Herve's Bar & Grill

What's up is quite simple. You got roofs which are usually up, air is all around, including up. Maybe you have birds up, and clouds. The sun is up, unless it's night and the moon is up.
Some believe God is up too.

Hope that clears a few things up, AK.
good... errr afternoon everyone. I'm at school and I've got a physics test next that I'm going to fail :). Isn't that exciting :)


*picks up his emoticons
gosh, it is so heart touching to see so many people sharing their emoticons:) (Ed's eyes begin to water )

let us all send our positive mental energies to googolplex in hopes he defies the laws of physics and aces his exam:D

well, it is raining here today which is good in several ways. It means i won't have to pay for water to loosen the soil up for my next round of digging and i don't have to go water all the newly planted plants. on the other hand i won't get to put in my hour of work in the yard unless it stops. I also figured out yesterday that it will cost about $135 to replace the light in the hot tub that is going to be a pond. so we are going to have a dark pond:( :p

other than that just waiting to see how a few of the close elections turned out from yesterday's primaries.:cool:
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well I failed that :)

It wasn't even a real kind of 'test', we had to go around to different stations that had different things at them. We only had 6 minutes at each one. I didn't have time to think! I think I did alright though not amazing. And after my teacher admitted that he hadn't really done that 'test' before and from what he saw in the class he said that it looked really hard, so I'm hoping that there might be some mark inflation :).

I'm in compsci class now and the teacher isn't here, but he'll be back soon so I have to go now :)
i love it. posts smuggled out of class while the teacher is gone!!:p

Tolya, i suggest you recruit googolplex for the IMF. His abilities to relay valuable information while posing as a confused student will be very valuable:D

for the norsk and the belgiun, jealousy is a very unbecoming emotion. notice that there are no emoticons for it. If you want more than do more. howver there is no way anyone can be herve. although in most polls, a lot of people try.:p

also Herve, i am glad you are not saying anything about bananas. the apples around here might get jealous as well.:rolleyes:
lol googooplex can also infliltrate those 70's cult groups :p -- hehe :) -- googooplex sounds like something out of the 70s...right ?:p
googookachoo - sounds more late 60's to me!

and i think you need to get ksuther as well. he doesn't even need for the teacher to be gone. He sounds like he is ready for field work right away.:p
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
i love it. posts smuggled out of class while the teacher is gone!!:p

Where the fuck did you think I did most of my posting. I have this and 3 other forums I check regularly, often several times a day...That's school for me, and not surprisingly, I've got good grades in english:D
"lol googooplex can also infliltrate those 70's cult groups -- hehe -- googooplex sounds like something out of the 70s...right ?"

I wasn't even alive in the 70s :). And admiral, googolplex is a very large number.

Oh ad BTW did I miss something? Why is everyone talking about me :P
or a beatles song.:D

yea, i would have not known what a googolplex is if it had not been for that nite we were on chat and i was using viavoice. it typed your name out correctly first try so i went and looked it up. Now i know you are a really HUGE number. I always wondered how many people got it when i once said "the odds...are about a googolplex to one".:p

voice - we are just thinking about recruiting you as a spy of some sort - running joke in a certain circle and we just included you in it. that's all.:rolleyes: ;)