Interview the person beneath you

Isn't that when you restart the Mac?
(Oh... hang on... this isn't the Question/question thread! :D )

If you were an animal, which would you be and why?
:eek: :eek: :eek:

Saw an interesting button at the bottom of the page of the previous thread that said "Close thread after posting" or something like. Never seen that one before, and I thought that it would close that PAGE, only – not lock the thread for all eternity! :eek: :eek: :eek:

And it was just getting interesting too… :D

Anyway, here is Interview the person below you – Part II:

If you were an animal, what would you be and why?
In the additional options below the "Reply to thread" dialog, in the "Additional Options" field, there is a "Thread Management" section. I presume it is available only to the thread starter, as I haven't seen it on any other threads. I shall cover that button with a Post-It note on my monitor so I can't accidentally click on it again. ;)

Why a hawk?
eahhhh... Never tried.
(to me hawk is the symbol for freedom. They are the fastest non-metals in the sky)

Do you like cinnamon flavored gums?
No, I like mint better. BUT I am addicted to this kewl "Sour Apple" Altoids gum. Flavor doesn't last long, but I just keep getting more.

What key on the keyboard do you most identify with?
yes, with other three or four calendars... but it isn't enough for me... my memory is a complete disaster... :)

does eating fishes help memory?
How would I get the fish into my powerbook? ;) I never heard that. I am not eating fish and my memory sucks. So, could be true..

Do you believe computer games increase the intelligence of children?
I believe that one's level of intelligence stays pretty much the same throughout their life, so no. Skills and hand-to-eye coordination, possibly.

What is the most expensive luxury item you've ever purchased?
So far, the Athlon XP system I bought almost 2 years ago. Although that might be upstaged by a new Apple product soon...either a Mac mini or an Apple notebook.

If you do own a PC, what do you mainly use it for?
I own an i-Opener ( Which I never managed to get to do anything useful, because it's nearly impossible to get a laptop IDE cable, and the one I did get, I killed trying to mod it to work in the i-Opener. So, I'm ashamed to say, my PC sits in the basement in a plastic bag, in a box of other electronic doodads I can't bring myself to throw away.

If you were to be stranded on a desert island that miraculously got regular mail delivery, and you could subscribe to only one publication, what would it be?
I'll let you know once the rainy season starts here in Miami. ;)

How often do you drink water on a daily basis? (Having some now.. :p)