ahh, reminds me of a story bout a TiBook.
(begin banjo music)
Well 1 of the familys at my little bors school had gotten a new TiBook and the youngest loved it a lot.
Anyway one day when they were leaving on a trip the youngest asked if he could carry it out to the car. The parents conceded, and they all went out ,got in the car, and left.
About an hour into the trip the mom asked the son where the TiBook was. He replied, "I put it down."
"Where?", they asked. He replied that he had set it down before getting into the car. (He was in kindergarten)
Anyway they drove all the way back home and found the TiBook on the ground. Turns out the kid had left it where as they backed out (thunk thunk) they had driven over it.
I found out now that they had to buy a new one, which hopefully will get a little better treatment then the first.