wow, did you see that? they had the whole area closed down for hours. I thought maybe that fight outside had turned into a crime scene - a homicide or something.
I just wanted to be the first to say that it is good to be back online with Herve's. for awhile i thought maybe somebody from my isp had pissed admin off. but then i finally got on and got the news that this was all somebody's mistake. at least that was a relief.
however i did get a lot done in the garden today since i wasn't able to procrastinate by being on here. with any luck at all i will be planting my salad by tomorrow.
so how many people checked software update today, just for something to do?
and hot beer sounds downright gross. sounds like the stuff left in the keg half way thru the day after. yecch.
i think we should just pull all the booze out and let people help themselves. i figure a lot of people are going to be going thru withdrawals and want to stop the shaking
I'l have to admit to suffering withdrawals from the blackout as well. I needed a little diversion from work tonight, and when I went to load my favorite site.... " not found". Nearly gave me a heart attack. I was messin with the gateway router at the time. But wowie, when I got home, this site is lickity split quick!
Admin, hats off to you sir!
Siberia? Isn't it south of Jadey and scott?
Don't mind if I help myself at all Ed. Thanks much buddy.
Klink - I remember my year 9 home economics. They passed me just to get me the hell outta there.
In one morning I blew up an oven, flooded the floor and set fire to one of the cupboards - all completely through ineptitude, not deliberate vandalism.
I then had art class and set fire to my hair while working on a candle-sculpture.
I was supposed to have Physical Education (Gym, for our American pals) after lunch, but decided that the day was cursed and I would be safest if I found somewhere to lie quietly.
Anyhow, I turned out okay. I can cook pretty well now, too.
yes i seem to remember you getting cooked to the point of medium rare not long ago
how is the sunburn these days?
hey, i also saw you joking about running an ibook over with a scooter and was wondering if you finally got one. or are you still driving just the toyota?
myself i did good at home economics and art in school. now i have trouble with the art of economics while trying to feed myself at home.
and we americans also use PE for it. some of us even know that stands for physical education
Sunburn cleared up in a couple of days. Yes, I am prone to disaster at times - on a bad day I make Mr Bean look cool, calm and collected.
And, no, I haven't got the scooter yet. I am still trying to get a place to live and pay for my text-books. I am just so thankful my little Toyota just doesn't give up.
Hey, you like what I did to my avatar pic? I think I might bring the blink-rate back a notch, but I wanted people to notice it.
yes, i like what you did to the avatar. i would probably never have noticed if you had not pointed it out. i am just too used to looking at your hairy monkey face.
well, while it is too bad about your finances, at least i know ibooks are still safe from you
being a student does not leave much economics for doing much else than feeding oneself at home.
but keep in mind that someday you may be able to afford the prime rib