Timmargh Wheelchair hoodlum Dec 20, 2004 #81 Without socks ... or sandals. Spit or swallow ... when sampling wine?
JetwingX iWork for Apple <3 Dec 20, 2004 #83 all depends on if i want to read or not ^^ 80 gig iPod or 1.8 ghz g5 powerbook
nixgeek Mac of the SubGenius! :-) Dec 21, 2004 #84 Both (You mean I have to choose?!??!?! ) shirts or skins?
Zammy-Sam Desertchild Dec 21, 2004 #88 None. Graphic Converter Did you also have problem to connect to macosx.com?
Giaguara Chmod 760 Staff member Mod Dec 21, 2004 #90 gluchwein (yes, live with 4 germans + 1 american..) the most annoying word or saying?
CaptainQuark 93 93/93 Dec 21, 2004 #91 "basically" What's the longest you've ever spent on the toilet?
quiksan awesomer... Dec 21, 2004 #92 lol hours! It's my only 'free time' away from my crazy little kids! what food is gauranteed to send you to the bathroom everytime?
lol hours! It's my only 'free time' away from my crazy little kids! what food is gauranteed to send you to the bathroom everytime?
nervus fencer Dec 21, 2004 #93 Depends of your definition of bathroom If meant as the place where you take a bath: everything with tomatosauce For the other context: dutch beansoup What do you expect for X-mas?
Depends of your definition of bathroom If meant as the place where you take a bath: everything with tomatosauce For the other context: dutch beansoup What do you expect for X-mas?
nixgeek Mac of the SubGenius! :-) Dec 21, 2004 #94 Clothes (I just helped choose what I wanted as a gift from my mother-in-law ) What are you going to be feasting on during the holidays?
Clothes (I just helped choose what I wanted as a gift from my mother-in-law ) What are you going to be feasting on during the holidays?
Timmargh Wheelchair hoodlum Dec 22, 2004 #95 My new iPod - I'll be too busy for food! Sunset or sunrise?
Zammy-Sam Desertchild Dec 22, 2004 #97 The One! Do you believe we are living in a matrix controled by computers and robots?
ElDiabloConCaca U.S.D.A. Prime Dec 22, 2004 #98 Nope, but gnomes and hobbits is a possibility... Have you ever been arrested?
Zammy-Sam Desertchild Dec 22, 2004 #100 Croatian pizza. (Hopefully diablojota will answer this) If you were ever arrested before, what was the violation?
Croatian pizza. (Hopefully diablojota will answer this) If you were ever arrested before, what was the violation?