Herve's Bar & Grill

Originally posted by Hervé Hinnekens
The Wall --- Supertramp
We don't need no education.
Teacher leave us alone.

OK, I'll start working on an Altivec optimized Hervé post deciphering application once I learn Cocoa programming :rolleyes:
Originally posted by ksv

OK, I'll start working on an Altivec optimized Hervé post deciphering application once I learn Cocoa programming :rolleyes:

A drink for everyone! I just got my "Currency Converter" working. The Cocoa Tutorial!:p :D This app sucks but.......Yeah!!!!:D

Do I have to implemantate ALTIVEC for calculations like 2 * 2???:confused:
ksv, would this translator work on non altivec machines ? :p -- also take into account the drunkeness factor that might take place in a bar setting :p
Who takes the orders around here? I want a cheeseburger, no onions or pickles and a sprite...

Alexandart - Congrats, now on to something useful, right? :) All Cocoa apps are optimized for AliVec off the bat.
I know just what you mean. I bring my iBook with me to each class and use it if I need to. Why?
Logging in on a school PC takes two minutes. Plugging my iBook into a jack gives me full access in under 10 seconds.
Anyhow, I whipped it out to work on something in my "Operating Systems" class, in which we were learning Unix. The guy next to me, who used to be an NT administrator and has never used Linux, Unix or Mac in his life immediately began slamming me.
My tutor, a young woman who is a bit of a Linux evangelist, immediately took an interest and said: "Hey, a Mac. Are they any good?"
"Oh, yeah." I said "The whole system is based on BSD Unix."
"Say WHAT?!" She said.
I showed her the terminal, the config files, and the way System preferences can start and stop Apache and FTP servers with a single click.
"I can run all the Unix servers and development tools in the same environment as Photoshop and Office." I told her.
So, clearly some people are willing to say "I own a windows machine because they are the best and anyone who says otherwise is a damn fool." while other people are willing to consider that other systems have their virtues as well, and that maybe the world doesn't revolve around windows. Some people never stop learning, and others never stop thinking they know everything already.
My Java teacher told me a Mac would be useless, as we would be starting with the BlueJ development environment for windows. I showed him BlueJ for OS X, and a number of projects I had compiled that ran perfectly, and he never mentioned it again. I mean, isn't Java meant to be multi-platform? What the hell are they teaching these kids?
My roommate is always bashing me for having a "Macintrash." I usually just ignore him, because I usually always ignore him anyway. In any event, his most recent reason was:

"Macs can play mp3's without them being called ".mp3." What the f*ck is that all about. They're all weird and crappy."

So apparently, because my computer can recognize files without me telling it exactly what it is, where as when you hand windows a file you need to send a packing list along for the ride, my computer is crap.

Am I missing something? :confused:
It's amazing how OS X can turns so many more heads than OS9 did simply because of it's Java/Unix capabilities :)
I go through the same thing at school with my TiBook quite often.
My personal favourite is that because I use a mac, i am therefore an artiste, not a real worker.

I couldn't draw a stick.

Tismey, draw me a couple of drafts, if you please.
Tismey, could you do me a favor and get me a coke please? If you by *accident* spill something else in there as well then I don't think that would be a problem :P.
I bring my ibook (well my family's ibook :)) to school sometimes. Whenever somebody comes up to me and wants to see it the first thing I ask them is "But I thought Macs sucked". And if they say "They do" then my response is "Then why the hell do you want to look at mine!"

That usually shuts people up :D.

I usually let people look at it though because then they will see what macs are really like.

Why is it that macs seem to attract girls more. My theory is that generally (I'm not being sexist here, its just the truth) guys know more and are interested in computers. There are exceptions, but that seems to be a general trend. Many of these people who know a lot about computers have mac ignorance in their brains. People who don't really know much about Microsoft or Apple or anything seem to be much more open minded. Its kind of funny that the people who are more informed are so ignorant and spread all the FUD, whereas the people who dont know what they are talking about are sensable about it and they don't say stupid things like "macs suck".

Interesting isn't it?
A couple of nice frothy pints for scott... Googolplex - I'm afraid I was ever-so clumsy back there. You should have seen the number of optics I accidentally ran your Coke under.

My favourite story (think I've told it before) is still the guy from a High Street electrical company who, when I enquired about Mac-compatible MP3 players, told me that Macs were a dying platform cos you can't write HTML on Macs...
what's the matter Scott, can't draw your own draft either?:p

here, i'll share with you - a rough draft of the way my backyard will look when i am done with the work and the new sun room is built.:D


  • backyarddraft.jpg
    85.6 KB · Views: 20
I think the reason girls are more accepting of macs is that it is socially acceptable for a girl to ask questions and make it clear they don't know about something, while guys tend to avoid any suggestion they are not lords of their realm.
In Australia, there are two types of car: Holden and Ford. If you take an interest in, say, Jaguars or Volvos you will be ridiculed - but only by the guys. The girls LOVE jaguars and volvos and volkswagens and so on.

Anyway, I just came from a lecture where the lecturer listed M$ Word as a "presentation and multimedia package", then went on to say that it is "inefficient and clunky, and shouldn't be used for anything other than word processing."
When he was asked why by some of the M$ fans in the room, he went off on a rhetoric of why M$ makes bad software. He then apologised and said, "That said, I've spent about $2000 on Microsoft products this year, so they must be doing something right."
He then went on to describe Windows XP's ground-breaking features such as burning CDs from the OS, and the new Movie Maker. Then added "Of course, Macs have been able to do both of these things for about four years now, but Microsoft have done a fantastic job of ... umm, copying ... shall we say adapting these features, and Macs are pretty much useless."
You really have to wonder how someone who spends $2000 a year on MS products can be so block-headed.
ok, so now that Phil and all you other porta-mac users have discovered how to meet girls, you are going to need some advice for dating. I have searched the most advanced sources available and found these to ensure you will continue dating after the first date.

for what to do on a that big first date click here

and to make sure you dance like a pro click here

I hope no one finds these too difficult. While being yourself is the most important thing, saying and doing the right things never hurts.;)

That's just preciously brilliant Ed.

I must admit to mastering the basic twirl myself.
Ladies care to dance?