Interview the person beneath you

Metall stamping. A friend of mine lost his finger.

If money was no concern, where - on earth - would you like to travel?
Everywhere – except the USA! I seem to have settled down now, but in my younger days I was a great traveller and have seen much of Africa, and the Middle East. I would like to see more of Asia and the South Pacific.

Except on an aircraft, what's the furthest North you've ever been?
*checks map*
Nome, Alaska in Summer 1996. I was in Portage in December, what a sight. Unfortunately for the Texans, the aurora borealis doesn't shine in Dallas, so if you want to see it you've got to go north.

Even if money were no object, where would you not like to travel and why?
I think I would try to avoid Cuba. Got the impression it's really dangerous over there. Or maybe I just watched too many movies..

Do you book your hotels before traveling or just hit the road?
When we travel, we usually book someplace to stay at in advance. Most of the times, we rent out a house since we always travel as a large family (my wife, kids, in-lawa, etc.). Better than staying in a hotel/motel.

OK, I'm going to pull a switcharoo here, and anyone can change it back if they feel like it. :D Do you prefer the beach or going to a pool? (Sorry, couldn't think of a better question.. :p)
I prefer a pool myself – no sewage (other than the occasional injection of "yellow water"), no sharks (I've seen some HUGE ones after net clearing off the beaches in Durban) and no jellyfish (BAD experiences there!). I was going to add a wisecrack about no tsunamis, but that tragedy is still too close to make light of.

How "green" do you consider yourself to be, and what do you do to help save the environment?
... then the janitor would have a very big cleanup. ::alien::

Left wing, right wing or left-turn lane (right turn in UK, Australia and Japan)? I'm a leftie politically (and a righty physically).
Politically, these distinctions have become fairly blurred in the UK. I describe myself as an egalitarian libertarian: all people are equal and should be able to do whatever they want, within the bounds of social acceptability. But I 'dress' right. ;)

When will the US start driving on the correct side of the road, as we do in the UK, Australia, Japan and LARGE chunks of Africa?
(Note that I didn't say 'right' ;) 'cos some clever dick's bound to say, "But we do drive on the right!")
I don't care for the US. Only hope europe (-UK) will not follow and keep the "correct" side of the road. Can't imagine to drive on the left side.. muahhhh.

Automatic or manual?
(I think this was asked before, right?)
Manual, though at autobahn speeds - does it really matter?

Explain the experience of the fastest you have ever gone on four wheels.
It was 250km/h. A very nice feeling once the Autobahn belongs only to you. This is mostly the case around 3o'clock am. You don't really feel the speed since your eye focuses on very far distanced objects and you can't relax them. Although the BMW M3 feels very stable and safe at this speed I always feel the sweat dripping down my back. A great experience.

Would you like to live in germany? If yes, what do you prefer beside the free speedlimit?
My wife is German and her brother-in-law is a Spaniard. He says he loves Germans as long as they aren't home. In Spain they are one thing, in Germany they get locked into their German-ness and are all definitely too AR for living with. In short, no, not even the speed un-limit (240 is a rush and a half) would tempt me to live there.

What is your favorite ethnic cuisine? (Italian, Chinese, Japanese or Indian or some other)
Japanese, with Mediterranean a close second. I just LERVE all the fresh fish, salads, etc that it involves – Spanish, Italian, Greek – I love it all.

Why don't computers just WORK? :mad:
Not enough moving parts? I mean it's really hard to hold the broom without arms. ;)

Will robots become commonplace (ala RUR or I Robot)?
My hearts desire.. My heart is part of my body and just cares for myself. However, there is also a mind with a lot of morality trying to expend my desire on things beyond my body and environment. This would definitely be peace and health on earth. But what would my heart desire? Probably my fiancee to finally move to my place.

Would you sacrify your life and the one from the ppl you love if you could help million other - yet strange - lives?