Let's see if your real face looks better than your desktop. Post your pic!

Finally showing my face. Me a little overheated in Versoix, next to lac leman, on a very humid day. Just down the lake from Gig actually.

Romande is great for me (a Brit), its like French pronounced so that foreigners will understand it, much much clearer than most French accents.

Glad to hear you're married Zammy, i remember you having a fiancee,i must have missed the big day.


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Thanks Gig. I was hoping you might be familiar with german. ;)

And thanks ora for being glad about my wedding. Yes, my wife / ex-fiancee and I decided to marry after almost 6 years (6 months as fiancee). It wasn't so easy since she was living in Croatia (1200km away from my place) and me in germany. But the wedding made it a lot easier for us to finally move together, although it was very painful to finally get all required documents for the wedding.
Nice to finally see the face behind the smart posts. ;)
Hey Zammy

eventhough I come from trentino alto-adige, used to be austrian till end of 1st WW, I must say that I was pretty annoyed, to say the least, learning german at school but can manage to order food and beer i.e my survival kit :D and many thanks for your comments and support to this forum

Ora if you got time for a pint one of these days let me know Nyon to Versoix we should be able to make it Cheers ;)
Esquilinho said:
me on a friends bike (with a borrowed jacket, obviously ;) ):

LOL women on a bike way cool, I'll try and post one soon on my new bike (got it last wednesday) that is when I find someone to take the picture for me :p
Gig' said:
Esquilinho said:
me on a friends bike (with a borrowed jacket, obviously ;) ):

LOL women on a bike way cool, I'll try and post one soon on my new bike (got it last wednesday) that is when I find someone to take the picture for me :p

I didn't drive it actually... just posing for the pic ;)
Zammy: Thats great to hear. One of my best mates just went through all that stuff, he married a very sweet australian girl and they have relocated to Sydney. From what i see its worth the effort though, 1200km is waaaay to far away :).

Gig: That would be a nice idea- I live in Geneva but work a bit closer to versoix (at CERN). The pic was taken while out to dinner one evening with some work mates.Certainly if i come to check out nyon i'll let you know - i could so with hearing some Bob Marley!
Nice to see this thread well alive.. ;) Maybe time for me to update with some pictures as well soon. Sure, living the 1200 km apart must have been sucky, Zammy, but .. imagine 6 hours time zone difference daily + more like 6000 miles... so, being a Mrs 'Dorn' should make it shorter time to allow us to live eithere there or then here.
Well haven't found yet someone to take my pic on it
in the meantime here's the bike ::love::


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Me & Dorn in South Padre ..
(yep, time to add fresher photos people .. to keep the thread fresh) :p


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Ok. Well this is a pic that my friend took of me with his cell phone last week. Came out weird, but I like it.


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Got I didn't know the thread was already there. Only three girls I can count from the top of my head and I think there is defenitely a nice mixture of nationality in here.

Pienso que hay espangoles en este foro pero no se si hablan espangol. Gibs es Deutcher hier in das forum ? Itatliens and portugees.
Pa as portugesas en este foro, se falar portugues tameng un poco ...

Anyways the threads full of broken links and account errors so I didn't get to see all of you...I hope does get fixed.

God so many satanist here on this board I'm getting hungry :rolleyes:
You woudn't understand ...oh well

"pero no se si hablan espangol"
I do speak Spanish, I am from Mexico, and I am sure I am the oldest one "here"
Let me find out how to post my picture.
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