Herve's Bar & Grill

are you gonna air some nudie movies in spring breack? BTW, in canada it's been spring breack for about a week.

gotta love a bartender with a sharp wit!

Ohh tismey, it seems as you wake, I sleep. As you break, I prep for work.
When will we find synchronicity?
tismey when i read vic's post after your's I thought the exact same thing :p

that was hilarious ;)

cheers! ;)

Hi guys!

After many visits to the family shrink, he says that it is safe for me to join the community now. No more silly outbursts, crazy talking, and other nut-job type thing. What a dope! Pass me a beer. Lets see how well they "cured" me! HA HA!

Never mind. Gee its good to poke my head in the door again. (I am guessing there is a door still.) All these familiar faces. Wow! Look what you guys have done to the place, not bad... but not good either.:D Well, this should do for now. Dont want to over stay my welcome.:)
Hey, who nicked the door?!

I've just snuck out of a two hour lecture on image formats. Now I really need a bottle of that blue stuff - you know, the one that says "Caution, keep away from naked flame" on the bottle. The one with the slogan "The refreshing taste that makes you want to die."

Oh, and any food would be pretty cool. Some of those little sushi rolls would be great. I'll get out my checkbook...
The eyes blink. Gah.

A long time ago
Me and my brother Kyle, here...
Well, we was hitchhiking down
A long and lonesome road

And all of a sudden
There shined a shiny demon
In the middle of the road

And he said:
"Play the best song in the world
Or I'll eat your soul"

Well, me and Kyle
We looked at each other
And we each said:

And we played the first thing that came to our heads
Just so happened to be
The BEST song in the world
It was the best song in the world... Yeah... Oh!
And it saved our butts.

Because the demon want to kill us... oh...
But he was forced to set us free
By the honor code that demons
Have to live by.

Cause it's Satan's Surprise and it's magic!
And it's a mystical disguise... oh..
The devil's song and it's tragic!
You are the mystical eyed virgin and you're rocking!

Well needless to say
The beast was stunned
A whip crack with his swampy tail
And the beast was done.

He asked us:
"Be you angels?"
And we said:
"NAY! We are but men! Rock HOUNDS!"
Hounds! Rock Hounds!

This is not
The greatest song in the world, no.
This is just a tribute!
Couldn't remember
The greatest song in the world
But this is a tribute!

To the greatest song in the world
It was the greatest song in the world
You know it was the best motherfuckn
It was the greatest song in the world

[scat interlude, ending with "Oooh Mama, Lucifer!!"]

And the peculiar thing is this:
It didn't actually sound anything like this song
This is just a tribute.
You've gotta believe it.
And I wish you were there.
It's just a matter of opinion

Braaah! F*ck!
Good god! God lovin!
I'm so surprised
To find
I can't stop em!
Rich motherf**ker could f**k a duck!
Oooh! Ooh!
All right!

And we're playing the greatest
In the world.

Boo-yah bass. In your face.

- Tribute to the greatest song in the world, Tenacious D
I wont be having any of that.
Just a nice cold iced please with a grilled ham & cheese :D

hey lessthan, welcome back to society.
We should figure out who has the highest post to time ratio. It would be interesting to see... admiral you would probably get it anyways :)
Golly gee, I think you're right. Fastest poster in the west. Packin his double shooters and maybe a cape even!
*everyone turns and stares at Ed as he walks in the door - he just smiles that same shit eating grin and takes a seat at the bar*

Hey, good to see you in here Rick. glad you aren't totally against what we did to the place. ;)

Symphonix - tell whoever that your meal is on me this time. I know what it is like to drive a car without a seat back. Going uphill is a real bitch!! My gf's son's car has that problem and he just keeps on driving it. I have tried suggesting he go to the dump and get a new one but he would rather spend his money travelling to Russia during spring break. Good thing you have a bike. The whole situation reminds me of my famous "acrobatics and narcotics" stunt.

*half the bar turns away, knowing Ed is about to start talking about the 'old days'*

My friend and i in oHIo were going down to Tennessee to buy some fireworks for the 4th of July in his van many years ago. only he didn't have a passenger seat so i rode sitting in a folding lawn chair. Needless to say, we smoked what we were smoking on the way down because fire was not going to be a good thing on the way back. At one point he decides to gun the van to pass somebody and i went tumbling backwards doing a complete roll and ending sitting on my butt on the floor facing the front just like i had started. We both nearly died from laughing at that point. Hint to all - do not ride in a lawn chair in a moving vehicle unless you are ready to do acrobatics. :D

symphonix - an extra warning - acrobatics while you are the driver is extra dangerous;)

and would somebody check and see if Phil has been smoking crack again? He knows he is not supposed to be doing that and then posting. :p
*falls of stool, spills beer. Runs to nearest internet connection and orders Apple Remote Desktop.
picks up scotts stool, takes seat in it, drinks the remnants of scott's spilled beer... asks again: what??

(apropos: "nudie blutack men? what kind of a pervert are you?")

Vic still doesn' t get it...
well, the internet s aworld wide comunity, therefore many laws fom around the world get mishmashed together and... well... it's hard to amek sense of which one to follow, so i decided to follow the oe that makes more "sense" to me... if , let's say i was in germany, i think id be old enough to smoke and drink... or japan where they have the beer bottle dispensers... ya know, thsi age thing gets fuzzy sometimes...

especially after a beer or two ;)
hey admiral! is that your pictures on the website? you so don't look like your name... and are those the "real" neo glasses or just something that looks like them?