Herve's Bar & Grill

did you ASK for one, JohnnyV? I'm SO sorry, I was mixing them and Klink's streaking confused me. Give me a few days to get used to this.

Please tell me what you'd like and I'll be sure it's a GOOD one.?
*makes Johnny V a So Be Power...a STRONG one and takes it to him personally, bows, apologizes and vows to do better next time*
Originally posted by Klink
Night xaqintosh.
*Klink practices playing Mary Had a Little Lamb on the telephone. 3212333,222,133*
*Myst stands in front of Klink with her arms crossed over her chest, taps her boot and stares at him intently*
mysti threatens:
...and then gives herself a shove over the bar, landing in Klinks semi-dressed lap and gives him THE LOOK for ignoring her question.

Oh I crumble when you give me THE LOOK. Ok, ok, I'll tell. You'll be disappointed though because there isn't a melodramatic story to it. From time to time I like to revert back to the good ol days of the '50s 60s. I just dig the 'cool' of the Rat Pack. Sammy was particularly the funnier of the bunch, in my eyes. And he was quite an entertainer, which I sometimes fancy myself to be on occasion.
*Klink starts to figure out smoke on the water using teletones*

Arg! I've gone tone deaf! I only hear 3 tones!

Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
klink - i'll be expecting a concert next time we talk on the phone :p

How come everybody gets to talk on the phone but ME???

*pretends to pout which doesn't work very well with her caustic attitude and mouth

I think for Christmas there should be some AT & T Well-Wishing. :D
I want to hear Klinks NY accent. HEH.
Klink....please tell me that you at least put your pants on before I hurdled the bar and landed in your lap the second time.... :eek:
*shakes her head*...I have to clean this bar. When you ****heads decide to keep your clothes on and stop pretending to be SDJ rocking out to "It Had To Be You" on your cell phones, let me know if I can be of your assisstance. :P
Originally posted by Klink
Oh my, why of course I did.....
and my chastity belt. :D

OW!!!! So THAT'S that dirty mother that took about three inches of skin outta my stomach like a carving knife!!

That things dangerous, Klinkster and since it's completely hopeless, PLEASE give it to the next homeless man you see on the way home; Perhaps he can use it to open his next can of Dinty Moore with it.:rolleyes: