I'll have to make the list and then count
first mac: Macintosh SE. 2megs of ram (I upgraded) and a 20meg scsi.
Then we got the PowerBook 520c. This was color, mind you. I brought it to school, and all the kids called me the 'rich kid' from then on because they had never seen a laptop with this level of 'graphics'.
Performa 636cd. I think we paid like $2500 for it

LOL those were the days! I've since put 36 megs of ram in it, system 8.0, and the cpu from an upgraded Centris - now it has built in FPU!
Well, the performa got old after a bit. But I still have it, it now runs debian linux (if anyone else out there wants linux running on their mac, I'd be happy to walk them through it - its very fun). The performa was the first computer I had a *real* internet experiance on. Yeah, I'd used mosaic and stuff on my dad's computer, and in the late 80's I was online doing WASIS and stuff on my dad's C64, but on this computer I developed a web page! Ya baby ya! Netscape 3.03 GOLD EDITION

All the graphics were done with ColorIt!
Alas, that computer just didn't cut it for the big apps, so in 1998 (or maybe it was Christmas '97) I got a Beige G3 266. Wow it blew my mind. I completely skipped the power mac (601, 602, 603, 604 line). From 33mhz 68040 to 266mhz G3. I was rocking.
But that got old as soon as osx came out. so about 6 months ago me and my dad went to store.apple.com and ordered this QuickSilver g4 733. Wow its pretty sweeeet.
I have my eye on that dual ghz
btw, at my dad's work (genetic research), he has TONS of macs. When your computer budget is +1 million each year, you tend to say "the heck with PC's"
Sorry for the troll.... guess the memories had to come out!