Herve's Bar & Grill

*ed kringes at the very thought of what male chastity belt must be like*

mystique - shhh - come over here. if a customer asks for something we don't have, program it into the replicator and just serve it to them. don't tell 'em where it came from . they'll never know the difference.

huh, here Johnny, uh here's your sobe power. uh, hope you like it.

*see how it's done :D *
Thanks for the tip Ed...I'm a quick learner and I'll catch up on all this. :D

This was great. Looks like its getting late. I'm going to clean up and get ready to head out if there's no rush. Still be around for a bit. You get some rest, you've had some stressful day. If you ever need me, just holler. :D

loves ya sammy~~ ;)
naw, no nu yowk acsense. :D

hey ken!! glad you stopped by. klink and i were just talking about you and how we hadn't seen you around much, earlier today. guess you must have heard your ears buzzing. ;)

so if klink doesn't have an accent - what do you call that funny way he talks? :p
Haha, howee hazmat! Good to see your old mug again. What have you been up to? Last we spoke you were doing your Sun certs.
Just got back from a musical...

"Singing In The Rain". A fresh change from all the rap metal stuff that I have been listening to.
Damnit, Hazmat dropped by after I request he do and where the hell was I? Still trying to figure out what TommyV wanted to drink, I recogin'.

Mornin' BossEd!

*Mystique opens the curtains to the B & G and they fall into shreads into her hands...*

*you hear much under-the-breath grumbling*

Okay, BossEd...can I PLEASE have a cheque? I need to do a bit of shopping. These curtains are in tatters and this place smells like that stuff they sprinkle on vomit in third grade. Besides...they are ORANGE...this is not good for the spinning-room snydrome.

*myst heads for the Bossman's office and a signed cheque shouting over her shoulder.."You know the honestly rules!"
um, ed, I think I recall the word "important" in ulrik's sentence, eh? :p ;)

well, its the second night of chanukah, and my dad bought us an air hockey table :D air hockey is my favorite sport :cool:
touche' xaq:p

air hockey table. cool. i used to love to play that. costs too many quarters though. never had my own. i'll bet you are going to get good!!
yep, air hockey is the greatest :) my sister beat me though, 9-10 :( but then I beat my aunt, and my aunt beat my sister, so we don't know who's the best :confused: we'll have to have some rematches :cool:

anyways, I'm off to a chanukah party right now, be back later. And I'll be expecting my burger by then! :D
*Myst returns hours later, barely able to walk or carry all the boxes, bags and things on hangers surrounded with plastic...she collapses in a chair letting her days shopping fall to the floor in a crash in front of her and puts her boot on the chair before her.*

"Shopping is he11, I need a drink...who's in charge around here?!

Mystique looks sheepish remembering that'd be her

Erm...guess I'll get my own martini. Anyone else around need a refill?

Drat, I missed ulrk.
Myst searches for the Sapphire (Bombay) and slips off her boots hoping no one will notice
*walks into the bar. Notes the "21 years or older" sign and pulls up a seat at the bar*

Hey gents, ladies.
Hello, Trip :D What trips your fancy this evening? :)

BossEd...my feet do NOT stink!! I was referring to my lack of consumate professionalism, not smell. :P