iMac G5

iMac G5?

  • Yes. Already ordered one.

  • No. Worse than the Cube.

  • Maybe. Will wait and see.

  • What iMac? Where's my G5 PowerBook?

  • Not Interested

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To be honest, I can really picture corporate buyers really turning an eye to this thing.

The corporate market is a pretty lucrative area that Apple has been neglecting pretty badly, and has virtually no presence in (outside art houses). It finally hits in the "sweet spot" of price, features, etc that makes me think corporate buyers will actually consider deploying these things en mass among a large number of desktops, instead of just for special situations.

I still think there needs to be a relatively low-cost, headless unit to help revitalize the low-end home (the largest home segment) and educational markets, but I'm really hoping this model will be a big winner in the mid-range (professional, home, and corporate) areas.

Good job, Apple! Now, let's see if the market agrees, and if you can really sell the heck out of this thing (and keep up with demand!)
Looks sweet. Would be nice in an office .. or in a reception of any company that needs to look stylish and futuristic. But for my personal home needs right now..
Currently, I'm a little disillusioned. I wanted it to be Jonathan Ives' finest hour. I guess it wasn't to be. It's a nice computer, sure, but why does it have anodised steel for the base? The consumer line followed the rule of white acrylic with or without chrome. That's it. It was on the iMac G4, the iPod and the iBook. They all matched perfectly. This looks like it's trying to be a PowerMac, but white.

This should have been a middle-of-the-range MediumMac or something, or even more appropriate, a replacement for the eMac - it looks just like it from the front.

But I wasn't very happy with the PowerMac G5's design to begin with either, and I got over that quick-smart, and I guess it's not going to date nearly as quickly as the other iMacs will, but I feel that Apple has forgotten why people liked the first iMac: suddenly, they could have their computer in their lounge room and it wasn't ugly - it was a topic of conversation. The iMac G4 was the same - it was (and is) GORGEOUS. It could be used anywhere, proudly. This one blends in with the furniture. It looks like a computer-screen. It just looks like you've bought a very expensive display and have the "tower" hidden under the desk or something.

…and I wonder how many people will take off the swivel-stand (removable and replaceable with a VESA mount), plug in a power cable and try to use it on their lap in bed? How many will Apple be seeing which have over-heated because people are thinking laptop/tablet and blocking the bottom vent?

Positive side: the G4 iMac will be as cheap as chips if this DOES take off, so I can invest in one for my mum :). Then the Macs will outnumber the PCs in the house four to three.
I disagree, the new imac is built around the best selling monitor, 17". It would look like the HP white monstrosity. I like the metal stand, you could say that the arm on the g4 imac was 'pro'?
Looks like my dream of converting our office to Mac only computers is going to become a reality now...just waiting for VPC7 to be released. :)
mdnky said:
Looks like my dream of converting our office to Mac only computers is going to become a reality now...just waiting for VPC7 to be released. :)
I hear VPC7 is already available for order. So now there is no reason to change.
I like the design. It's "the original Mac" brought to the times of flat displays. I'm a notebook man, though, and would only buy a desktop Mac if it actually _didn't_ include a screen... Would make my home entertainment system - but the PowerMac's too big for that. Maybe I should just give up on the thought that Apple might ever consider to bring out a cheap desktop model again and get a Cube with an 1.5 GHz upgrade card... Although I guess I won't get _that_ cheap enough either...

Back to the new iMac: I think it's a great design. If only the power button wasn't on its back... I love the power button on the keyboard of my PowerBook. It's _near_. They could've made the Apple logo be the power button, even. ;-) Imagine its contours glowing when sleeping. ;-)
couldn't you wire that up? so that it was?

Apple has recently liked putting power buttons on the back, take the emac for example ( another 'non pro' model). I personally don't like power buttons on the back, but is must have come up in a focus group somewhere!
I reckon it looks amazing.

I won't be buying it, I am a PC user, waiting for my iBook. I'll be happy with that
i read somewhere that they put the power button at the back to make it less accessible. that way ppl get used to put their mac to sleep instead of shut it down..

very smart idea :)
I almost never use the power button on my iMac because I always either put it to sleep or do a software restart.

It makes sense to have it near the keyboard on a laptop because leaving it off sleep sucks up a charge. :-)
I just ordered mine: 17" Display, 1.8Ghz, 512Mb Ram, 80Gb SATA, Integrated bluetooth and wireless Keyboard. I also bought a nifty little HP 5740 with $99 mail-in rebate and the printer was only $99. It ships in 3-4 weeks though and with apple 3-4 weeks == 5-6 weeks. Oh well I'll have it soon enough
I really, REALLY wish Apple didn't put the eMac power button at the back. At Uni, we use eMacs with OS9, and they're DODGY. They freeze at least four times in a class, and the old Apple+Ctrl+Restart button combo needs a Restart button :). We all have to reach around, hold the power button down, wait for it to die, then press it again to turn it back on.

Interestingly, I have a friend in the US with a PowerBook like mine, who actually shuts it down every time they're finished with it. This, to me, is outstandingly odd. I'm so used to just closing the lid and opening it again when I need it. It's so useful, because it doesn't have to use all that battery power on starting up. Plus it's ready as soon as I need it. I wish Apple would push this a little more. Just have it authenticate on waking up from sleep, and sleep it when you're done.
Maybe they should just have a little bit of explanation text on the Shutdown|Sleep|Restart|Cancel dialog box.
A neat line of text explaining the difference between shutdown and sleep would really help many users out.
I like it, Still unsure of the space below the display though, great space for post-it notes and the like.

As for cables hanging down the back, is it possible to have a bluetooth or airport type hub that can sit to the side of your iMac or under the desk somewhere and have things plugged in there? (ie printer, firewire drive, network cable etc.)
I like the new iMac. But to me there are 3 things missing

1. Bluetooth built in as standard
2. WiFi Built in as standard
3. Firewire 800
FireWire 800 is used in professional environments. Making the iMac 'too attractive for professionals' would lower sales of PowerMacs. Thus: FW400 for now.

BT/WiFi: You can have it when you buy it. The reason it wasn't included: Apple wanted to have the price of the base models low enough. Which is nice, too, isn't it. Btw.: If you're replacing an older Mac with a new iMac G5, you can, at least, take that 'old' AirPort Extreme card over to the new iMac G5.
wapstar said:
I like it, Still unsure of the space below the display though, great space for post-it notes and the like.

As for cables hanging down the back, is it possible to have a bluetooth or airport type hub that can sit to the side of your iMac or under the desk somewhere and have things plugged in there? (ie printer, firewire drive, network cable etc.)

BlueTooth is far too slow for what you describe