Herve's Bar & Grill

Ah, I was a woe-is-me broke, starving student. During rich summer break times when I was working instead, I bought top-o-the-line Pink Floyd tickets. Fourth row seats. :D :D :D
I personally love the Hudsucker Proxy. It is a very up-lifting and yet light-hearted movie. It is one of those movies I put in when I need to regain my happy-go-lucky mind set. :D
racerx - i think the movie that leaves me with that feeling (and i have only seen it once, quite some time ago) is "Shakespeare in Love".

things will work out.. I don't know how, but they always do.

well, Drew Carey was a rerun. so we watched a couple of old Fraziers instead. One of the local stations carries them 2 a night and lately they have been showing the ones from the first two seasons. These are funnier in retrospect than they were at the time. i find that a strange thing about Frazier. It is a much better show now than when it started back in 1993 and the show as they have built it off of the initial years only informs the old jokes more. That takes exceptional script writing skill !!

I don't know what i'll do with those tossed salads and scrambled eggs..

Jadey: you SAW Pink Floyd?

I envy you more than you know.

Words cannot express

Closest I ever came to that kind of joy was going to the lolapalooza concerts.
gosh Scott, i may not have been in the 4th row, but i've seen pink floyd. i've also seen david gilmore solo which was almost as good. so will you envy me, too?:D

I was in the 2nd row for the eagles. having seen over 300 different bands in concert, are there any other dinasaur bands you would like to envy me for?;)

ksv, would you kindly pour me a root beer? I just got thru fending off the blinking floppy disk with the question mark. the drive wouldn't even mount after booting from cd. but diskwarrior saved the day. 1st time i have ever had a repair that had to move overlapping files. don't even ask how it all got started, I might have to use Ulriks charts and graphics to explain. but it appears to be ok now:)
Hudsucker Proxy is great, but I think I prefer 'Raising Arizona' from the Coen Brothers for the silly uplifting thing. And 'The Big Lebowski' is great too...

So Ed, Jadey - what was your FIRST gig? Mine was Huey Lewis and the News, at the tender age of 13, or something.

Big pitcher of frozen strawberry Daiquiri on the bar for anyone. there's an honesty box - please insert 1 emoticon per glass taken...
My first concert was Elton John at the Los Angeles Forum in 1974 i think. Kiki Dee opened the show. I will never forget the feeling i got when he played "Saturday Night's Allright". From that point on, nobody in the whole arena was sitting. It was still back when he changed costumes every 2 or 3 songs. He was also my favorite musician at the time. I was 16. it was my first date i drove on.

my first outdoor concert was Dave Mason, the Doobie Brothers and the Beach Boys at UC Santa Barbara. I remember almost nothing about that day. the trouble finding a place to park is the most vivid memory:p

so you saw Huge Nuisance and the Lewds, eh? I have to admit i like their music more now than i did when they were popular and being overplayed on the radio.;)
what is a vodka quickest? is that anything like a vodka gimlet? or a vodka martini?:D

so what is up that you come in here clammoring for a drink, at what must be the beginning of the day for you?:confused:

btw - did either of those links back to the fantasy league work for you?
There's yer vodka. Remember that ksv is the NON-alcholoic bartender.

Yeah, Ed, I saw Huey Lewis ('Small World' Tour I think). I was only little, and my Dad wouldn't take me to see Public Enemy and the Beastie Boys, so we went to that instead!! Funny, they were never overplayed on the radio over here as far as I remember....

I think my first 'proper' gig was the Manic Street Preachers on the Generation Terrorists Tour, when they were still a mess of eyeliner and spraypaint and before Richey disappeared and they all got fat.
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
what is a vodka quickest? is that anything like a vodka gimlet? or a vodka martini?:D

so what is up that you come in here clammoring for a drink, at what must be the beginning of the day for you?:confused:

btw - did either of those links back to the fantasy league work for you?

got no problem, just have the taste for vodka.

Those links worked perfectly, thanx.
Who dares speak of Vodka without the presence of the all(not so mighty) Admiral ?! lol :p

ok I mention just a little tidbit abou googolplex and the 70s and you guys delve into simon garfunkel ? :p lol.... oh well... weekend is close... :-)

(still need to do that cursed hashtable program :p)

Yeah, I saw them on their Division Bell tour. Myself and 4 friends were lucky enough to get tickets. One of them had tickets at the 30th row or so, but the rest of us were in 4th row. They played the entire Division Bell album, the entire Dark Side of the Moon album and a mix of singles from various albums. Great concert. I live in a small town, so never really got to see many big bands till I went to university. Pink Floyd has definitely been the best concert I've seen. Green Day had to be the worst live. Their set was 40 minutes, yet we had to pay $30. They had 3 albums by then, why didn't they play more songs? They were rude to the audience - glad I wasn't in the front to get spit on by the band members then.
I saw those guys too at one of those mish-mash concerts with a whole bunch of big bands. Lollapalooza or the Edge's concert series....
Do teachers puposely try and screw you in the last week of the term. I had two tests yesterday, I just finished one and I've got another next. Grrr!

Anyways I'll be free after today :)
Yup they do. I've had 3 mid-terms already this week and I'm working on a 7 page paper as we speak. The only thing getting me through this is the reminder that we leave for cabo on saturday. :D
Yay! I'm out of hell and digging towards the surface. All I have are two do-nothing periods (French and English) between me and freedom :D
I can't think of a worse environment to learn in than the current school system. They teach at a snail's pace, and you get attention maybe 2 minutes of the day from the teacher. I'd like a firewire port in the head that will just import information instantly into my melon.