Old Rhapsody User
The funny thing is that the biggest blow to my track career was getting married! In high school I was a very angry/unhappy youth. But after meeting my future wife, moving in with her, and then marrying her, I was no longer angry. By the last year that I ran, I couldn't understand why I was coming home bleeding each day... it stopped making sense to me. I liked myself and my life, and my school work... why hurt myself on a daily basis? I finished that season ranked 13th in California for the hurdles, and math and physics took over my time after that (I had been working out 8 hours a day for almost 8 years).
BTW, we have some great curlers here in Minnesota (though it is not seen that often on TV).
BTW, we have some great curlers here in Minnesota (though it is not seen that often on TV).