Herve's Bar & Grill

hey scott who is sam ? :p
definatelly not me ;)

Hey vic, u wont get any hugs in here :p
I havent see a mac chick in here in ages :p -- better luck in the cus thread, maybe J is there ;)

Originally posted by symphonix
I just had the scariest nightmare...

I walked into class to find there was a suprise test. The title was "Informatics" and below that was written "Test exam set by Herve Heinekken, on chapters 4 and ZR2 of the text editor program."

I opened it up, and it was all Herve-ianism. "If it was blue, what would the square root be?" and "How many tuesdays are there in iMac?"

I can't recall what happened next, but I woke up in a cold sweat. I think I should take a sabatical from the forum...

We have a situation here...:eek:
symphonix.... oh my god.... you're messed up... i haven't gotten that far but i'll probably have one tonight now that you mentioned it...
I think herve is intoxicated, someone please call a cab and take him home :p

I cant cause I am up here in the DJ booth ;)
Anyone heard of them? A heavy metal cello quartet. Really very good - at some parts, I think they sound even heavier than I could achieve with e-guitar, e-bass and drumkit.
bling bling, is that really your computer?! isn't there a rule you can't bring a peecee in this bar?
Wow, I didn't know that was one of the rules. I guess my ThinkPad and I are going to have to go somewhere else for refreshments. :(
asked by vic
racer x don't u have a mac?

Yes, I have eight Macs in all (and three PCs, three SGIs and two Suns). But the computer that goes with me everywhere is my ThinkPad. Something tells me you would like this PC more than your average one. ;)
you got rhapsody on your think pad? is that right? well, then, hmm, is it a mac or pc? or maybe a combination! oooooooo... well, the fact that you own 8 macs excuses you from any ani pc threat, and bling bling, why the hell are u actually wasting your time here if you on't even have a mac, i'm not saying you should not or whatever, i just don't understand, i don't have a pc, so i dont go to microsoft newsletters or forums, please, i would like to understand your line of thinking, or maybe your just joking around, i dunno, anyway, how much money di your fund raise?
why do i see pictures of Mac OS X Server and see something like Rhapsody but also see screenshots of Mac OS X Server looking like a Graphite-Aqua.

can someone explain?!
Mac OS X Server 1.0, 1.0.1, 1.0.2, and 1.2 were all Rhapsody operating systems (Rhapsody 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, and 5.6 respectively), Mac OS X Server 10.x.x are all based on Mac OS X 10.x.x which has the aqua interface. Apple called the Rhapsody version of Server Mac OS X so that it would appear as though they had released a version back in 1999 (shortly after the project had taken on the name Mac OS X).

The version I use is Rhapsody Developer Release 2 (Rhapsody 5.1) which was released for both Intel and PPC systems. Apple was going to release a final version to the public called Rhapsody 1.0 (which would have actually been Rhapsody 5.2) but change their minds after major Mac developers like Adobe and Microsoft said that they would not write any apps for Rhapsody. This was what force Apple to make Carbon, and delayed Mac OS X for almost three years.
Good morning all.:eek:

Well i have been very busy doing yard work the past couple of days. and at the end of the day my arms would be so sore it was a chore to try and type. but things are moving right along with my landscaping. Today it is pouring rain so i can't work. mother nature is providing me the break i need:p

so symphonix, surely by now a Herve test would be no sweat. the square root of blue is red and there is an infinite # of tuesdays in an imac. sounds more like your first set of exams at school are causing you a little anxiety. relax. i bet you'll do fine on them.:)

Not much else new to say except that i am looking forward to seeing my son in a week and a half.:)