Herve's Bar & Grill

Originally posted by BlingBling 3k12
you won't believe this...

talked to my french teacher today... told her i was getting a new PowerMac sometime...

"What? You're going over to the dark side? (Laughter)"

and then I showed her a pic... with dual 17 inch flat screens....

"Wow... but why do you want an Apple?"

i explained why...

she still doesn't understand why i want one...

everyone in my school hates macs.... 600+ kids...

i dare someone to bring it up at a school board meeting with me...

Me too, my school is filled with morons that simply can't understand that it exsitst computers other than pc's. And since they don't understand macs, they automaticly says: macs suck (or "mac er dårlig åss" in Norwegian) Luckily, some of my friends understand.
you know why my last program would not let me compile ? becaues of variable declarations. F**** C wont let me do it anywhere, it has to be at the beginning unlike java :p -- C sucks :p

well... I dont know the who's your daddy routine so I wont do it :p


ITS THE WEEKEND!!!1 get ready to party at herve's with DJ Admiral :cool:
(I wonder if we are going to have an ibiza bar, like herve's chain stores hehehe)

I'm thinking about buying that monopoly shirt from macsurfshop, that way people can mercifully read my platform, rather than saying something stupid and getting bitched out by me.:D
posted by our friend Ed on 2/1/2002
this thread may die a quick death or it might become a classic.

I think this is working on becoming a classic after it's first month.
thanks RacerX and Charmin (who said almost the same thing a few posts back;) )

wow, has it only been a month? and a short month at that? and we are already over half way to catching up with the cuss thread:eek:

maybe i should start a chain of these. I'll scour the internet looking for forums and start a Herve's B&G in all of them. might even be easier if i license franchises and let other people help establish them. 25% of the best posts from each being sent to the home office. and of course they all have to link to this thread for authentication:p

great idea Phil - wearing around a shirt that says "I hate your OS" is so much more tactful.:D ;) :rolleyes:

one of my favorite t shirts that i outgrew said:

"I don't give a shit
I don't take any shit
I'm not in the shit business"
all my friends use dells.... and they love the steven character...

i'm gonna get that "Dude... you're getting a DULL Computer" t-shirts from MacSurfShop.com

i suggest we buy that one for all our dell loving friends! i dare a disguised apple employee to walk into dell home offices wearing that shirt... i'd pay to see that confrontation! :D
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
maybe i should start a chain of these. I'll scour the internet looking for forums and start a Herve's B&G in all of them. might even be easier if i license franchises and let other people help establish them.

I hope you're planning on getting more staff Ed. Ksv & I are run ragged as it is....
ahh its friday. The weekend has arrived! Only next week is going ot be hell for me. :(

Oh well, I get a week off after that :)!
I hope you're planning on getting more staff Ed. Ksv & I are run ragged as it is....

gosh Tismey, I was thinking you two should be first to get new franchises - move up the corporate ladder and all that. You are both highly trained and would be able to decorate in that unique style that is Herve's. Of course we really might have to create a Herve bot to carry this off. I am afraid that the real Herve couldn't keep up with the demand for thousands of random posts per hour. :D

and the presence of Herve on a forum at least 1 month in advance would be a prerequisite. It is possible that some potential markets might not be ready for a Herve's yet. :p

so to all my bar buddies - did anybody notice that Simx just posted the "what's wrong with this picture" thing up in hot topics? he he. I told him and his responses they should try visiting other forums. it's like old news down here.

maybe being at the bottom of the main page is why we get so many aussies in here. we are in the land down under of macosx.com:D :D

Ed I really thinks that you are just increasing your post counts. I haven't red Freud but I can analyse a message.

hey, i thought that was the best herve post i have ever read so i'm framing it and putting it on the wall here. :p

Herve, would you send us pictures of you and your sister to hang next to it?:D
ah what the hell, since everybody is so fascinated with my post count let the records reflect that this was post #2200.:eek: :D

hey, there's not some sort of forced retirement once i get a certain number of posts, is there? The gold watch would be nice, but my imac probably keeps better time anyway. ;)

picture for a moment - me walking around with an iMac on my wrist.:rolleyes:
said by Ed
hey, i thought that was the best herve post i have ever read so i'm framing it and putting it on the wall here. :p

Or we could flame it and get out some marshmallows! Yummmmm! :D
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
hey, there's not some sort of forced retirement once i get a certain number of posts, is there?

It hasn't happened to Admiral yet, so if there is one I would imagine that it is up at around 5000 posts (you should reach that in a couple weeks ;) ), or maybe after 9999 posts you roll back over to 0 (it could happen :rolleyes: ).