I have just received iMac 17" with OS X 10.2!!!!!!

i got my tibook a few days ago and it also came with the 10.2 update cds, talk about a long install, it took about an hour to install on my dual533 and almost 2 hours on my ibook :( and on the tibook it took about the same as the tower, i also made a backup of the cds and had no problem, made the backup on my peecee using nero
Originally posted by DualG4X
i got my tibook a few days ago and it also came with the 10.2 update cds, talk about a long install, it took about an hour to install on my dual533 and almost 2 hours on my ibook :( and on the tibook it took about the same as the tower, i also made a backup of the cds and had no problem, made the backup on my peecee using nero

You mean you installed/upgraded 3 comps with the same CD? Guess there is no serials then. :D
Originally posted by DualG4X
i got my tibook a few days ago and it also came with the 10.2 update cds, talk about a long install, it took about an hour to install on my dual533 and almost 2 hours on my ibook :( and on the tibook it took about the same as the tower, i also made a backup of the cds and had no problem, made the backup on my peecee using nero

I thought it was my problem with my SuperDrive at first before reading your post. Jagaur took one and half hour to be installed on my 17".
10.2 6c115 took about 25 minutes on my G4 350Mhz with 40x CD drive. About as long time as all the older versions of OS X.
iTunes 3, iMovie 2, iPhoto 1.1 etc. Guess this CD will also contain iSync and iCal once they are released. (But not now, so don't ask.)
Just got notification that mine has shipped!!!! :D Finally:rolleyes:! Only took three and a half weeks.:( Oh well, at least it should be here by tuesday or so. Free Fedex second-day shipping :D
Anybody knows when this kick-ass machine will start shipping in the Netherlands? I know it should be somewhere this week, but which day is more important to me :)

I want it.. NOW :mad: ...
Yours arrived already? Cool! Where'd you buy it?

Hmmm, hopefully mine will arrive this week as well and not Sept 5th, as the dealer says...
Mine was shipped from Taiwan Tuesday, and I was told that it could be here Friday. But it came to the other shipper in Ireland just too late, so it won't come until next week. And Monday is a frigging bank holiday, so that means three more days, dammit!

From your pics it looks awesome, the screen nicely huge. If you guys read my review of the 15" iMac in TidBITS, you will know that I considered the smallish screen basically the only weakness of an awesome machine.
hey martijn,

congratulations :) can't wait to start playing with mine!

do you mind telling me in detail what was in the box? like software, OS cdroms, cd-r's, etc? :P

thanks :)
OSX Install CDs (10.1.5 + upgrade CDs for Jaguar)
2 CD-R
towel for cleaning the iMac
Mac programs and games (no iSynch or iCal yet :( )