Herve's Bar & Grill

The funny thing is that the biggest blow to my track career was getting married! In high school I was a very angry/unhappy youth. But after meeting my future wife, moving in with her, and then marrying her, I was no longer angry. By the last year that I ran, I couldn't understand why I was coming home bleeding each day... it stopped making sense to me. I liked myself and my life, and my school work... why hurt myself on a daily basis? I finished that season ranked 13th in California for the hurdles, and math and physics took over my time after that (I had been working out 8 hours a day for almost 8 years).

BTW, we have some great curlers here in Minnesota (though it is not seen that often on TV). :rolleyes:
Couldn't agree more on the curler thing...

Curling is HUGE in Canada... during the provincials/nationals/worlds season we get 9 hours per day on TV of curling - and lovin it. US teams have made huge gains in the last 5 years and are now definite contenders. It is a great strategic / finese sport and I think if US tv took it more seriously it would create a large following and therefore a serious world contender in the US.
i knew there would be runners in this crowd. :D

Scott - i don't know where you got the idea my son was older, but he will be 13 next wednesday. he was born on the equinox in '89. he is in 7th grade and this is his first year doing any kind of organized sports outside of soccer. I think it is so good for him. His mother has never really encouraged it much and since she has him most of the year there isn't much i can do. plus the month out of the summer that he comes out here has kept him from being in summer leagues. luckily he is not like me, he has natural athletic ability!! So now he can take the interest for himself and it is his main interest these days. We had one of our longest phone conversations ever a few weeks ago, mostly talking about sports.

RacerX - wow, those are pretty impressive running stories. I guess all that blood pumping through your head must have done some good;)
but i am guessing a lot of the Canadiens are going to call you a whoosie for saying it is too cold to run in MN.:p
yes, whoosie. LOl just kidding,

Altitude is the factor, not latitude.

Ed, sorry for the assumption, your post made it sound to me like your son was in college or high school. It show a major difference between our sport system and yours. The US youth sport system is FAR superior to ours, and it shows in the olympics (not per capita though /mandatory patriotic spin)
What can I say, I lived in a place where it was about 24 degrees year around for most of my live and now with the last week we have had temps around -17 degrees (with wind chills close to -23 degrees).
hey coach:)D ), you had better proofread your posts better. i know for a fact that it is not 24 degrees F in San Diego. Try 74 degrees:p (54 at night)

Scott - while i too was just teasing racerx, i think there is something to the weather as well. There are more great atheletes for warm weather sports that come out of warmer regions. In the US, Florida and S. Calif. are known to have a higher percentage of atheletes whose talents are above average. I don't think it is the water or anything genetic. I think that when you have better weather all year round, then you have more opportunity to practice and develop those skills. so Canadians should have more talented competitors in winter type sports, having much longer winters. Those individuals who are possesed with exceptional drive and abilities but more limited opportunities will be able to overcome their environments, but there will be less of them (per capita;) )
I run too. Somehow I got stuck in those extended sprinting events, namely the 400 and 800 meter dashes.

400: 56s
800: 2:17 :rolleyes:

Anyone out there who can run a full 400 meter hurdles properly, gets my full respect! Damn, thats just about one of the most grueling things you can do.
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
hey coach:)D ), you had better proofread your posts better. i know for a fact that it is not 24 degrees F in San Diego. Try 74 degrees:p (54 at night)

Actually because we are having an international discussion, I all temps are in celsius. Besides, that was the only way I could get the negative numbers here because it was above 0 degrees F within the last week. Converted, 24 C is about 75 F.

Sorry about not having a type (which is pretty amazing for me might add). :p
Originally posted by Matrix Agent
Anyone out there who can run a full 400 meter hurdles properly, gets my full respect! Damn, thats just about one of the most grueling things you can do.

My PR for the 400 hurdles was 57.5, which considering the fact that I have run 50.8 for the 400, is pretty bad. :( I hated the 400 hurdles, no other race hurts like that one (specially off the last curve :eek: ). In high school my coach (wonderful person she was) made me run the 300 hurdles every so often which was no where near as bad as the 400 hurdles (my PR for the 300 hurdles was 41.6).
I don't any more either... it was just that Ed's son is going into track, and I was remembering how important it was in my life back then (and how I met my first wife).

Sorry for the dull subject. :rolleyes:
lol this is the first time after the olympics that herve's has become a sports bar :p

bartender! A round of drinks for my friends here ;)!!!!!
Racer - don;t worry - I knew you were talkig in Celsius (Centigrade, whatever).

Ed - I think I confused my post - I didn;t mean to imply genetics had any factor in anything, just altitude.

Now that the international scale has been brought up, what say everything we say is in metric (for measuring) and Kelvin? heheh
Coach - (as you shall henceforth be known - every bar needs a Cheers character:p ) well, since it isn't unusual for Minnesota to get -17 F, i assumed that was what you were talking about. and i don't think this is boring. We don't have to impress everyone with every post. Everyone is free to start their own subjects at any time. if anybody continues to talk about anything for more than one post, then it must interest somebody.

Scott - i wasn't really responding to you directly when i threw in genetics. just a punch at my general dislike for the concept of genetic 'superiority'. I was just arguing that i think lattitude has a lot to do with how well trained certain kinds of athletes are due to the climate of their training environment. I am sure altitude plays its part in climate influence as well. Like the number of good American skiers who come from the Sierras and the Rockies.

Phil - my son had had only one practice so far when i spoke with him. He mentioned how how out of breath he was after 100 meters so i think that is the longest they had attempted so far. My son has always loved to run. I used to have him just run circles around the house to keep him accupied and burn off his excess energy. and he would keep doing it till he could hardly stand up sometimes. I have spent lots of my time with him telling him not to run because he wanted to do it everywhere.:D
wow... how the thread has changed once again!

i did cross country... and f***ing sucked at it... i don't even want to mention my average time.... let's just say everyone else on my team was 15-18 and mine was well.... bigger... ok, it was around 19-21 for a 2 mile run... yes i sucked, but i lasted while others thought i wouldn't.... they had a greater respect for me after that season...

i never did it again.... :D

and racer... just wondering if you were still gonna send me that photoshop file if you could find it... i'm waiting patiently, but not for long :D the e-mail is BlingBling3k12@attbi.com
Sorry about that BB, I had flattened the only image I saved, but I'm going to see if I can find the elements I used and put them together as a layered photoshop doc for you.

As for cold, Ed let me tell you... it gets cold here. One year it didn't get above 10 F for almost two months, wind chills as low a -30 F. This year was that bad, but a couple days ago it got down to 1 F with wind chills at -13 F, that was what I was talking about.

As for doing everything in metric... I would love that. I would only weight in at 100 then (best diet ever!! :D).
60 F here! This morning it was misty and cloudy almost all day and then a few hours ago it became clear and warm! God you've got to love spring weather... give it 5 minutes and you'll see it change!