Herve's Bar & Grill

:) hey I'm bored, come on and talk :) kilowatt and twyg are on now.... Some others (simx, cloudnine, etc.) are on but seem to be idle now...
I had a painful day yesterday. I got into my car to head to school, leaned back and SNAP! - found myself staring at the ceiling of the car. The seat back had broken and I ended up driving to school just hanging off the wheel with my teeth gritted. When I got out my neck and back were so crook that I was stumbling around all day like doctor frankenstein's sidekick.

So, I ended up getting the ol' bike out of the shed, dusting it off and taking it onto the road. In spite of all the laziness of the last few months, I'm actually still kind of fit and was able to do all my errands without sweating like a pig.

Oh, well, I feel so much better now for a day spent on the bike... :cool:
I've had to economise and have moved into a small knapsack.

No, the great thing is I was able to take my iBook with me. How sweet it is to have a laptop that light!
ahh, reminds me of a story bout a TiBook.
(begin banjo music)
Well 1 of the familys at my little bors school had gotten a new TiBook and the youngest loved it a lot.
Anyway one day when they were leaving on a trip the youngest asked if he could carry it out to the car. The parents conceded, and they all went out ,got in the car, and left.
About an hour into the trip the mom asked the son where the TiBook was. He replied, "I put it down."
"Where?", they asked. He replied that he had set it down before getting into the car. (He was in kindergarten)
Anyway they drove all the way back home and found the TiBook on the ground. Turns out the kid had left it where as they backed out (thunk thunk) they had driven over it.
I found out now that they had to buy a new one, which hopefully will get a little better treatment then the first.
This is my 500th post.

Rather inadequate, don't you think?

Funny how I registered REALLY early compared to most. Funny how kids and work take priority.......
Re-registered the kids and work? I'm on the ground floor for basic registration of these services. Are they free? Any benefits?
cong to scott !! (thats half a congrats:D )

so how many posts did your old nick have? and just out of curiosity, why did you change? did you conciously disguise yourself so as not to be reccognized? Are you a wanted man in 7 threads? Is Herve's now a sanctuary for guys on the run from their past identity? :p

I keep waiting for a new imac to show up on a Drew Carey episode - but still not yet. my girlfiend finally saw the new imac tv commercial and started asking me about it. she had totally ignored me and my wanting to talk about it when it first came out. Just last nite she finally decides to ask me if I had seen one at MWSF:rolleyes: of course i only kidded her a little about it and then told her a few things about it. She calls it the "moving imac".:p
klink - you're fired. you seem to work better for free:D

if you are talking to me about needing to explain to my gf that the imac doesn't move on its own like in the commercial, yes i did that. and she even said she figured as much. but the whole idea that it moves was very intriguing to her. when she first saw a picture of it, her only comment was that the cats would knock it over.

It's not like either of us is going to get one real soon;)

but if you are talking about Scott and his new criminal identity, then i would say there is lots more explaing to be done:D

Oh Ed help me up off the floor. My sides have split.
The gf AND getting fired!? You're too much. Oh my gosh!

Yes, yes I was talking of scott!
I am sorry, i meant to fire you, not hurt you klink:p

of course your previous position will probably remain open for awhile so if you ever get motivated to tell all those great corporate jokes you promised we will reconsider:D

we will wait one week before we put the help wanted sign back up:D

i'm tired, i think i will go back into the office and crawl onto the la-z-boy and get some sleep for a change. today was another big yardwork adventure in transplanting. but i am all done ripping plants up now.:eek:
Yes Ed I've seen your roses and they are magnificent. You've brought quite a load of fertilizer with you and they should grow nicely. I applaud your green thumb. Of coarse Racer is very good with trees himself. His trunks are rooted very deeply. Both of you are teaching me the finer points of gardening. A thanks should be mentioned.
Hmmm seems like the management is kinda up tight these past few days (Ed :p) ... firing the staff (klink) for no reason ??? tsk tsktsk :p

scott congrats ;)
maybe you can ask the admin to add you old tally to your new account :) -- all those cus postings shoulndt go to waist lol :p

The weekend is close! Spring break is almost here! Are we gonna have a party at herve's ????

Tismey my good man! gimme an Admiral Coffee please ;)

A pleasure! something to do at last....

FYI, I have just spent my lunchtime at work making a little man out of blu-tack and paperclips. He has a cowboy hat and a moustache made out of a staple.