Interview the person beneath you

India! No offense to our indian members, but lately they show a lot of those singing and dancing indian movies on our tv and I am quite sick of them.

Which country is the healthiest?
A: I don't think anyone can really say for sure. Probably the most well developed countries that have the easiest access to meds

Q: Do you believe there is intelligent life else where in the universe?
A: I believe there can't not be. To clarify, I won't say "yes there is", but I just can't see how there couldn't be.

Q: If you had a chance to take a one-way trip, no return, to see this intelligent life... would you?
Where do I sign…? H3ll yes!

If a suitable UN framework was established to deal with the world's oppressive dictators, such as Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe, would assassination be morally acceptable?
Morally for sure not, but socially probably. Although morale mostly protects the interest of the mass and suppresses the individual, I don't think murdering in any case would find justice in morale.

If you had the chance to travel to the past for only few minutes and had the opportunity to meet Adolf Hitler when he was 8 years, would you kill him?
I'd encourage him to find a more worthwhile past time than building showers.... he was never much of a plumber anyway =)

If you were able to travel back in time to live, where would you go?
Either mediaeval Japan or Rome at the height of its empire.

What's your fave Japanese food? (Posting the recipe would be good too! :D )
A: Sorry, I'll give a boring answer: sushi. Specifically, California rolls. :)

Q: What do you think is the most beautiful/interesting building or structure you've ever seen? Why?
Oddly enough - the Pyramids of Giza. I guess that's because they are amazing in context. Huge, accurate, heavy - and they were built first - that is before anyone else built anything like a permanent structure. The structural size / useable size ratio boggles the mind - so much stone for so little space - and yet that fact itself is amazing, how did they keep the innerspace on track in the construction. On one hand they are a pile of rocks - nothing special, but I drive by them every day and see them in every light, in fog and in cloud, at dusk and at noon, and they amaze me everyday. Permanence is a beautiful thing

How many of the seven wonders of the ancient world can you name without going to reference?
A: Wow, if the reference list I checked after I spun thru' the list in my head is correct, I only got three. I suck.

Q: Do you think antibacterial soaps are causing too many bacteria and viruses to mutate too quickly, thus causing more (and possibly worse) sicknesses and infections for Man over time?
Antibacterial is not antibiotic. Antibiotic is a much more specific way to find and destruct or disturb the bacterium or its growth. Heat and alcohol for example are antibacterial "things" for which the bacteria hardly could find a defense mechanism due to the very unspecific effect (which - using these examples - is also critical for the skin ;)) In short: I don't think such soaps can cause any kind of immunity of the bacteria and make them more dangerous for human. Find another excuse to not wash so often. :) ;)

Do you know how many bacterium types there are in our body and how much we are dependant on them?
A: A heck of a lot (1000s?) and a heck of a lot more! If you know the real answer to this, please post it!

Q: Whats your favorite color....and WHY?
Black, because it is pure and works well with everything. I like to look at it in artwork, because it so seemlessly works with any other color. Also, black is great to wear in clothing.

Whats your favorite game to play at parties?(be honest)
A: Huge fan of Scrabble, but that doesn't work with all parties. Strip (anything) is always a good fallback.

Q: Have you ever *seriously* considered buying a "Green" car (alternate fuel, hybrid, full electric, etc) and if you did consider it, why didn't you buy it?
A: Yes I have, I wanted to buy a honda hybrid because I drives loads during the summer. I'm a poor college thats why I didn't buy one. I settled for a 95 Accord :)

Q: How much is/was your college tuitition?
A: Around 10 euros/year :P (from 1993 to 1997).
YES! TEN! EUROS! Actually, back then, it was still in escudos (2 000$00)

Q: What's for dinner?
My wife :D JUST KIDDING!! :p Seriously, cereal....especiallly Cocoa Crispies. :p

What's your favorite fruit?? (Please, no Apple jokes :p)