If that's the intellectual standard of the candidates, then all I can say is "God help the world!"
I have never yet met a Yank that I didn't like - on a 1-to-1 basis - yet when two Yanks get together, they start getting all misty-eyed and patriotic and waving the ol' red, white 'n' blue around. Get a whole population together and they fall into some kinda patriotic frenzy and go totally apesh1t, re-electing some Texan bozo who seems hell-bent, not on solving the woes of the Middle-East, but exacerbating them!
George Bush is a
total half-wit! His ancestors come from Ireland. I think that if you research the issue further, the place that he comes from is missing its
village idiot. Yet the Yanks in their "apple pie"-induced madness elected him to be their President! He was elected to stamp out terrorism born of religious extremism in the Middle-East, yet it was the extremists of the religious right that voted for him.
The whole situation has been polarised to the extent that the world is on the brink of disaster. The arrogance of the US in its collective mind, assuming that everyone in the world wants to live in some kind of carbon copy of the USA, is staggering! It is nothing short of dictatorship. There are more forms of govenrment in this world that the US version. As long as the citizens of any nation are free to do what they wish, within the bounds of acceptabilty, they should have the freedom to live unmolested by the converting zeal of some idiotic upstart in a cowboy hat. Sure, an emirate may not be the the most perfect form of government, but it has worked for over 1000 years. How long has the US been around? 200+.
If the US is so great, they should be leading by example, not imposing their vision of the world on others by force.
Next question: Should CQ just shut up and start asking about browsers 'n' stuff again?