Herve's Bar & Grill


I must admit that my gf actually abhors macs, and really isn't that technically intuitive. Must be my inner ENTP lawyer manifesting itself.:cool:
Have managed to get 3 of my past girlfriends to use Macs. The downside? You know the 'favourite T-shirt' syndrome, where you break up and they always end up with a favourite bit of clothing? Well, my exes always seem to end up with my old Powerbooks...
lol for some reason the favorite T-shirt syndrome hasnt hit me yet :p -- I have one.
One the front side it says "There must be 50 ways to leave your lover" and on the back "But only one way to spice your mind - serkova x99" hehehe ;-)
That stil lresides in my drawer even though I dont use it any more :p

I have had lots of bias for me using macs, but when it comes down to simple things, like typing, even that is hard on a PeeCee, when people try to um-laut and accent things on a PeeCee they gon nuts hehehe ;-)

My morning special tismey please :)
Its the beginning of another great weekend and tonite and tomorrow nite maybe even sunday if you guys behave, DJ Admiral strikes again :D

Originally posted by voice-
Hey, what's happening to me? Suddenly I have this urge to be Tismeys ex

It's amazing how many more people have had the urge to be my ex than my current....
You should put up a demand. They have to be your current for at least 3 years before they can resign with a powerbook
i got my ex to get an iMac back before she turned into a crazed b•tch. Unfortunatly, now she calls me almost daily cuz she manages to break something at every turn. She didn't end up with any of my stuff after the break up though. Well she did, but she collected it all, put it in a bag, and left it on my door step...... ah..... always the drama queen ;)
Hey Admiral!
Maybe this is a stupid question but...

How do I set the Value for a Variable in Cocoa ??? (Obj-C):confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
I have no idea alex :p
I would assume it would follow the standard convention:

type var_name = value lol

Thanks for nothing Admiral!

Hey Tismey! One drink for me and my friend AK!:p

(Actually I put the decleration at the wron point of my code. LOL!:p )
My biggest problem with Cocoa is that you can't declare variables anywhere in the code, as C. C++ is better in that regard. :(
well, over 800 responses before anybody started shop talk. I guess that's pretty good with this crowd. and as long as nobody starts typing terminal commands and it doesn't start to monopolize the conversation, then i guess we'll let it slide;) :rolleyes:

as for the wet t shirt syndrome, er i mean the ex-factor, mine have been more prone to breaking things than taking them. be sure to grab anything of real value on your first trip out the door.:D

I think the worse loss was a girl I dated a couple of times who borrowed my Rod Stewart albums and then wouldn't go out with again or return the albums. :(

now if anybody decides to get up on the bar and do the "who's Your Daddy?", i want them cut off imediately!!:p

by the way, i said those instructions would make sure you kept dating, not necessarily with the same girl:cool:
you won't believe this...

talked to my french teacher today... told her i was getting a new PowerMac sometime...

"What? You're going over to the dark side? (Laughter)"

and then I showed her a pic... with dual 17 inch flat screens....

"Wow... but why do you want an Apple?"

i explained why...

she still doesn't understand why i want one...

everyone in my school hates macs.... 600+ kids...

i dare someone to bring it up at a school board meeting with me...