Herve's Bar & Grill

Originally posted by hazmat
Hey, I missed the lingerie! :mad:

Oh, it was at the other Herve's II this morning. I was just showing b3s what I was going to wear the next time we play Cribbage.

A little distraction advantage never hurt :D

Right, honey??? ;)

(I kicked his behind last time and he's swearing revenge as he's so NON-COMPETITIVE and a GRACIOUS LOSER)

*cough* *cough* Gotta run...I think I'm choking on something...*cough*
Originally posted by b3s
i won't plead the fifth...she's weird...and i dig that about her ;)

ed: don't need a fifth or a quart or a pint...but i could use some plane tickets....and some vacation time!

:D :cool: ;) :-*
Originally posted by mystique
Oh, it was at the other Herve's II this morning. I was just showing b3s what I was going to wear the next time we play Cribbage.

Ah, just saw it. Cute.
Make him some :) Be sure to make the kissy-kissy one I've been begging for for FOUR months. (that's a lot of 4's)

W00t! I'm over 200 posts already!
What a blabbermouth. :)

OK, I've got some work (uploading to do).
not my part of the show. sorry. this subject has been debated and redebated around here, and it's just not likely to change anytime soon. always happens when people drift over from the fora. :p
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
not my part of the show. sorry. this subject has been debated and redebated around here, and it's just not likely to change anytime soon. always happens when people drift over from the fora. :p

I'm not being argumentative, just curious (as usual) as to why you feel that way...is it just a stand that you are not going to copy the fora or do you feel they are overused and annoying or none of the above or NOMB? :)

Just wondering...
like i said - not my part of adminning. that is still scottw's domain. and he doesn't like overdoing them for some reason. might be not wanting to be too much like some other sites, might be the server load, might be the increase in page load times, i'm not sure. i just know that all requests for it have been turned down in the year i've been here. and it just doesn't seem like that big of a deal to me to pushit. i could see adding another half dozen or so, but not as many as the fora by a long shot. :)

and it's certainly not on my list of priorities right now. ;)
humm... :D

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