Herve's Bar & Grill

I was thirsty, thought I'd stop in. I just had 2 telemarkets in the last 20 minutes. There should be a law against that...
the herve-o-lator is high quality software :). Its very very funny.

Hey hosehead, why dont you come on irc more? your always posting on here? Take off eh!
Originally posted by scott
Oh, great. Way to go Jadey. Now who do you think is going to wipe up the mess you made with your emoticon flood?

what ever happened to Charmin? you can call him up to see if he can help! :D
hosehead! I go on irc and you easterners are never there.

Anyway, I am at home with the family, so more kids less irc.

Going away tomorrow though, so see you then
Originally posted by Matrix Agent
You're going to lose a lot of sleep this way.

i never really care but when i see the opportunity to point out a milestone (like 1000, 1050, 1100, etc.) i'll take the chance... it said 1049 so i just jumped at it... i never refresh the page just to see the count...
well i posted the 1st and 1001st posts to this thread. and i will say again to all, thanks for the great times inbetween.:) But BB, lets try to keep our excitement down to when we cross state lines and not just everytime we go by a mile marker, ok?;)

I'm not even going to try going back and responding to anything that might have been said to me. I was too busy trying to break up that fight out on the street. did everybody here see it? i think it is still going.:D

I also want to raise a toast to the start of the macosx.com fantasy baseball league and all the fine people who are a part of it. While games will be played at a remote site, i am sure scores and other bs from it will find their way in here or in that little sports bar down the street.

and Scott, why are Jadey's emoticons still on the floor of the ladies room? In fact i see lots of people's emoticons all over the place. i don't guess we've swept this place for awhile. I suppose it would be too much to ask for everbody to pick up their own emoticons:p

hmm, i think maybe most of them are mine:rolleyes:
Time for an emoticon amnesty. Please check all emoticons in at the cloakroom, and you'll get a ticket for them. That way, they're not cluttering up the place when you're not using them.

THey make the place smell funny as well...
or maybe we should just start picking them up off the floor and reusing them. recycling is always a good idea.;) (used)

here's a couple of Jadey's and googolplex's - :D :eek:

another one of mine - :p

now see if more people would just start sharing their emoticons we wouldn't have all this mess around here.:D (ksuther's)

boy that is hard work. i think i'll go take about a 7-8 hr nap now:o (not sure, might have been mine)
I have consumed my two bottles of wine and now I am quite open to the idea of discussing my emoticons in an adult manner.

... :) Buddy, lemme tell ya, :o hic, that you, buddy, you are my best friend :D Hey, yeah you! :eek: What the $#% are you looking at, huh? :mad: It ain't your biz... :confused: biz ... you ain't got no reason to look at me! It's just that :( My life is falling apart, ever since elanor ... zzz ... zzz...
*picks symphonix's head up off the bar with his hair, grabs a sode syphon and unleashes a blast of emoticons into his face to sober him up*

:) :( :o :D ;) :mad: :rolleyes:
Wow, emoticons are:o, very, :D, silly ;). New rule:cool:, you must use all the emoticons:( in every post:rolleyes:

Maybe not:confused:
OMG, it said i posted too many smilies! That a stupid rule!
** walks over to the bar **
Tismey my good man! Good morning! how are you ? Beautiful day we have here! Can I get my usual Admiral Coffee ??

** takes coffee and joins Ed, Racer, googoo, scott and Jadey for the morning chat **

Top of the morning to you fellas, whats up?!?

It's wednesday :D --
