Herve's Bar & Grill

Its never too early for vodka :P -- especially the non-alcoholic kind :p (is there such a beast?:p)

I have 2 mid terms next week, both on wednesday...argh... hey ed, doent it suck to be a student ? :p

We should for a Mac-students-guild ;-)
>Do teachers puposely try and screw you in the last week of the term. I had
>two tests yesterday, I just finished one and I've got another next. Grrr!

Yes. We do. Heh heh heh.
jbartlett, your a teacher? oops :) teachers are the best people in the world! they never assign to much work, and they are *always* helping you out! :D :p
Actually, I have the best of both worlds. I teach teachers to use computers. I'm like a student that gets to push the instructors around. It rocks.
I am faster than you, before osx I was already doing Java2. Sorry too late, but if you don't want my notebook then there is no problem!
Originally posted by jbartlett
>Do teachers puposely try and screw you in the last week of the term. I had
>two tests yesterday, I just finished one and I've got another next. Grrr!

Yes. We do. Heh heh heh.

J you mac-chick you almost scared me :eek: I thought you were a professor and all this time I was dissin' them :p :p

Man I am home and I cant get myself to start my dang diddly dang homework :p -- someone gimme a dose of caffeine!

You really needs homeopathic drugs. (in fact it's the same as epo but you want be punished) AdmiralAK cyclist we are now climbing in the mountains, try to be the first at 10000 post counts.
Hervé, I've no doubt you are miles ahead of me! I teach extremely low-level things, however, I like to do more interesting work in my spare time.

And Admiral! Shame on you! Me? A professor? Not on a dare!
googol, unless you're stuck here in South Bend(over), I can't take responsibility for you teacher's lack of computer skills. I only badly instruct the teachers on my own campus (:
i want to be a history teacher or something in graphic arts (like publicity or advertising or web design... anything on a computer :))

sorry if the wanting to be a teacher is a bit unsettling to some of you, but i have 3 years left to decide...