Interview the person beneath you

One nice and simple 12" Powerbook keyboard, the best keyboard I have used yet, and one Logitech cordless on the PeeCee with a few daft buttons which are never used, also a nice keyboard, and labeled with Mac-keys too, not like Logitechs I've seen of late. :(

Politically speaking, are you left or right?
Mostly left, but I go right on a few issues because that's how the pendulum swings. I have a "pro-people" outlook, and most of that falls under left-wing.

Do you?
I grew up in the middle of the Rhodesian war, so I started off marginally to the right of Attila the Hun, but have since mellowed to stand just to the left of centre. I believe in socially resposible free enterprise.

Have you ever been the victim of crime?
Oh yes on a few occasions. Have had my car broken into several times, and a few years ago some loser got in the house, robbed my PC, stereo, camera and a few other things.

If you caught someone breaking into your house, would you approach them in any way?
There has been a great deal of debate in the UK on this subject recently. As it stands, if you confront a burglar in your house and you injure him (or her ;) ) YOU are deemed to be in the wrong. A couple of years ago, a man who had been burgled many times eventually lost patience with the police's inability to deal with the situation and took matters into his own hands. He confronted a burglar in his house and shot him with a shotgun. The burglar, who now walks with a limp sued the home-owner, who was sent to prison.

Recently, the British Government realised that this was a ridiculous state of affairs – the rights of the perpetrators of crime have been safeguarded at the expense of the rights of their victims! So the debate has been enjoined about what constitutes 'reasonable force' when confronting an intruder in your house.

I'm a big fan of cricket bats (or baseball bats) in such circumstances. These people are NOT allowed into my house. If they break in, they can expect to be greeted with a lump of willow wood in their teeth!

Have you ever wanted to kill anyone?
A correlation? Definitely. Almost like an "acquired taste" as one learns more about the process of politics.

What do you think of Worf having a child with a half-Klingon/half-human woman? Dishonorable or not? ;)
Since I don't know who "Jordy" is, I'm going to say no.

What kind of cell phone do you have?
A private island.

And, if I may answer Quark's question, I'm hoping to get it preinstalled on a new iMac G5. :D

What do you hope Apple will fix in Tiger that you don't like in Panther?
Support for many, many, many newer mobile phones. Yes, I understand that in Apple's home market, there aren't so many new phones available every year, but the world moves on, and so should iSync's compatibility.

Which do/did you prefer: System 7.1 or 7.5?
We had some problems with 7.5 on our old IIsi and went back to 7.1, and I remember there were some things I couldn't do anymore. So I would say 7.5. But it's been way too long to say for sure, especially considering how young I was at the time.

Don't you hate it when people don't finish their
...Sentences?? Was that what you were going to say?? Or was it going to be vegetables??? ;)

On that note, what is your favorite vegetable??