Krevinek Im not really worried if he will have to discontinue his his product, yeah i guess its illegal. I can live with that fact.
The problem is this thread has a very clear tone of opposing those skinning communities. This issue is pretty major in the current topic as i saw, although not everybody here is one of those elitists.
Krevinek, in general, wouldnt you be happy, like myself, if apple computers were exposed in a wider range, increasing their sales because of it, as a fact (Mr sarcasm), rather than seeing yao with mini-me showing off their new powerbook ?
Besides, this whole skinning thing started without knowing the osx and even before it came out. It had generic themes like, nature, games, movies, Old OS (amiga, Unix, old macs), etc. Once the OS themes got popular, there was a large demand to achive the osx look on the pc.
Now, if its about making apps that r identical to the osx - then i dont discuss that - fine illegal, just like uploading a font online which should be licensed first (and i see it everywhere). But if its a freeware that has the ability to function and skin QNX and AMIGA, there is no reason why people shouldnt enjoy having a mac like themes on it.
Illegal shmilegal, mircosoft was sued for copying the windowing idea from apple who started it first and unfortunatly they won. Nirvana should be sued for using many tones the beatles used and so on and on, that will never end. You guys must realize how significant those sites are for apple's exposure and popularity!
Talking about "illegal" skinning (blah ), in the OS X there is a skin of luna that is identical to the lunaXP in all aspects starting from icons, windowing, taskbar, to progress bars, and most of the stuff is ripped. Regardless of the fact i cant stand the luna interface and definetly not planning to use it on my beaut mac, no pc users started emailing redmond because mac users ripped XP's interface. If you guys want the link to that skin, ill be happy to show you.
So please - lets not get careless and so damn fanatic. By the way, incase some of you were writing Apple 102,334 pages begging them to stop those sites, it was done before and apple quitely skips it.
Good luck, from an addict mac user (since 87').