Interview the person beneath you

If I had to, like the end of many movies where the hero sacrifices his/her life to stop the nuke/shut off the reactor/whatever, then probably, yeah. If you mean something like joining the military, then HELL NO.

And to take up an earlier debate... Quark: the automobile is a German invention and an American industry; how is driving on the left the "correct" way of doing it? Seems to me that it's the wrong way, since it didn't start out that way (and I don't just say that because I live in the US). If I ever live in the UK, I don't think I'll drive, at least not for a while. Is the shifter on the left in a manual?

Anyway... do you know anybody who fought or is fighting in Iraq or Afghanistan?
@ Arden: Think about it. The vast majority of the people on this planet is right-handed. When I drive, I want to keep my lead hand on the steering wheel to stay in control of the vehicle when changing gear (although I drive an automatic now), therefore, I need to sit on the right-hand side of my car. That establishes the common sense for right-hand drive cars.

I have often taken my right-hand drive car to Europe and driven on the right. It's a nightmare when you have to overtake and can't see past the car in front of you! So obviously, because I'm British, I'M in the right and all these foreign Johnnies are wrong! ;) :D

Therefore, everyone should drive on the left! ::ha:: :p



No, I don't know anyone who is in Afghanistan or Iraq.

Why won't the USA sign up to the Kyoto accord?
Because Bush and co. are greedy anti-environmentalists.

I've found that it doesn't matter if you're a lefty or righty for controlling the steering wheel. I've driven places with my right hand on the shifter the entire time, and I'm still here, aren't I? My left hand has become more able to control the wheel than my right; it has nothing to do with how I write.

What was the last movie you saw that you really, really loved? (Garden State)
I laughed all the way through The Incredibles. Now that's what I go to a movie for!

Getting back to Kyoto, don't you think that the treaty is more about appearances and 'do-goodery' than an actual action plan to save the planet?
Yes but then I think most treaties are.

Do you think that advances in technology will save the planet or destroy it?
I think humans are a bit arrogant in the first place to have gotten the idea that they're powerful enough to be able to do harm to this planet. Sure, in the short run, we might lose a few forests, but this world will chew the human race up and spit us out like little, miniscule pieces of crap. What's uninhabitable for one species is utopia for another. Which brings me to recycling and "saving the whales" as well, both of which I disagree with, but that's a totally different discussion.

How many times a day do you "check in" with
I think that is still an open question, and it depends on how we empower the new technologies, are they in the hands of people who are aware, or ruled by the drive for profit. Not that profit is bad in and of itself, but it should be the result of the process of progress, not the goal of development.

Are technological advances at the root of the present state of environmental affairs, or is it something else?
Not as often as I check my mail.

Is that to say conservationism is arrogance? Is the damage being done to the environment being done because man is arrogant or because he is ignorant? Or is it that man's ignorance spawns an arrogance and that nothing man can do will have wisdom and humility?

oops ;)
Are treaties 'do-goodery'? Maybe, but at least acknowledging a problem is better than burying you head in the sand and denying that it exists. Acknowledging a problem is the first step towards attempting to solve it.

Bush & Co., in their arrogance don't see that their actions are damaging our world! Maybe, now that Bush doesn't have to worry about re-election, he will come to his senses and recognise the fact that the last hurricane season and the recent freak weather in California are more than likely the result of climate change. Somehow, though, I am not overly optimistic. :(

It is a sad fact that global warming is only being kept in check by global dimming - i.e. the fact that the earth is not being heated up as much as it is due to the particles of soot kicked out by aircraft, cars and fossil-fuel-fired power stations cutting the amount of sunlight reaching the earth's surface.

And while we are discussing matters of great import: should animal testing be banned worldwide?
No, I don't think it can be properly enforced. As good as it would be to globally outlaw animal testing, you couldn't do anything to actually prevent it.

And now that Bush doesn't have to worry about campaign contributions (at least not for himself) and reelection, he's basically free to do whatever he wants... scary, huh? Sense is not something that man was born with

On a lighter note, what is your favorite restaurant? (If it's not a global chain or well-known, what kind of place is it?)
I disagree! Just pass the legislation and there are enough people out there who care to enforce it! I, for one, could get quite nasty with people who force feed animals with their products, then kill them and dissect them just to see what effect it has on them. In Britain, at least, there are many people who actively support anti-vivisection organisations. I'm a member of Animal Aid and my wife is a member of PETA. We disagree on certain philosophies of each other's organisations, but agree on the important issues: stop vivisection!

My fave restaurant is a Japanese place in Sheffield called Wasabisabi. Their bento box is to DIE for! :cool:
Goro's Sushi, in San Antonio, Texas. Waiters are rude as hell, you'll go half your meal with an empty drink glass, and you've always gotta double-check the bill for errors... but, you'll never have a piece of sushi like they serve there. Best unagi in the world.

Got any really neat tattoos?
Well, people always remark on a certain repetitious three digit number I seem to have inscribed on me somewhere, but I've really never noticed it myself.

Do I look fat in this?
I don't know, but for a second I thought I was in the Question-Question thread. :p

Have you been disappointed with your Mac mini, if you have one?
I don't have one, but I wouldn't expect it to be a particular good machine performance-wise, but I would it expect it to do what it was designed for: be affordable and small.

How many themed playlists have you created in iTunes?