Herve's Bar & Grill

It's I am the Walrus by the Beatles.

I am the eggman......I am the walrus, coocoocachoo

I am a hoser, I need to take of, I am a hosehead, googookachoo
a googolplex is 1^googol.

a googol is 1^100

I'm a very big number :D.

And you guys want me to be a spy as well ;)

googolplex would be a good spy name eh?

scott: you are a hoser so take off.
AH, after two days of hard work and not enough time to visit the forums often, I decided to take tomorrow free :)

Sleeping until 12 o'Clock, then getting up, making some Sushi with my GF, and in the evening, sit down and configure/install my brand new TiBook which sits here since three days and waits until I have time to set it up as a PDFLib ready LAMP - or MAMP - machine so I can finally take my work into the nature...I tell you, nothing is better than taking your notebook on a hot summer day and sit down somewhere in a forest and code away...aahhh.....*tonguehangingoutofmouthspitdrippingintable...suuuuuuuuumer.....

So, what did I miss? I come back here and see people singing! So much about "Caraoke free since....".

Bartender, I'd take a Pils and some Chicken Wings, but with a hot sauce, and if I mean hot, I mean hot!!!
oh, btw: today I made a very interesting discovery: the powermacs aren't that far behind the Athlons as I thought!

I friend of mine who also does lots of DivX-work (while I prefer MPEG 2) just got his new system: a Dual AthlonXP 1800.

While it outnumbers my Mac with 3,9 Gigaflops compared to 3,2 over here (which is still impressive, one 867 Mhz G4 nearly maches a dual-1,6 Ghz XP)

We now made a test, encoding the same moviefile into MPEG 2. We both used applications which take full support of our processor features. Me, using Quicktime which uses the Altivec, he used a hacked version of Flask, using both the "Altivec" the AMD has plus uses both processors plus the XP commands....

my system had an average encoding time of 27 frames, he had 31 frames.

I really thought that once he get's this system, he would CRUSH me, but no! And his system is configured VERY well.

But well, this might already be too much technical discussion for the Bar, I just was in the mood to share this to the rest of us, so we can go home and say "we still have good hardware" :)
Originally posted by ksuther
Ooooh, new TiBook. Join the TiBook club :)

Oh yeah, I love it already! I haven't done much with it, just repartitioned the HDD and installed my spare Airport card...

I decided to go with the "small" 550 Mhz variant. I thought about this for a long time, the additional 33 Mhz FSB would give me a much better performance, but I actually won't use it for heavy work like encoding, rendering and stuff like that. At the moment, I am trying to save enough money so I can buy the top-of-the-line PowerMac once the new machines are released...and to finally make my dream come true: buy a Chrysler 300M! I really love this car, and I know someone who sells his 300M, one year old, black, since he now got the new BMW 7series. I will miss my current BMW, but I am such a great fan of the Chrysler 300M....
either Ulrik is really craving some human company or he is really excited about his new toy or both or else he has started talking to himself.;)

I have never thought about taking a computer out into nature since i have never had a laptop, but it does seem like a great place to do some work. of course just about everything is nicer in nature when the weather is co-operating.

so Ulrik, how is the GF's site coming along? is it about ready for us to get another look at it? isn't her b-day coming up pretty soon?
Seems to me that if I were choosing between a TiBook or iBook and the only TiBook model I would be able to get it the 550, I would probably just get the 600 iBook. Sure, it's a G3 with a smaller and slower grafix card, but it's a lot less in price too. I guess that would just be my choice :)
The site is more or less finished! What I still have to do is a nice preloader with Flash version control, the About Me section and delete some test-posts from the guestbook...and increase the performance of the site on the Mac and Linux! On PC, it runs like a dream....but on the Mac....go see for yourself


as mentioned in the starting page, it really is created for a DSL or faster connection, else you will wait for a looooong time. For slower connection, an HTML version will be online soon. This is not the best solution, I know, but well, it's a non-commercial site and so I wanted to have fun creating it...
the b-day of my GF already was, that's why she also posted already into the guestbook...actually.....the sad thing is, she isn't my GF anymore, it's a bit weird and hard to explain....it would need graphics, flow charts and lots of family trees to explain it....

Was I again talking to myself? No you weren't! Really not? No! I always find it very emberassing when that happens to me in public....Yeah, I know that feeling. BTW, you look really cute, too sad you are a man. I just thought the same.
Originally posted by ksuther
Seems to me that if I were choosing between a TiBook or iBook and the only TiBook model I would be able to get it the 550, I would probably just get the 600 iBook. Sure, it's a G3 with a smaller and slower grafix card, but it's a lot less in price too. I guess that would just be my choice :)

Thought about it, already had the iBook ordered, but cancelled it due to three things:

1) Resolution! I tried it and I can't work in it! I am used to a Cinema Display with a 17'' CRT next to it. I am used to wide screen, especially to a widescreen dock. And I want to watch DVDs in widescreen when I'm on the road.
2) PC Card. I have a Nokia Cardphone I am using with my iPAQ. I wanted to use that with my Laptop when I'm not within range of my Airport station.
3) Titanium casing.
This hoser is back from taking off. :D So what's the entertainment in here tonight? :confused: RacerX mentioned Simon and Garfunkel. :eek: I saw them in concert once at the skydome in Toronto. :cool: We had nosebleed seats :mad: but managed to sneak down to the $175/seat area by the time S&G were on stage. :)
sneaky you jadey. and stop spilling the emoticons. we already talked about that :D

Ed, using your computer outside is great. I take my ibook outside a lot in the summer, I can get airport reception out there too :).
Is that movie any good? I haven't ever seen it. There was a commercial on for it the other night for it too.
Jadey, you are my knid of concert goer - getting what you came for instead of just what you paid for.;) (somebody needs to use those seats that the couple that broke up on their way to the show bought)

Ulrik, if it will make you feel any better, i like your presentation of her work better than her work. although i found the self portraits pretty good. but your site seems to show more originality than her art.

it would need graphics, flow charts and lots of family trees to explain it....

what, did you figure out you were cousins or something? or did your great grandfather have an affair with her great grandmother? or....:confused: (just kidding wit you)

aside from Ulrik's site, the only entertainment for me tonite is ABC TV shows. Drew Carey is coming up next. :p