iPhoto for windows !!!???

Originally posted by twister
Maybe you need a full blown aqua theme for it to work?

You don't need an entire aqua theme, although it is looking for themed controls. This will change the default windows buttons and scrollbars to that of OS X.
Originally posted by boi
just ask Neyo ^_^.

Haha! yes yes! i remember the days! ...i wonder if i have any pics, from "back in the day" ... My IE6 Converted to OmniWeb 4, and such! ... it was very convincing, wasn't it guys? ... the Dock genie etc... i'm gonna see if i can dig anything up! ... KaneCorp, you need Aquacontrols! ... thats what Rhino is talking about, and is the underlyings to Aquafinder, Mail (i think), iTalk (iChat, but for MSN ;)) ... and a few more!

Docks, they are available in 3 flava's ...

Stardocks' - ObjectDock
Y'z Dock
Moby Dock

...Each have their own benefits and such!

Skinning is powered by Microsoft's msstyle format, or, Stardock's Windows Blinds.
Finder Bar replication, via Stardock's ObjectBar.
Nowadays, there are many ways to achieve it, but "back in the day" ... i remember pushing it! :D

Actually, the release date makes perfect sense. The photo albums are all in French, and in France like much of the world outside of the U.S., they place the day before the month when writing dates. So Christmas wouldn't be 12/25 it would be 25/12.
Actually, the release date makes perfect sense. The photo albums are all in French, and in France like much of the world outside of the U.S., they place the day before the month when writing dates. So Christmas wouldn't be 12/25 it would be 25/12.

Recall what my English lecturer say:
Jan 23 or 1/23 is US Style
23 Jan or 23/1 is UK Style
the problem with all those aqua themes is there is never just one install package, just bits and pieces. Mac os X themers do a better job.
Who thought this was actually a Mac OS X screenshot? Can't you tell by the crappy fonts, jagged edges, etc. that this is a cheap knockoff theme in WinXP?

They've got a long way to go before they theme XP to look like Mac OS X WELL.
Originally posted by HECTORdaBIZATCH
Who thought this was actually a Mac OS X screenshot? Can't you tell by the crappy fonts, jagged edges, etc. that this is a cheap knockoff theme in WinXP?

They've got a long way to go before they theme XP to look like Mac OS X WELL.

Its no hard feat to make it look identical mate, trust me .... the difference is that one works, and one doesn't! Still shots flatter a user's XP machine, but compare them in a 30 sec movie, the XP machine still works essentially the same way. (Or Doesn't, as the case maybe :p)

Originally posted by Giaguara
Looks as stupid as THIS. <<< If you want to use the bug button, report that as well to Apple. That site's been around for months and maybe it's creator thinks it's funny (Sorry that it's in Italian). >:-o

It's funny their switch videos are available in Quicktime X'D
Hello all, thats my first post here.

I'd like to say to all the mac elitists out there that im a long-time user of aqua-soft, one site out of a large community which emulates the mac LOOK on the pc ( the site which got one of your user's attention), and what bugs me is the fanatism and ease of anger you guys dive into because of those communities.

In time i became a moderator there, and after a while i actually bought a mac, for real, due to the appealing and friendly OS apple created.

All those people who say - "sue them!" and keep barking all the time must realize they do the opposite of "rescuing" apple from the demise of the PC emulation in their oppinions. B*LLSH*T! Im a MAC user and have been a mac user ever since i was a young child, and i've never seen so many people switch to macs because of our skinning and emulation sites. Like 1 out of 10 people registerd there is planning to switch or has already switched to mac, showing off its screenshots all over the site braggin they got "advanced" making everybody drool over it. By emulating the mac's gui on the PCs (yeah i cant stand microsoft like many of the apple users), it does not bring any harm to apple's low sales in either case but an increase and exposure to more computer users. A fact, live with that.

Again, im a mac user myself and i've never seen so many windows users (including myself), mainly those who really dont care about GUI but just "word" and same old "start" button switch or dream over a mac cause of our communities.

Have a good day
Originally posted by twister
How is that XP? It looks so much like OS X? You can't tell me that they can theme XP that much.

I am A Mac user but for work I have to use a PC so I have both at home. I have my WindowsXP tweaked right out to look like a Mac. It will never work like my Mac but as long as it looks good I can deal with it. With all the theme porting out there this is just flattery! plane and simple We love the look of OS X so we tweak out the Gatesware.

my XP/Mac look
Originally posted by Goku
All those people who say - "sue them!" and keep barking all the time must realize they do the opposite of "rescuing" apple from the demise of the PC emulation in their oppinions. B*LLSH*T! Im a MAC user and have been a mac user ever since i was a young child, and i've never seen so many people switch to macs because of our skinning and emulation sites. Like 1 out of 10 people registerd there is planning to switch or has already switched to mac, showing off its screenshots all over the site braggin they got "advanced" making everybody drool over it. By emulating the mac's gui on the PCs (yeah i cant stand microsoft like many of the apple users), it does not bring any harm to apple's low sales in either case but an increase and exposure to more computer users. A fact, live with that.

Could I mention the fact that this thread is over a product called 'iPhoto for Windows', which doesn't appear to have any backing from Apple, using their logos/etc. Doing something like that which so blantantly ignoring current copyright law and precedent is bound to get sued if they ignore the cease and desist letter that is bound to show up at the programmer's e-mail box or doorstep.

I have yet to see a post in this thread bashing him over the UI (which could also be used as grounds for the lawsuit), but rather the blantant rip-off with no shame. This guy's product will not last very long. A fact, live with it.
Krevinek Im not really worried if he will have to discontinue his his product, yeah i guess its illegal. I can live with that fact.

The problem is this thread has a very clear tone of opposing those skinning communities. This issue is pretty major in the current topic as i saw, although not everybody here is one of those elitists.

Krevinek, in general, wouldnt you be happy, like myself, if apple computers were exposed in a wider range, increasing their sales because of it, as a fact (Mr sarcasm), rather than seeing yao with mini-me showing off their new powerbook ?

Besides, this whole skinning thing started without knowing the osx and even before it came out. It had generic themes like, nature, games, movies, Old OS (amiga, Unix, old macs), etc. Once the OS themes got popular, there was a large demand to achive the osx look on the pc.

Now, if its about making apps that r identical to the osx - then i dont discuss that - fine illegal, just like uploading a font online which should be licensed first (and i see it everywhere). But if its a freeware that has the ability to function and skin QNX and AMIGA, there is no reason why people shouldnt enjoy having a mac like themes on it.

Illegal shmilegal, mircosoft was sued for copying the windowing idea from apple who started it first and unfortunatly they won. Nirvana should be sued for using many tones the beatles used and so on and on, that will never end. You guys must realize how significant those sites are for apple's exposure and popularity!

Talking about "illegal" skinning (blah ), in the OS X there is a skin of luna that is identical to the lunaXP in all aspects starting from icons, windowing, taskbar, to progress bars, and most of the stuff is ripped. Regardless of the fact i cant stand the luna interface and definetly not planning to use it on my beaut mac, no pc users started emailing redmond because mac users ripped XP's interface. If you guys want the link to that skin, ill be happy to show you.

So please - lets not get careless and so damn fanatic. By the way, incase some of you were writing Apple 102,334 pages begging them to stop those sites, it was done before and apple quitely skips it.

Good luck, from an addict mac user (since 87').
Yeah, themeing is one thing, but actually ripping off a products name, look and feel and purpose is ridiculous. I find it remarkable that someone can be intelligent enough to be able to code this stuff, yet still be dumb enough to realize they are going to get sued, and sued big time.

I downloaded the iPhoto for Windows, installed it (and the aqua controls which are needed) on Win2000 - running under VirtualPC. While it doesn't do much yet, it does rip off the interface so blatantly that a first year Law student would have no problem winning this case and shutting down these buffoons.

Goku is full of brown refuse. For every 1 person who downloads this stuff for his PC and actually gets inspired to buy a Mac, there are 100 more who download it and figure, "Hey, I've got the look, why spend the $$$ to get the real thing". Not only that, but it can give others the perception that OS X can be emulated through a few GUI hacks and dock ripoffs. The OS is more than a few components, but these inferior copies do Apple waaaay more harm than good.
Dressing up a WinXP PC in Aqua and throwing a dock in to the UI is hardly getting Apple "exposed in a wider range". It's letting a indigent man masquerade as a king (hey - it's joe millionaire!). It's deception. It clearly infringes on Apple trademarks, and it's illegal.

Apple owns the TM on the look of Aqua. Apple owns the TM on the look of iPhoto. Apple owns the TM on the dock. If Apple sees fit, they can release PC versions of these products. If Apple doesn't see fit, then it has the right to sue vigourously to protect it's intellectual property.

This is what you thieves don't understand. Intellectual Property. Apple paid lots of money to developers to create this stuff. Apple has to charge to be able to continue to create this stuff. When theives like you copy it (and it is a copy) and try to pass it off as being good as the original, then you are infringing upon the TM holder. Even Windows' original GUI team had the sense to change some things to avoid a losing legal battle. These developers don't even have that much ingenuity. Lets just take someone else product and copy it and release it for a platform that we like to use, because we're too cheap to actually buy Macs, and we want to harm the company that we are paying homage too...

Man, it really sickens me.

Krevinek, in general, wouldnt you be happy, like myself, if apple computers were exposed in a wider range, increasing their sales because of it, as a fact (Mr sarcasm), rather than seeing yao with mini-me showing off their new powerbook ?
Goku is full of brown refuse
Serpicolugnut, no need to get personal there, i wasnt saying anything against you - please.

According to what you say, those 100 people who claim "hey, ive got the look, why spend the $$$ to get the real thing" wouldnt even think or know how to spell a mac without those sites in the first place. Also, its better to have one out of 10 registerd users switching or planning to switch (1500 in general) then none.

I understand the fact of making those MAC apps. Other than that, running to apple crying / licking ass believing they will be hurt by those communities is preposterous.
Originally posted by serpicolugnut

This is what you thieves don't understand. Intellectual Property. Apple paid lots of money to developers to create this stuff. Apple has to charge to be able to continue to create this stuff. When theives like you copy it (and it is a copy) and try to pass it off as being good as the original, then you are infringing upon the TM holder. Even Windows' original GUI team had the sense to change some things to avoid a losing legal battle. These developers don't even have that much ingenuity. Lets just take someone else product and copy it and release it for a platform that we like to use, because we're too cheap to actually buy Macs, and we want to harm the company that we are paying homage too...

who's cheap you prick!? i barely have money to afford rent and i got an imac just cause i love macs and i want to have one!

the fact they are awfully expensive doesnt mean people are cheap shit!

Also, WTF do you turn it personal and call me a theif?! did i make those applications?

Apple knows about those sites and understand much more than many common user that they are benefitial. If they wanted to shut them down, they would have done that long time ago -bummer.

if not - bummer. Get it to your head, the skinning just helps apple. If you disagree - then at least dont make it personal cause its my opinion, or actual fact people do switch.

EDIT- Ill try to bring in here couple of ppl (according to how hostile this community will be towrds me) who switched to a mac without looking back - to explain and prove the fact that people are fasinated by the OSX till the point they are willing to purchase a real one.
Actually, you are wrong. This is the mentality that Windows has flourished under. When Windows 95 came out, most PC users felt it achieved enough of what the Mac offered (mostly because they were told it did by MS), that they never even looked at a Mac again. They thought they knew what a Mac was all about, because, after all "windows copied the mac".

Apple didn't do themselves any favors by not pointing out that Windows had only achieved some of what the Mac was all about. It didn't matter. MS had a 100 million dollar marketing campaign behind Win95, and most of the Wintel sheep ate it up. The OS war was lost.

And, I'm sorry if I'm getting personal, but I do take this very personally. I have a lot invested in the Mac platform - money, time, training, livelihood, etc. When I see people blatantly ripping it off, I take it very personally. I understand that the creative people at Apple have wives, families, and those people depend upon the success of the platform too. Apple owns patents on these concepts, and hopefully it will defend them tooth and nail

As for the WinXP luna skin... I would have zero problem if MS saw fit to contact Max Rudberg with a cease and decist letter. But there is a difference here - the WinXP luna skin doesn't go so far as to make the Mac act like a WindowsPC, just look like it. Image is only half of the equation as to whether a "look and feel" are being violated. My guess, though, is that if MS sued, Rudberg would have to stop distributing the theme. And that's their right.

According to what you say, those 100 people who claim "hey, ive got the look, why spend the $$$ to get the real thing" wouldnt even think or know how to spell a mac without those sites in the first place. Also, its better to have one out of 10 registerd users switching or planning to switch (1500 in general) then none.
My mistake by calling you a thief. You didn't make the applications. I apologize for that. Fingers typing faster than eyes catching all of the possessives....

the fact they are awfully expensive doesnt mean people are cheap shit!

Again, not directly intended towards you (since you went the mile and bought a Mac), but directed at the COUNTLESS people who continue to pick a PC based solely on price.

Calling me a prick was a nice touch though (but with my misdirected accusation I can understand, and let it slide)...

Still, the people responsible for creating "iPhoto for Windows" are thieves. There is no apology for them.
then fine, its mutual.

We both got off, my bad i continued it, sorry (it looked like i was attacked from all sides).

I understand your feelings, i would be worried if apple loses from that, but gladly its the opposite.

And by the way, those who are satisfied with the skinning and functionality their PC achieve but WONT get a mac cause of the greens, are known to not even think of getting one from scratch.

thats all.

By the way, i personaly made my folks advance from the LC475 (yeah my dad used that -...:rolleyes: ) to get a G4 obviously with the OS 10.2, and my roomate to go for a mac and not another PC. So incase people get the impression im against apple - f* no, im addicted to macs more than many mac people..
Goku, dunno if my name rings any bells or not?! ... But about the time Xp went final, i had been skinning it into Aqua and such for sometime, and continued to do so, for about 6 months later. But for me, it made me curious over the Mac, and essentially OS X. Cutting a long story short, it made me curious enough, to try OS X, and now, i just bought my Second Mac (my Cube) ... and i am FULLY Switched, hate to admit it, but before XP, and the chance to "emulate" aqua, i wouldn'thave thought about it. I see both sides of your arguments, but taking me, as an example, it paid apple dividends, to keep these skinning communities going, and for me to learn what Aqua was, etc etc.
