How many Mac's have you had in your lifetime? (Home only + parent's machines)

How many Mac's have you had in your lifetime? (Home only + parent's machines)

  • 1

  • 2

  • 3

  • 4

  • 5

  • 6-8

  • 8-10

  • 10-15

  • >15

Results are only viewable after voting.


The poll that asks how many Mac's we all have has me intrigued because the same number of folks who have 2 Mac have more than 5!!!

So I'm thinking that those of you who have more than 5 Mac's have never sold, given away, or in any way ever parted with a Mac.

In short, I think you 5++ folk are pack rats.

So let's start counting how many machines you've had in total... Counting both the machines you have now, as well as the one's you've parted with.
8 Macs in my lifetime (including the ones belonging to my brother and parents):
  1. Mac Classic
  2. Performa 636CD
  3. Another Performa 636CD (This one was the first computer I had for myself that I didn't have to share with my parents. Don't know why we got the same model again about 2 years later, LOL).
  4. Beige G3 (266 MHz)
  5. Performa 6360
  6. Blueberry iMac SE (Slot-loading, 400 MHz)
  7. Blueberry iBook (300 MHz)
  8. Graphite iBook SE (FireWire, 466 MHz)
Soon to be 9 computers, as my brother is getting a new LCD iMac VERY soon.

powermac 6100
power mac 7100
performa 6400/180
imac 233
imac 400 dvse
g4 quicksilver 733
• Mac Plus (donated to elementary school)
• Mac IIsi (parents have it stashed in their garage)
• PowerBook 150 (was my dad's, I used it for a bit for fun when I had an iMac, and then gave it to my cousin)
• PowerBook 3400c (my dad's for his elementary school admin job)
• iMac (mine, got it the Saturday they were available -- gave to my bro)
• G4 cube (my current machine, got for birthday as well :) )
• iBook (combo 600 MHz -- my mom's current laptop)
• TiBook (combo 667 MHz -- my dad's current laptop)

I've used all of these at one time or another. :)
mac plus (moved up from a commodore 64)
IIcx (had the longest)
7300 (eventually gave to the nephew for college)
G3 wallstreet

Waiting for the G5

This is not counting the four bought by me by my former employer Westinghouse.

Only 3, I'm afraid.

* Performa (75Mhz, 8Mb(now 40Mb), 500Mb, CD-rom)
* iMac (400Mhz, 64Mb(now 512Mb), 15Gb(Now 40Gb), DVD-rom)
* PowerMac G4 Quicksilver (733Mhz, 128Mb(now 640Mb), 40Gb, CD-RW)

And soon to be another addition:
* iMac (800Mhz, 256Mb(yep, it's gonna be expanded), 60Gb, Superdrive)
It's a little embarrasing, but I have to admit to 19 Macs (so far). Does it make it worse that most of them have names?

1 iBook (Dual/500) (iceman) *
1 G4/500 (turlingdrome) *
1 iMac DVSE (Graphite/600) (marvin) *
1 G3/300 MT (gossamer) *
1 iMac (Blueberry/266) (jellybean)
1 PB/250 (Wallstreet/13.1") (raven) *
1 20th Anniversary Mac (w/ L2 G3/400 upgrade card. Sadly, no MacOSX for it :( ) (navi)
1 PowerBook 190 (with a WHOLE 8Megs of RAM!! :) )
1 Quadra650 (Runs *BSD, and Apache, DNS, DHCP server.) (nologic)
1 Quadra950 (bubbagump)
1 Quadra610
1 Performa 638CD
2 CI's
2 SEs
1 Mac128 (no longer boots...)

(* == currently in use)

So Tommy's theory is right.. more than 5 == packrat. It's been one of those long-standing, "when I get some free time" projects to either photograph them and get them up on eBay or give them away, or whatever (anyone wanna buy an old mac? cheap? :) ), but many of these Macs just live in my upstairs closet and have done for years... pathetic, isn't it?
Performa 631CD: This was my first Mac, bought by my mom. It's CD drive now works once in a blue moon, and when it did work more often the System CD would 1/2 the time be unreadable for a still unknown reason. I think the SCSI is shot to hell, and that is why the CD drive no longer works.
Centris 610: This was free from my High School, as the tech guy there declared it obsolete and was going to throw it away. Using this, the performa, and the Appletalk foneNET thingies that used to link the Macs at school I had my first networking experience. After that, I would browse online on my *ick* 14k modem on the performa while playing EV on the Centris as pages loaded...;)
Mac SE: same deal as the Centris, but I never really used it, still have it though ;)
THE CUBE:[/] First one I bought myself, the education deal where for $2k you got the Cube and the 17" CRT Studio Display. I love it, you can read specs in my sig!
...including the ones that my Mum had but not including the borrowed Plus I started on.

Classic 2 (mine)
Powerbook 160 (mine)
Performa 450 (Mum's, then mine briefy before selling it to buy...)
Powerbook 1400cs (mine)
Powerbook 170 (ex-girlfriend's, now mine)
Powerbook G4 (mine)
Performa 8-something (mum's)

Mum has just taken delivery of an iMac G4. I'm jealous...
I voted +15. I don't think I could remember all of the model numbers. The oldest Mac I still own: Black & White Classic. It still runs too - has an amazing uptime right now of several months :D
The first two belong(ed) to my mom, the last is my own. These are just home computers, don't count my mom's two (to my memory) work computers. Also doesn't count my dad's Apple ][e before that.
  • Classic, still in the basement, still boots
  • Powerbook 5300 (the one they recalled), very dead and dismantled for the hard drive
  • B/W G3, still very much alive and occupying obscene amounts of desk space
Macintosh LC (16 mhz / 4 mb ram / 40 mb hd / 12" rgb monitor)
Macintosh LC475 (25 mhz / 10 mb ram / 80 mb hd / 14" rgb monitor)
Macintosh Quadra 800 (33 mhz / 24 mb ram / 1 gb hd / 16" rgb monitor)
PowerMacintosh 9600 (300 mhz / 128 mb ram / 4 gb hd / 19" lacie monitor)
PowerMac G4 Cube (450 mhz / 640 mb ram / 20 gb hd / 17" studio display)
just purchased: beige Macintosh Plus (8 mhz / 1 mb ram / no hd / 9" b&w monitor)

no Macs but still Apple computers I have:
Apple //c
Apple ][+
PowerBook 150
PowerBook 180c
PowerBook 520c
Performa 630
Macintosh Classic II
Macintosh Colour Classic
PowerBook 190
Macintosh LC 475
PowerMacintosh 8200/120
(eMate 300)
PowerBook 5300ce
PowerMacintosh 9500/200
iBook 300 (blueberry)
PowerBook G4/500

Yes, I've spent too much money in my early career until I found the PowerBook I always wanted, the G4. :)

-LCII vx
-performa 5260
-Powerbook 520c
-iMac DVD
-PowerBook G3 Lombard

Now I'm waiting for the G5....

then I'll buy myself a new mac :cool:
4 for me

Mac Plus
Performa 475
PowerBook Duo
Titanium PowerBook G4/400

Of these, the plus lasted a long time (more than 4 years). Hard to believe that the MacOS and the program actually fit on an 800 KB floppy back then :-P
I'll have to make the list and then count :p

first mac: Macintosh SE. 2megs of ram (I upgraded) and a 20meg scsi.

Then we got the PowerBook 520c. This was color, mind you. I brought it to school, and all the kids called me the 'rich kid' from then on because they had never seen a laptop with this level of 'graphics'.

Performa 636cd. I think we paid like $2500 for it :) LOL those were the days! I've since put 36 megs of ram in it, system 8.0, and the cpu from an upgraded Centris - now it has built in FPU!

Well, the performa got old after a bit. But I still have it, it now runs debian linux (if anyone else out there wants linux running on their mac, I'd be happy to walk them through it - its very fun). The performa was the first computer I had a *real* internet experiance on. Yeah, I'd used mosaic and stuff on my dad's computer, and in the late 80's I was online doing WASIS and stuff on my dad's C64, but on this computer I developed a web page! Ya baby ya! Netscape 3.03 GOLD EDITION :) All the graphics were done with ColorIt!

Alas, that computer just didn't cut it for the big apps, so in 1998 (or maybe it was Christmas '97) I got a Beige G3 266. Wow it blew my mind. I completely skipped the power mac (601, 602, 603, 604 line). From 33mhz 68040 to 266mhz G3. I was rocking.

But that got old as soon as osx came out. so about 6 months ago me and my dad went to and ordered this QuickSilver g4 733. Wow its pretty sweeeet.

I have my eye on that dual ghz :p

btw, at my dad's work (genetic research), he has TONS of macs. When your computer budget is +1 million each year, you tend to say "the heck with PC's" :)

Sorry for the troll.... guess the memories had to come out!
5 apples

2 older macs... one is an SC i think, a really old one, pretty cool
Performa 6400/200
iBook Blueberry 300mhz
iMac 700 Special edition