Herve's Bar & Grill

And the Boltz fan says, "No, it doesn't need to. With the Apple tattoo, it has Carte Blanche in most bars, so beers are given to it!"
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
psssst, guys. he's not boxing , he's dancing. or at least that's whats he call's it. :p

What, like Elaine's dancing in Seinfeld? Or is that poking, no boxing? :)
you know this is the first time ive opened up this thread O_o

look what ive been missing :eek:

oh well... i guess that just means im full of bliss ;)
yeah, welcome bobb and itanium. i'm sure mysti will be here shortly if you need something to eat or drink. other wise feel free just to hang out and express what ever you want. although we're still not sure what itanium's "dancing" is expressing :p
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell

and racerx, i still say you are secretly working for nasa or the cia or something in that mini control room there. :p

And I thought I had too many computers! :p

I'm trying to keep my room as neat and uncluttered as possible - but I'm loosing the war!

I'm going to have to move to a new place because of all the computers!
Or get rid of my already small bed! Shesh!

Or... buy a rack to contain them all in! :D
But that's too much money and I just droped a good load of money into my car - well, I will have once I go pick it up today. This is going to hurt! :p
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
everybody be nice to tormente - he may be sitting here a few days :p

You could have said that yesterday, cuz it was supposed to be done before the shop closed last night! :rolleyes:

Not that I'm in a real hurry since I can't yet drive really (started to drive short distances - shhh! don't tell my doc! lol). :p
did the bartendress go on a bender or what? where the hell is she? this is ridiculous!

im a dancer damnit and i dont open beers with my arse!
Sorry about that itanium. Took me a minute to realize you were shakin your buns there. What do the gloves do? *chuckles*

Good to meet you, man. Down for a brew?

Nice to see some of you drop by the bar. Was getting a little quiet in here with just hazmat and I chattin.

k now, who's pickin up the punch line?
Originally posted by Klink
Sorry about that itanium. Took me a minute to realize you were shakin your buns there. What do the gloves do? *chuckles*

Hmmm... Maraquas? :p

Now I wish I had a picture from when I used to box... Wait... I remember a couple of flashes - but where they from a camera or something else? heh :D
lol - me thinks the boxer, er..dancer, got his mouth washed out with soap :p

hey klink, you and ken were having a good chat. every now and then it's good for the rest of us to shut up and listen. besides, if i'd joined in, then it would have been chit chatting. cause you know i've always got more chit to chat about :D

tormente - did you ever get that car? i never trust them when it takes long enough to have to leave it. and just forget it if it's body work. those guys think 2 weekslate is what they promised you. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Tormente
You could have said that yesterday, cuz it was supposed to be done before the shop closed last night! :rolleyes:

Not that I'm in a real hurry since I can't yet drive really (started to drive short distances - shhh! don't tell my doc! lol). :p

Guess what? I got my car back! :)

They did take a bit longer than they said they would - but just a few hours, not days ! :p :D

But I'll hang around the bar either way. :)
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell

tormente - did you ever get that car? i never trust them when it takes long enough to have to leave it. and just forget it if it's body work. those guys think 2 weekslate is what they promised you. :rolleyes:

Aren't cross-posts fun? :rolleyes: :D

Well originally they said same day (Thursday) but they couldn't get the parts they needed (Rack 'n Pinion, and Gear Box (?)) in time, and said it would be ready around 2pm Friday... they called closer to 6.

They basically did the front-end... steering 'n suspension.

Like I said, no real hurry since I can't drive yet (or, at least I'm not supposed ;)).

It was the $ I was worried about, spent more than I was prepared to pay, but they did great work! :)
well, i can only think of one repair in the last few years that didn't cost more $$$ than i was hoping to pay. it used to be you could fix most of a car yourself. these days you need a degree. and smog checks - don't even get me started on smog checks. while i haven't failed one yet, i'm pretty sure it's cause the shop i go to doesn't know what they are doing. :rolleyes:

yea, you're definitly welcome to hang out. it's a little less hectic than the other herve's . we tend to spend a little more time talking and less ordering drinks. and like mysti pointed out. we move a little slower. even the new yorkers :D
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
well, i can only think of one repair in the last few years that didn't cost more $$$ than i was hoping to pay. it used to be you could fix most of a car yourself. these days you need a degree.

I've been able to do some minor work on the car myself up until the surgery, now I can't even wash the poor thing. Not that the paint helps it to look any better (consider it - green primer with red primer patches when it's supposed to be Emerald Metallic! lol) :rolleyes: :p

and smog checks - don't even get me started on smog checks. while i haven't failed one yet, i'm pretty sure it's cause the shop i go to doesn't know what they are doing. :rolleyes:

Oh don't go there! Let's just say... my car is 25 years old and is not exempt - and I've lost hope of it ever being exempt! ARGH!!! :(

yea, you're definitly welcome to hang out. it's a little less hectic than the other herve's .

Other herve's? There's more than one Herve? Scary! :D
emerald green metallic and 25 years old? hmm..why does a picture of an amc Gremlin pop in my head? :p

actualy gremlins were my fvorite cars when i was 16. but my dad made me settle for a pinto. i was just lucky nobody ever rear ended me. :eek:
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
emerald green metallic and 25 years old? hmm..why does a picture of an amc Gremlin pop in my head? :p

Uh, Watching Wayne's World one too many? Kidding! :D

Something bigger and stronger! :)