my underwear are the ones that miff at you when your smoking in the middle of the street on Broadway as a New York Tour buss passes you by spewing black smoke out of there its pipes. No sense of relevance.

I should give the natural cigs a try again since there so inexpensive through mail order. It's scary the crap (literally) that's in the major brands.

Nice, so you can focus on your education without much distraction. I wasn't aware you were that close to your Masters. I should say thanks for not taking a condescending tone when we were speaking about psych earlier. What's the gist of your thesis?

Slice of extension - dangerous, but I couldn't help chuckling. Sounds like it came right out of a TV commercial.

Admiral with all the posting, schoolwork, and the part time job, where do you find the time for the women? Where's your time machine and can I borrow it? The Dr. Who of Press3.com

Herve - I never quite agreed with spreading the risk across all the insured for the costs of health care for smokers. I've already paid enough insurance to pay for my lung transplant.
Have you received your books yet?

Steak or lobster, I love 'em both!
I have four family members that smoke, we have some pretty good common sense rules about it. Whenever we get together for a party, its the decision of the owner whether they can smoke or not. When they come over to our house they're not allowed to, and they can go out for a few minutes if they want. If we go over to their house, they can smoke as much as they want, because, well, it's their house.

Now restaurants are a different story, I'm sure how I feel about allowing smokeing there. Restaurants are more impersonal, and you just can't be curteous and ask. Even if you use the smoking section, it will eventually spread. Now, i'm not saying that i've swallowed a lot of propaganda here, I know that being in a restaurant for one hour, in the presence of smoke is going to do me irreprable damage. I consider myself pretty informed aobut this subject. I know that I would never smoke, and I also know that second hand smoke is only dangerous if you recieve repeated exposure for an extended time. Most of the ingredients for the smoke will leave your body within 48 hours anyway.

In restaurants, it basically just comes down what you think is the courteous thing to do.

What do you guys thing about this whole situation?

Nice quote there klink;) looks like you caught me at a low point there. Iactually did have fun, I did have to write the essay, but I managed tog et through it, and I got to go to my favorite resaurant, a great italian place thats been around for about 60 years.

I had veal parmigiana for dinner. Is that also on the menu here?
Actually klink I work full time :p 40 hours per week lol (sometimes OverTime as well :p -- but this is rare).

The simple answer is that I multitask. I have set periods for studying/doing homework, and times to do work, but while doing these primary tasks I post and yonder after girls as well lol ---

amazingly everything gets done in the end ;-)

Good night to all -- back here tomorrow :)

Phil, glad you did have a some fun and managed to rewrite that essay. I felt a bit sorry for you when I read that post the other night. Even 'the most violent member' has his soft spots.

You obviously have some strong feelings about smoking. And if you would nicely ask for me to put out my cig, because it bothered you physically, I would instantly. It would depend on your approach as Ed mentioned. But if you were an asshole about it, I might just continue in spite because I can sometimes be the bastard (hard headed Italian) and I knew it would bother you even more, perhaps to the point of making you leave. And that would be that.
As for smoking in restaurants, I usually don't, smoking section or not. I don't even like smelling smoke when I eat. I'll usually light up when I walk outside the doors.

Admiral, that's a pretty impressive schedule. I guess I see why you look forward to your summer excursions to Europe. You probably explode as soon as your feet hit the landing and don't stop till the start of the next semester.
What kind of gig do you do?
he he klink - your bus and smoking story reminded me of the last concert we went to in Ohio last summer. it's an outdoor ampitheathre and we had lawn seats. so we pick a place where several other people were already smoking to sit down. about half way thru the headliner the girl behind us starts bitching at her date about our smoke. (we were there first and probably had one lit when they sat behind us). this bitching included some name calling about how stupid smokers are and all that rot. it got very personal. Finally my gf turned around and just verbally blasted the bitch right to her face. i don't think she thought we could hear her because she was really caught off guard. the two of them had more arguments before it was over about the girl sliding down the hill into our space but that was a different stupid thing. at any rate, her date seemed genuinely embarrased by her. he never once stood up for her during this, even when she thought he was the only one listening. :p

as for restaurants we always insist on the smoking section in other states and do enjoy a smoke or two at the table after the meal. after everyone is finished. nobody who goes out to eat with us is naive about it before we get there. out here it isn't an issue because there is no smoking section so we always walk, talk and smoke outside afterwards.

one last smoking story and then i will shut up and tend bar. my 1st quarter at school there were only a few of us who were always outside during breaks to smoke. that is until midterms week. all these closet smokers who were worried how others would perceive them all came out. At least i knew, like klink said about Nuge, that i was true to myself;)

btw - the cabinet resurfacing salesman tonight lit up with us.:D
I don't recall the buss story. Oh, the Zappa reference- Telefunken U47 with leather.

That was a good story. It was that bad to get personal? Some people just take it too far. I've never witness someone taking it to those extremes, especially at an outdoor concert. It just sounds so silly. You can be sure that the poor bastard boyfriend has been to that show before. He must have had the sorriest face on when that went down.

The butcher, the baker, the cabinet maker.
Can't you tell just by looking at some ones face that they light up? Probably shaked a good deal aye?
you're burning a bit late tonite.

no the bus that drives by spewing fumes while people bitch about your smoking on the sidewalk.:rolleyes: that bus story.

i still say get me yuppies for bondage i will be on the bus - with leather.:p

btw - i am working on my phd, getting my masters along the way is something i should have done in a couple of months or so.
as for my disertation (thesis not required at my school), i don't want to say too much but it is probably going to be about how new clients perceive a therapist based upon how they are dressed. kind of goes to role model theory and perceptual congruity.

i would never purposely talk down to you or anyone else on this site unless they said something really stupid and bragged about what an expert they are for knowing it. doesn't happen much thank goodness. so feel free to talk psych all you want at any level you feel comfortable with. just don't expect me to know everything. i most certainly don't.

and yea, there is something about smokers that gives them away sometimes.:D

ok, steaks and lobster are ready, everybody help yourselves. except that one with the fumes that will burn your a**hole just from smelling it, that's admiral's cajun steak:cool:
mmmm my cajun steak is ready :)
bring it on (it doesnt matter it its 8 AM :p) -- I love spicy food ;)

Hey Ed.... your gf is one polemical woman :eek: -- are you sure you dont have that encounter on VHS --- hehehe :) it would be quite amusing because in this situation you can substitute "cigarette" with "cell phone" and you get the same result from such uptight a*holes lol :p

Klink -- what do you mean by "what's your gig?" :p clarify hehe. As for going full blast... yep -- thats me :p --- its very tiring but my (little) vacation time makes up for it :) (I also go full blast during vacation but in the non-work direction :p)

I'm rereading that last smoking post I did. Ohwa, I shouldn't have used all those 'ands', 'yous'. Could sound like I was getting a little snippy with you Phil. Not the way it was intended. Perhaps I should visit the cus thread and channel those cathexis there.

Admiral a gig is a booking for musicians in narrow definitions. In a broad definition, a job, a vocation. In this case I meant it as 'what kind of work do you do'.
Ding! Admiral you get $10 for using polemical. Nice.

Not later than usual Ed. Around 3am I'll start feeling sleepy.
I thought a thesis and dissertation were one in the same. Neither I've done myself.
I would find your dissertation very interesting. I often find myself forming opinions about people when I first meet them based on what they are wearing, what they say, how they react to a question or statement, facial/body gestures and stances. Some will say you shouldn't be so quick to form opinions about people on first impressions, but I've found my instinctional feelings about a first meet are usually correct. So I'll tend to rely on them more often than I used to.

Jeez, Shawn 'PDiddy' Combs was just on the news ringing in the NYSE. Now I've seen it all.
Basically at work I manage a "media lab" (load equipment to staff that need them) and the people that work for me. Make sure that equipment is up to snuf, and when people in the department have probs with their computers they call me. I handle upgrades ans installs as well.

I was aware of the musical connotation of "gig" -- on the DJ front- no gigs :p -- just some independent work in my studio (my bedroom & my mac & my stereo hehe :p)

I think Ed is gathering info for his dissertation here, "the lifestules and habits of macusers, and teh trolls that surround them" lol -- I want to be there when he makes his defence ;-)
