Hospital clean, cos I just bought a screen cleaning kit thingy and have got obsessive about it. It seems more important on these glossy screens as the marks show more. Movies look a _lot_ better though.
i use iklear on my viewsonic lcd, and it works great. i figured that if its safe for apple screens, then its got to be safe for other screens too. only problem is that it doesn't remove ball point pen ink from your screen.
now i know you want to know how ink got on my screen. lets just say i have a 3yr old son, and i used to keep a pen by my computer. and if you can't figure out the rest of the story, then you must have no experience with children. and yes, he is unharmed and still breathing, i did get the screen clean, and it somehow made it without any perminet damage.
Everybody wants to touch my MacBook, and I always feel like I'm taking on the role of "Daddy just hit mommy across the dinner table and we're all trying to keep eating" when I tell my clients or family to back off.
Needless to say, it's sometimes clean, no matter how hard I try.
My CRT is generally clean, as there are no stains or spills, but it does get a bit dusty. I should probably dust it more often, but I'm strangely reluctant.