I'll let someone else answer this, since I already have, but... do you guys think we should answer the questions ourselves, as well as letting someone else answer? It would be interesting to find out your own perspective on your question.
Automatic....considering traffic here in Miami, it's not worth killing my arm using a stick.
Plane, train, or automobile when it comes to traveling?
(Arden, my answer to this question to you is all of the above, although I've never been on a train for long distance travels. )
When you have a facelift, the surgeon cuts out a chunk of your face (a simplification, I know, but this is not the place to go into the finer points of plastic surgery) and stretches the rest to met up, tighter than before, and stitches it up. I have read about men who are told, after surgery, not to foregt to shave behind their ears. So my question is, having had such a procedure, if you you get an itch behind your ear, do you instinctively scratch your cheek?
My wife, many people in the drama department where she studies (they would be free of the pain of the Windows computers at school crashing and losing their work all the time), various friends, and a number of people I studied information security with (mostly because I would like to see them again, and also because some of them are so pro MSFT, it would be great fun to gloat.)
What is the longest distance you have ever travelled by bicycle?