Herve's Bar & Grill

Do you think anyone would buy the old "My dog ate my PowerPoint Project" excuse?

Honestly, the rubbish some of us poor students have to do. I still can't get over the way all the instructors here tell us "Microsoft stuff is useless if you want to look professional, but we have to teach it anyway, so here goes ..."
At least the teachers get the general idea... :)
Our school network is a sad excuse for a network. We have like 66 MHz 386's with 8-16 megs of ram hooked up to this pile of crap server that is down just about as much as up, and when it IS working, it's really slow. It's painful :(
Even worse though, is that fact they don't let Macs on the network. Only PC's can get in through the proxy server. How stupid can you be!? :(:(:(
Uh oh, I spilled my emoticons :(
My school decided that they would buy 100 top of the line computers and put them in an attic for a year until they were the bottom of the line. Not only that, but the network was only designed to handle 30 users at a time. Would someone like to explain how 30=100?

It has a stupid filter program that keeps me regularly from accessing actual refrence sites. Thank god it lets me on here. I figure if I can somehow get netscape onto the machine I'll be fine, but they have most of it prtty locked toght, I can't get into a terminal, and I'll get caught if I modify the permissions. I've gotten out of that before by telling the admin how to fix the network.:p

Just an all over crappy deal, but what should I expect, it's not different anywhere else.:rolleyes:
In regards to filter programs, I was doing a project on Linux yesterday, and tried to access http://freshmeat.net, which, of course, was disallowed because whoever set up Novell Borderguard thought it was a porno site!
(Freshmeat is like a versiontracker for Linux developers.)

I can only wonder what sort of headaches the biology, medicine, law and art students have to put up with any time they want to do legitimate research.

Maybe enough of us can make a dent? Maybe if all else fails we can start our own technology group that gets what people actually need and want in schools? Let's make some noise here!

Okay, enough preaching. Gimme something alcoholic to forget this lousy day! Admiral, got any good suggestions for something tasty, yet vodka-laiden?
Heres an example of how stupid my school's IT department is. They have few laptops for the school (not macs :() with wireless networking (not airport :(). We used them a couple classes ago, but we weren't allowed to use them in the actual computer lab. This was because my teacher received a memo saying that if the wireless networking was used in the lab it would "corupt data transmission on the severs", which is refering to the school website and network servers. That is biggest load of IT department crap I have ever heard. They probably have a bulsshit generating program that made that up. And my teacher who is an Engineer and very knowlagable had to comply with this even though he knew it was totall bullshit. Anyways...
googolplex, super-geeky geeks love homework :p as a matter of fact they even do unassigned homework lol :D --- I started conceptualizing my code and will start typing it tomorrow (not that I expect everything to be donw by midnight sunday but its something :p -- I guess this si my "I hate this course so I am slacking off and hope I dont fail" kinda course lol :p

J,... I am sorry I ever doubted you :p

Herve... if I am ever in france come visit and we can do the tour de france :p (macosx.com team lol) I like cycling ;-)

hi everybody. not much going on tonite. glad to see such high levels of intellectual conversation took place today. :p

i do want to say thanks to kent for the latest dockprefs. makes me proud to know that a guy who does such great work visits the bar in his spare time:)

and you know, i kinda think i would like being a professor. it is one of the reasons i chose to go to the school i do is because it would leave that door open for me. What do you think, could you handle me teaching you advanced psych courses?:D ( i think if you read enough of my posts you should have a head start on psych 100;) )

So does this mean that we are all going to become classic example for a future text book of yours?

of course not racerX, you would all be osx examples if it were to ever come to that.:D

seriously - keep in mind that it would be unethical and even illegal for me to ever talk about anyone here in a clinical context in way in which they might be identifiable. so you can relax.

and frankly, i have seen little or no signs of any actual pathology here. (but if i did i couldn't tell you:p )

hopefuly you guys, and girls, are just my friends in a place where i can get away and not be thinking about work too much.:)

speaking of work, what happened to that dam jester we hired? I thought he was going to start immediately!! I didn't know he was going to take his vacation before he started.:D :rolleyes:
Originally posted by symphonix
Do you think anyone would buy the old "My dog ate my PowerPoint Project" excuse?

Just saw a great version of this on the local news. Some kid left his science project on a train, and it got blown up by the anti-terrorist squad cos they thought it was a bomb! Try explaining that one!
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell

Ulrik, if it will make you feel any better, i like your presentation of her work better than her work. although i found the self portraits pretty good. but your site seems to show more originality than her art.

Well, I have to say I am rather impressed by her work. The best things aren't online yet - as you can see the favourites section is nearly empty - because all these pics are very large and I have to drive to a friend of mine who has access to a A2 scanner. The stuff which is online are more or less just sketches...I really like the stuff she has in the nudes section. After all, I think she is talented, wait till I get the favourites section online, some very cool and WEIRD pics!!! The photos are more of a hobby to her, but non the less, some of them are cool IMHO. But I am happy that you like the page :)
Why no adress it in the Guestbook? There are still some test-entries in there I haven't removed, but I am sure she (and so I) will be happy when she sees that the site is actually visited :)

As for the relationship, that is really not easy to explain. We are not relatives or something, no, that was just a joke. It's just that life came in our way so we decided to split up, still, we are very good friends, she is maybe one of the best and trusted friends I have, and vice verca. Broken relationships you find everywhere, but I am really happy that it turned out like it is.
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell

i do want to say thanks to kent for the latest dockprefs. makes me proud to know that a guy who does such great work visits the bar in his spare time:)

Gee, thanks Ed, you actually use that? :-p Any suggestions?...
Btw guys, it's FRIDAY! No school tomorrow :D Even better, nothing I have to do after school, so I can chill at the B&G:cool:
Originally posted by ksuther

Btw guys, it's FRIDAY! :cool:

Grrrrrr..... My first BIG bit of Oracle development has to be live in half an hour, and I've just found a really annoying bug. Think I've fixed it, but the report takes 40 minutes to come back. So I won't know til it's too late.... :mad:

I need a drink
Top of the morning to you fellas.
Thank God its friday! Another week gone by!...T minus 1 week till spring break! finally :D

(still have a load of work to do dangnabit :p)

So did the kid with the science project get billed for the explosives used to destroy his work ? :p
