iPhoto for windows !!!???

Originally posted by Duckie
I did a side by side comparison to prove it, years ago, with a G3 300mhz 64ram vs. a AMD 500mhz 128ram. I opened Adobe Premiere on both machines.

Just because you ran a test between two machines, which are obsolete by todays standards, doesn't mean that the results remain the same today.

Motorola crapped on us, while Intel and AMD did a good job increasing the speeds of their processors.

And, whoever said that Windows is used for pron and mp3s, and Apple is for design, etc. - I hate this generalization of how Apple is STRICTLY for design/multimedia. It isnt! Most Mac users know that a Mac is easier to use than a PC, so, shouldn't it be the computer of choice?!

The way I see it.. if your looking for a good computer, easy to learn, will keep its resale value, and you'll get years of work/joy from it, then buy a Mac.

If your looking for a cheap computer, which will lose its value the minute you walk out of the store, and will probably require an upgrade in 6 months, buy a PC.
Originally posted by j79
Just because you ran a test between two machines, which are obsolete by todays standards, doesn't mean that the results remain the same today.

Motorola crapped on us, while Intel and AMD did a good job increasing the speeds of their processors.

And, whoever said that Windows is used for pron and mp3s, and Apple is for design, etc. - I hate this generalization of how Apple is STRICTLY for design/multimedia. It isnt! Most Mac users know that a Mac is easier to use than a PC, so, shouldn't it be the computer of choice?!

The way I see it.. if your looking for a good computer, easy to learn, will keep its resale value, and you'll get years of work/joy from it, then buy a Mac.

If your looking for a cheap computer, which will lose its value the minute you walk out of the store, and will probably require an upgrade in 6 months, buy a PC.

I included, in my post, a reference to OTHER productive work, too. Please don't assume what I'm saying. Otherwise, you KNOW it is true. Mac's are better at Multimedia. Think Final Cut...

As for outdated? Um, last I checked, that G3 still stands tall next to PC's of todays standards. As a matter of fact, I'm running 9.1 on that machine, and the PC I have is a 1ghz 392ram beast and it STILL kicks the PC's ass from here to wednesday.
If your looking for a cheap computer, which will lose its value the minute you walk out of the store, and will probably require an upgrade in 6 months, buy a PC.

Now this is true, very true.

Quark Xpress 3.0, Photoshop 3.0, Illustrator 5.5 - they were all Mac only, and as a result, Apple was a pretty healthy company. Once those apps became cross platform, the Macs based started shrinking.

your right, then soon after they released these progs for PC, Apple nearly went bankrupt:eek: , then they brought out the iMac which saved them. (well it's something like that)

See ya all soon;)

Originally posted by Duckie
I included, in my post, a reference to OTHER productive work, too. Please don't assume what I'm saying. Otherwise, you KNOW it is true. Mac's are better at Multimedia. Think Final Cut...

As for outdated? Um, last I checked, that G3 still stands tall next to PC's of todays standards. As a matter of fact, I'm running 9.1 on that machine, and the PC I have is a 1ghz 392ram beast and it STILL kicks the PC's ass from here to wednesday.

No no, I'm not saying that the Macs aren't better at multimedia. All I'm saying is that we shouldn't generalize macs as ONLY good for multimedia. You know?? I know very well that Macs are great for multimedia (except 3D animation, which requires more processing power...)

And, I wasn't referring to the G3, per se. I was referring to the G3 300 Mhz. If your referring to the newer G3s, then yeah, they can hold their own. But, I'm willing to bet that a new P4 is faster than a G3/G4.
I've found that even running *nix on a newer PC is still not as efficient as my G3.

I just wish Motorola could have kept up with their previous progress. However, I do look forawrd to AMD entering the mix.
haha.. i like your sig duckie

but, is the 'yakamichi' wall-mount sound system suppose to be 'nakamichi'??
Ain't that somethin' you don't see Mac users wantin' to make their operating systems look like XP?
Eesh, that would be a sacrilege

Mac user since 1992.
Power Computing-PowerTower 180 converted into Powerlogix 450 G3, 266 Blueberry iMac, 733 Quicksilver G4, 1024 RAM, 40gig and 80gig HD, Superdrive. 19" Samsung SyncMaster 955 DF
1st post check it out!!!
Originally posted by serpicolugnut
While I will concede that the Aqua themes that are available for Windows may actually inspired a very small percentage of Windows users to get a Mac. However, if the "iLife" apps were available for the PC, there would be no incentive to switch. I mean, why switch to a completely different platform when you have the look, feel, and the applications that are unique to the Mac. The applications and the OS are currently Apple's strongest card.

Hell, I own a PC, and use it for some stuff. The main thing that keeps me on the Mac are the iLife apps. There is currently nothing like them on the PC.

Now, if this iPhoto for Windows project were able to continue to fruition, and produce a very close look alike/act alike version for Windows, there would be one less reason for people to get a Mac.

Not to mention that it's out and out thievery...

Case closed.

Actually, all of these apps being created for Windows don't EVER measure up to the real thing.

The iTunes clone basically only looks real, it has none of the working menus, sizability, sorting, etc.

iPhoto for windows is basically a browser, nothing more. Oh, it lightens and darkens pics, but that's about it. No sharing, no filters...etc.

About all these apps do is make it look like it MIGHT be a Mac.

What I use are the Finder.app, iChat clone, Mail.app, A WindowBlinds theme I made which mimics Aqua or Brushed, an ObjectBar theme I made which mimics the Finder bar, Y'z Dock for launching apps, and the Phoenix Browser(skinned like Safari) 'cause it has ALL the features of Safari including low memory footrpint, fast rendering, and minimal design.

As for theivery, it's like this...

Laws regarding copyright statethat for Non-commercial Use:
If no income is solicited or earned by using someone else's (trade) mark, this use is not normally infringement. Trademark rights protect consumers from purchasing inferior goods because of false labeling. If no goods or services are offered, there is no commercial use.


Your opponent should say that your mark is causing consumer confusion or is likely to cause consumer confusion. (If the C&D does not say this, then no trademark claim exists, and you can rest assured that your opponent is engaging in scare tactics or has hired a highly incompetent attorney).

Originally posted by Ezd50
Ain't that somethin' you don't see Mac users wantin' to make their operating systems look like XP?
Eesh, that would be a sacrilege

Mac user since 1992.
Power Computing-PowerTower 180 converted into Powerlogix 450 G3, 266 Blueberry iMac, 733 Quicksilver G4, 1024 RAM, 40gig and 80gig HD, Superdrive. 19" Samsung SyncMaster 955 DF
1st post check it out!!!

lol...then maybe you can explain Max Rudbergs theme, Luna.
