Interview the person beneath you

A: ppl that still belong to the Stone Age, if not uneducated children. But now I stopped dealing with them. Why should I enlight such idiots (sorry)?
Q: What instruments do you play?
I started using Panther about 2-3 months ago when I got my first ever mac.

What's your opinion on the war in Iraq? (please pay respect to all sides of the matter)
I think our nation's hearts and minds mean well, but could have went about it a bit differently.

What's the largest number of Macintosh computers you've seen in a single room at once?
It's a event I hear about regularly, that gives me a chance to see how men and women can look so undignified so easily. I hate it.

EDIT: my bad, I forgot to leave a question. Just for Linux lovers....(ahem)

What's your fave version of Linux?

Is this the end of the interview?

(In response to the question added afterwards, it's in the following order: Slackware, Debian, Yellow Dog, Mandrake, SuSE, and Fedora although I haven't tried that yet. :p)
A: BBedit. But if my boss didn't have paid for it, Alpha would have been my choice.
Q: Did you already decorate your Christmas tree?

What is the most annoying celebration? (ie Xmas, birthdays, funerals, halloween etc etc)
Possibly to St. Augustine in Florida for a few days next week with my family and my in-laws (I live in Miami). I can't wait...I love it there. :)

Where is your most favorite place to go on vacation?