Interview the person beneath you

Tents and bottled water are probably what they need most right now, until international aid agencies and the respective national governments can put more permanent measures into place and help to rebuild the affected towns and cities.

And now, on a lighter note:
Have you got a PC too? (I have - NASTY!)
no but i will get in january or february when someone brings all his toys on this side of the ocean ... (yes, i will be using them to play with linux)

what's the nastiest traditional food you can imagine of?
Both! One for my powerbook, and why not pick up a mac while Im at it?

Gonna buy the new iMac without the display if it comes out?
yes, I believe I might!

do you think they'll discontinue the eMac if this headless mac is for real? (Don't want to call it an iMac because iMacs are all in one...)
Doubtful. Some people like the all in one feature. Pay one price, get everything you need to start using the eMac. For those that already have the necessary peripherals, the headless Mac would be perfect. I would get one, as I have various monitors and such that it could use. And I would finally have something that I can run OS X on that I can afford. :p (Tough when you have two kids and work for the school system, but the benefits are worth it, especially for my family.)

If the headless Mac does come out, what parts should be made upgradeable?
A) You mean a G5? ;) For a more affordable headless Mac: couple of memory slots, hard drive, graphic card, optical drive. And don't skimp on the USB ports!

Q) What is your philosophy on speeding in your car? (If you speed, why?)
When I speed, it's because I enjoy it, not because I'm late or in a hurry. Speeding (statistically speaking) doesn't get you there more than a few seconds/minutes faster than it would otherwise. watch, you'll end up at the stop light next to the guy you blew past a mile back...
I don't speed like crazy though, usually no more than 5-7 mph over.... and that's WHEN i'm speeding. I enjoy the getting up to speed, not the speeding itself per se.
on the highway, I stay with the faster (left lane) traffic, but I'm not the guy riding peoples' tales or blowing by everyone else.
all that said, I got 1 speeding ticket in the past 10 years of driving.

what's the fastest you've been stopped for going? (in what speed limit area?)

(lol, my friends little brother got stopped for 115 in a 75...oops)
160Km/h in a 110Km/h zone. The copper said "We're being pretty tough on speeding here right now 'cause there have been a lot of 'roo strikes recently, mate." That was when I got nicked for speeding in NSW. As I was visiting Australia from the UK and was, in fact on my way to the airport, I didn't bother paying the fine. :D

I've always been a believer in the use of "appropriate" speed. In town, where there are pedestrians and heavy traffic, or in the suburbs where there are children playing, animals and drunks about, I NEVER speed; in fact I usually stick to 5mph below the speed limit and will actively try to calm the traffic around me. I have a recurring nightmare, in which I am trying to explain to a grieving mother that "she just jumped out in front of me".

Out on the open road, though, it's every man for himself! I drive a Honda Accord Coupe. It's no good at the traffic lights, but will happily do 120mph from one end of the country to the other - a feature I take advantage of fairly frequently.

What is your attitude to 'soft' drugs, such as grass or hash?
The use of drugs should be legalised, but controlled, and the unwanted, criminal or otherwise fastidious behaviour deriving from their use should be punished instead (just like with alcohol).

Did you ever try softdrugs (other than alcohol, nicotine or caffeine)? Why?
No. Never felt the need to do it. That's just me. I have been offered and pressured, but I never did it. The only thing I've had is alcohol (on rare occasion, when I've had the urge for the taste of a beer of something else during a meal, and caffeine in coffee or chocolate).

Have you ever grown your own marijuana?
Tried and failed.

I'm NOT a dealer and I'm NOT a criminal. But I find weed far better than alcohol and it doesn't turn people into !!!!! Have you ever been puked on by a pot-smoker? Or been accosted on the street or moonied at by a 'happy hippy'? Nope? Me neither. Potheads are way too laid back. I'm a graphic designer, and weed helps me come up with good creative ideas, whereas booze (which I don't do at all any more) doesn't.

Ban alcohol and legalise weed!

Have you ever been arrested for 'posession'?
Nope, as it is as good as legal here in the Netherlands :D

Did you ever get so drunk that you couldn't remember anything of the previous night?
Hehe... if passing out in the back yard and waking up in the front yard and not remembering anything in between counts, then yes!

What hard liquor do you avoid at all costs due to bad experiences in the past, and if the experience was interesting, what was it? (For example: I drank too much rum years ago with a friend, and never have since)
No, But my husband was hit with a panga while serving the US as a Green Beret.

In hindsight, what was the most stupidest thing you have done?
Driven recklessly in the first 3 years after passing my test - no injuries, just lots of bills.

Do you regularly donate to charity and, if so, which one(s)?